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  • Plugin Author James Mehorter


    Currently, Device Theme Switcher works with W3 Total Cache using the default settings of w3tc. I’ve received a number of requests to get the plugin working with WP Super Cache as well, and it’s something I’ll be looking into further. At this time I can only recommend using w3tc with it’s default settings. I’ll post back when we’re able to release an updated version of DTS with WP Super Cache.

    @k0k1man, any luck with this?

    I don’t use wp_head() in my theme so I’m looking for a template function to display the Yoast page description / keywords within my header.php file.


    EDIT: Found that the yoast plugin simply stores the values in postmeta, so this solution is working perfect for my use. I’ve placed the following within my <head></head> tags.

    	//Grab the page seo settings
    	$metadesc = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_yoast_wpseo_metadesc', true);
    	$metakeywords = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_yoast_wpseo_metakeywords', true);
    <?php if(!empty($metadesc)) : ?><meta name="description" content="<?php echo $metadesc ?>" /><?php endif ?>
    <?php if(!empty($metakeywords)) : ?><meta name="keywords" content="<?php echo $metakeywords ?>" /><?php endif ?>

    Hope that helps someone else.

    Plugin Author James Mehorter


    Hi Sarah,

    Thanks for posting, and it looks like you must of resolved your question, excellent! For others finding this post, you can use the “Back to Full Website” widget that comes with the plugin, or in your theme files you can place the following snippet to generate the link.

    <?php if (class_exists('Device_Theme_Switcher')) : Device_Theme_Switcher::generate_link_back_to_mobile(); endif; ?>

    Plugin Author James Mehorter


    Hi Sarah,

    You’re correct, there is currently no way to ‘spoof’ the user agent with this plugin. E.g. there is no way at this time to display a link to view the handheld or tablet theme via the plugin while using a normal screen computer. I’ve been looking at implementing a feature like this, though there is no eta yet.

    As a simple solution, disable the Device Theme Switcher plugin, and set your custom handheld theme as your primary theme for your WordPress site. So when you visit the site on the dev server you’ll see the handheld version. Once you’re happy with it, set your default theme back, enable the plugin, set your handheld theme in the plugin, and give it a try on a few devices.

    Hope this helps!


    I’m having the exact same issue. fhsm did you ever find a fix for this?

    Well in order to write to pages/posts a user must be logged in and have correct access. Considering the WP login process is quite secure, this leads me to think it was a MySQL attack for shared hosting users all sharing the same MySQL install. The only other possibility is that the attack was brought on by a WP plugin, but I doubt we all are running the same plugins.

    Try your export from phpMyAdmin with no compression.. just the raw .sql of your database. Though, the compressed / zip download just has the same .sql file within the zip you downloaded. If that doesn’t work I would also try just importing the originally exported sql, without cleaning it, to see if that works, just to make sure your export isn’t what’s creating those symbols.

    You may also want to try downloading searchreplacedb.php from here and following the instructions. This will find and replace directly on the site, within the db and with sql queries.. no exporting or anything. But I would save a backup first ~ if the backup is ok to begin with :\

    Hope that helps..

    hey david, what program did you use? are you on windows? looks like the program added its own line breaks or something special! :p try it again with the original sql.. If you’re on windows try crimson editor, if you’re on mac try bbedit or textmate

    Just noticed this on a client wp site hosted with iPower. The script is at the bottom of every page and post. Guessing iPower may have an internal leek, someone with access to shared hosting db’s.

    ANYWAY.. quick fix.. export the db in phpMyAdmin, open the generated .sql file in an app like Dreamweaver and do a mass find/replace on the sql. Save the cleaned .sql file. Dropped all the db tables for the site. Then ‘Import’ the cleaned .sql file. Dreamweaver found and replaced 366 instances of the script.

    It may be safer to use a script like serialized search and replace like here: But since I didn’t find the script in any serialized arrays this may be overkill.

    Hope this helps someone else.

    Thread Starter James Mehorter


    Thanks Alex! Looks like that will work perfectly.


    Anyone know of a plugin to achieve this? Member Access does not provide per-user post settings as finfo asked. It only provides access to pages/posts by members.

    We’re looking for something to create a user, with their own private page the admin can write to. This way I can add file X for user X, file Y for user Y, and so on. Each user needs their own specific content – that other users can not see.

    Any ideas?

    I ran into the same problem – can’t drag / drop plugins for TinyMCE and can’t save – with TinyMCE Advanced 3.2.7 and WP 3.01. I believe the problem is that now in WP 3.0 you can create your own editor-style.css to style the visual editor – so WP must keep the editor loaded maybe?, similar to what @andrew Ozz mentioned.

    I found commenting out line 22 in tdav_replace.js worked just fine, and fixes the problem. Remember to clear your browser cache after doing this if no change is noticed.

    If this doesn’t work, you can try disabling the visual editor in your User Profile, you can then modify the TinyMCE Advanced settings as you like – save your changes. Then go back and enable the visual editor – the changes should stick.

    Hope this helps



    Thread Starter James Mehorter


    So the codex documentation does not say anything about this, but digging in wp-includes > nav_menu_template.php found that if you do not specify the theme_location argument for wp_nav_menus() then none of the container / menu style arguments will work. Below I have documented the process for generating a menu with these args, hopefully it will help someone else!

    In functions.php:
    register_nav_menus( array(
    ‘primary’ => __( ‘Masthead Navigation’, ‘DLLT’ ),
    ‘secondary’ => __( ‘Footer Navigation’, ‘DLLT’ ),
    ) );

    In wp-admin, assign pages to the menu just registered, then in my header.php to output the menu I used:

    <?php wp_nav_menu( array( ‘menu’ => ‘Masthead Navigation’, ‘container_id’ => ‘Navigation’, ‘theme_location’ => ‘primary’ ) ); ?>

    <div id="Navigation" class="menu-masthead-navigation-container">
        <ul id="menu-masthead-navigation" class="menu">
            <li id="menu-item-23" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type">
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