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  • What is the name of the cron hook Push Syndication uses? I have another plugin called WP Crontrol that doesn’t show any hooks for Push Syndication. What schedule does Push Syndication operate on? (every 5 minutes, hourly, etc.)

    Is this due to be configurable (or at least shown) in future versions?

    for #1 – Yes, I added my site to a sitegroup (as noted in above).

    for #2 – I am my host. What do you mean by “works as expected”? I have two other plugins that rely on wp-cron (postie, snapshot backup) and they are working fine. I am seeing regular entries in the weblog of both sites for wp-cron runs.

    Can you elaborate a little on what the Push Syndication plugin uses wp-cron for?


    Further, I can successfully post from a different XMLRPC interface (android app) to the target site.

    Yes, I am running 3.6.1 on all sites, so it is enabled by default.

    Ok, I have
    * added the line to wp-config.php
    * corrected the typo in the variable name
    * added the semicolon to the end of the line

    * cleared out any existing sites
    * added a new site with
    * a URL to the top of the site (is that where the “valid site URL” should point?)
    * a known-good username and password
    * a tick in the enable box
    * a tick in one of the site groups
    * connection successful! report

    I see a couple of entries in the target webserver log that include encouraging things like:
    "POST /xmlrpc.php HTTP/1.0" 200 12695 "-" "The Incutio XML-RPC PHP Library"
    from the IP of my source site. So I

    * create a test post on the source site
    * tick the box to syndicate the post
    * verify the post appears on the source site as expected
    * wait for a couple of cycles of "POST /wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron=13802..625 HTTP/1.0" to appear in the target site’s log

    … and still the post does not appear on the target site.

    Have I missed anything here? Any idea what the problem might be?

    Thank you for replying!

    You’re saying the key must be defined, is that done by installing the plugin, or is that something I must edit wp-config.php to add?

    It seems like a lot of the work done on this plugin is wasted due to a lack of documentation. The installation paragraph says to define the key, but it does not say where to define it. Very frustrating. ):

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