Forum Replies Created

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  • I am one of the Cognito Forms co-founders. You can add the following bit of JavaScript to automatically add character counts below all of your textareas on the page:

    $(‘textarea’).keyup(function() {
    var chars = $(this).val().length;
    var message = $(this).next(“span”);
    if (message.length == 0)
    message = $(this).after(“<span></span>”);
    message.text(“You have typed ” + chars + ” characters”);

    Not sure if this works for the specific form you are building, but this works using keyup events, so it functions in real time. Here is the fiddle for this example:

    In Nicholas’s example, you could also make the calculation hidden and reference this calculated field in a Content block immediately below the field. However, this does not address the immediacy question, which is why I am following up with a JQuery-based bit of script.

    Just remember to place this code inside a script block and make sure JQuery is available. Please let me know if this works or if you need help adapting it to your specific needs.

    We are so glad you are enjoying using Cognito Forms!

    We wanted to provide powerful features, a fun and easy-to-use experience, and real value for what you pay for. We will continue to work hard every day to further this goal, and we really appreciate your positive feedback to reinforce our efforts!



    Not currently. If you are embedding the form you definitely can include one yourself, but otherwise users would need to use the browser print button.

    I have added this to our Idea Board, as a few customers have already requested this: Print Button on Confirmation Page. Please up-vote and comment on this feature. Also, it would be great if you could describe how you expect this to work when embedding–would you expect only the confirmation to print or would your other website content also print?



    You can include entry details on the confirmation page, which will automatically include a read-only printable version of the form submission users can print for their records. Here are the steps to configure this:

    1. Go to Build for the form you are working on
    2. Click on Submisssion Settings in the green footer or on the Submit button area on your form
    3. Click the Include entry details? checkbox under Confirmation Options
    4. Save your form

    This will make the full entry details appear on the confirmation page for the form.



    The email validation should be working automatically for Email fields. Please submit a bug report if this is not working correctly on your forms!



    If you are trying to validate that the email address entered is correct by making the user enter it again, then please check out this post on Stack Exchange:



    I am glad the submission settings were what you were looking for!

    Here is some feedback on each of your points:

    • Once the Polish translation is in place, everything will be in Polish, including the messages in email confirmations.
    • If you pick Custom for Yes/No fields, you can enter your own values for these.
    • Cognito Forms is designed to seamlessly blend with your website, so it is heavily influenced by the CSS for your website. Here is a link to a blog post describing ways to use CSS to modify the look of your forms, including the submit button in particular: Styling Cognito Forms with CSS
    • All we ask for translations is that you review a simple spreadsheet with about 160 short phrases. We would already have a basic translation for each, along with the English equivalent. Based on feedback it takes 10-20 minutes for a native speaker to review. Please submit a feature request if you are interested in helping with this:




    You can send both customizable email notifications to people in your organization as well as customizable email confirmations to the person submitting the form. For payment forms, the email also includes a detailed receipt for the payment.

    Check out the documentation here:

    We are glad to add additional languages as long as we have a native speaker willing to help us out. Just submit a feature request indicating your interest, and we’ll hook you up. We have already added languages using this process.

    I am glad you enjoyed using Cognito Forms!

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