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  • Thread Starter JamieWD


    OK. My error. I had the API user name NOT the cPanel user name in use (very similar).
    Still though a better error message would help me discover my stupidity.

    • This reply was modified 4 months, 2 weeks ago by JamieWD.
    Thread Starter JamieWD


    Thank you for the reply. I will look into my own plugin development here.

    FYI. The above formatting was done due to Accessibility reasons as well as keyboard activation so I think pattern is as important here as input mode.

    Thread Starter JamieWD


    Loading method
    Lazy (load images on scroll)
    Number of images to load via ajax
    Image size factor (%)
    Image size factor (Tablet Landscape) (%)
    Image size factor Tablet Portrait (%)
    Image size factor Smartphone Landscape (%)
    Image size factor Phone Portrait (%)
    Custom image size factor
    Compress HTML
    Tile minimum width (px)

    Are the only options I see under advanced.
    The ‘image size factor’ seems to be a reduction ratio of the images (scales / crops) chosen for the gallery.

    There is no option I can see to simply set ‘2 columns’

    Is it a case of maths??

    Assuming a portrait mobile is 320px wide.

    Should I set …
    – the Tile minimum width to 150px (allowing for two tiles to fit and padding).
    If I want good resolution / retina images on desktop and have them at 600px these images then on mobile need to be…
    – set “Image size factor Phone Portrait” to 4 ( as in divide 600 by 4 to get 150) or 25 as in 25% of the original image size.

    Its not really clear.

    Snap. Came to see if this plugin would work.. seems any plugin that “wraps” GF sections will break GF conditional show/hide script due to the way it uses the LI list of elements in its code to target the trigger / result elements.

    Thread Starter JamieWD


    Looks like it forces focus on the last cell by default, Looking at other embedding docs from Microsoft it seems there should be a value that can be passed for ActiveCell=”cellvalue|cellrange”

    Thread Starter JamieWD


    OK. After looking I could see the files were it seems being created in all cases. but in the temp folder I noticed testfile.jpg.webp type names .. ie they were being written with a webp extension … and I assume left there because a file move was looking for the .jpg extension. I’m not sure why it was working with images marked as ‘Original image size too small for good crop images’

    It turns out this all seems to be caused by a re-write rule added by ewww image optimiser plugin. i commented out the below entry and it all works as planned. (btu of course the plugin is not then serving its optimised versions).

    Not sure if there is a solution for these to work together?

    # The directives (lines) between BEGIN EWWWIO and END EWWWIO are
    # dynamically generated, and should only be modified via WordPress filters.
    # Any changes to the directives between these markers will be overwritten.
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_ACCEPT} image/webp
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} (.*)\.(jpe?g|png|gif)$
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}.webp -f
    RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} !type=original
    RewriteRule (.+)\.(jpe?g|png|gif)$ %{REQUEST_URI}.webp [T=image/webp,E=accept:1,L]
    <IfModule mod_headers.c>
    Header append Vary Accept env=REDIRECT_accept
    AddType image/webp .webp

    Thread Starter JamieWD


    I was wondering if it could be a database issue? as in some of the images are not linked to pages or something?

    Or a permission issue where the 418 is caused by a temp file not being written?

    Thread Starter JamieWD


    I have passed the issues onto my host but now I know the problem I also found the following pre-existing post. Linking this here to help others who might have this issue.

    Thread Starter JamieWD


    OK.. I just commented out the gzdeflate function and echo the $out value directly ( with headers re-enabled ) and the files now are sent uncompressed and visible to a direct browser query .. the admin area now functions.

    This I would say is clearly going to be related to reason why updates are not uncompressing and stopping their installation.

    Thread Starter JamieWD


    So since I’m thinking the main issues is the 404 for the encued scripts file which should return something..
    /wp-admin/load-scripts.php and that php file is in the right location ..

    If I turn on error reporting ALL in that file and call it without any values I get a Notice error ( due to missing URL values) so the script is running – but if I include the values it goes to a 404 wordpress page.

    So being more analytical I edited the load-scripts.php file to see where the out put ends.
    NOTE: to stop header errors I have commented them out .. the idea being the file contents would be drawn to the browser window anyway.

    Starting @ line 149

    //header('Content-Type: application/x-javascript; charset=UTF-8');
    //header('Expires: ' . gmdate( "D, d M Y H:i:s", time() + $expires_offset ) . ' GMT');
    //header("Cache-Control: public, max-age=$expires_offset");
    echo "A";
    if ( $compress && ! ini_get('zlib.output_compression') && 'ob_gzhandler' != ini_get('output_handler') && isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING']) ) {
    	echo "B";
    	//header('Vary: Accept-Encoding'); // Handle proxies
    	echo "C";
    	if ( false !== stripos($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'], 'deflate') && function_exists('gzdeflate') && ! $force_gzip ) {
    	echo "D";
    		//header('Content-Encoding: deflate');
    		$out = gzdeflate( $out, 3 );
    	echo "E";
    	} elseif ( false !== stripos($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'], 'gzip') && function_exists('gzencode') ) {
    	echo "F";
    		//header('Content-Encoding: gzip');
    		$out = gzencode( $out, 3 );
    	echo "G";
    	echo "H";
    	echo "I";
    	echo "J";
    echo $out;

    I have put in echo “a” “b” etc.. so I can see where the script stops.

    With the full URL request

    my browser output is ABCD
    even though I have error_reporting(E_ALL); at the top of the page I see no errors on screen or logged.

    so something to do with the gzdeflate function is silently crashing the script…?

    Unfortunately my PHP coding skills stop about here.

    Any ideas?

    Thread Starter JamieWD


    Follow up. I notice I still see a theme asking to be updated with the plugins folder renamed .. It’s called “Responsive” .. which is how I can test if updating still works.

    If I rename the “plugins-old” folder back to “plugins” with errors displayed on I do get this displayed :

    Notice: wp_register_style was called incorrectly. Scripts and styles should not be registered or enqueued until the wp_enqueue_scripts, admin_enqueue_scripts, or login_enqueue_scripts hooks. Please see Debugging in WordPress for more information. (This message was added in version 3.3.) in /home/sssss/public_html/ on line 3049

    So something is wrong in a plugin (though it is just a notice error) .. however the admin layout is broken without this folder renamed.

    Thread Starter JamieWD


    OK, firstly .. I stuffed up and the admin layout is still broken after a manual upgrade with “define(‘CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS’, false);” removed and plugins folder renamed so they do not load.

    I can not update the site with or without it in place due as per my opening post the admin layout is broken.

    With it the code removed …

    The error logs in the cPanel account show a few old permission errors that have since been fixed but that is all.. I don’t see any PHP errors.

    After much messing about trying to get WordPress to log errors somewhere (it’s a live site want to keep it going) I just turned on “define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, true );” in the config file (I’m not root on this cPanel account, and I can’t reliably know if I am installing other plugins OK).

    I do not get any error output on screen.

    The console error looks like this:,admin-bar,wp-admin,buttons,wp-auth-check&ver=3.8.1,jquery-migrate,utils,json2&ver=3.8.1

    .. again prior to this 3.8.1 update this site function well… now 5 days of hair pulling.

    Thread Starter JamieWD


    OK. I did a manual upgrade and the admin area loads OK now without the “define(‘CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS’, false);” line in the config.
    However I still can not update any plugins ( they are all disabled now) and though it still freezes on Updating I now get this message
    “Enabling Maintenance mode…

    Updating Plugin Social Media Feather (1/1) “

    Which means the .maintenance file is in place and the site is down .. since the update never finishes I have to manual remove this .. I also manually remove the folder created in the wp-content/upgrades/ folder .. then try again and again.

    I have check the permissions and they all seem correct – 755 folders, 644 files.

    Given it is now a “clean” install what else could be wrong here? Just seems odd that this has all come from the latest upgrade.

    Thread Starter JamieWD


    Hi thanks for your response.
    I have actually done this;

    1. Commented out the line added in wp-config.php. /* */
    2. Rename the whole /wp-content/plugins/ folder to /wp-content/stop-plugins.
    3. Clear local browser cache.
    4. Log into site. Check admin, etc.
    5. Renaming the plugins folder will have deactivated all plugins – Yep.
    6. Rename plugins folder back to /wp-content/plugins.
    7. Log into site. Update any plugins needing updating.

    The Admin area is again broken. No plugins are updating… the java issues in my previous screen shot are back.

    If I ignore the broken layout and go to /wp-admin/plugins.php and click on the ‘update now’ link the page loads and I get the same downloading then ‘unpacking..’ message and it has stopped / freezes – but I suspect a JavaScript file is needed to actually run this part?? I don’t see any further errors in the console though.

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