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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: IIS permissions for uploadingI am looking at the same issue.
It is a security concern because currently IIS does not have write permissions to that folder-tree. WP is able to save my posts into this area, so I’m not clear why I need to open my server up further for WP to save the images and other media files.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Jerico Systemsblockquote
just becouse a web design makes a page to work in ie only dont make it “bad” code.You are right there. What makes it bad code is that it doesn’t work according to the standards put forward by the W3C (them’s the cats what makes the Web go round). It works in IE because IE, being itself built on bad code, interprets the bad code in a pleasing manner.
Imagine instead you were programming in C and your code could only be compiled by a particular disfunctional C compiler. You’d be writing bad code, but you’d be saved by a goofy compiler. Hardly something to take pride in.
If you want the respect of other programmers and developers, start by using the proper standards and make adjustments where necessary to fix browser problems. It’s a bad begnning to program specifically for browser problems. Elegant code will always turn heads (at least among the geeks).
As to your blog site, the layout is fine. Perhaps a little heavy in pictures–makes it look like you are selling cases and not reviewing them. The content, however, could be better thought out and articulated.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Jerico SystemsYou want a browser that works well?
Take your beloved IE on over to the Acid Test.
Compare the results you get with IE, Firefox, Opera, and Safari. Only one of those four will fail miserably.
i hate firefox and honestly dont care if it cant view the site very well. it looks great in i.e so im ok with it lol.
This is the exact reason so many pages only work in IE: Because the authors of those pages have written bad code SPECIFICALLY to function in IE and which subsequently and appropriately malfunctions in other, standards compliant, browsers.
Let’s also keep these market share numbers in perspective. IE comes installed on EVERY Windows machine in existence. Safari comes installed on EVERY Mac out there (OSX).
Firefox and Opera are download by interested parties only (though many Linux distrubutions may include Firefox). Even the Windows version of Safari is now a cleverly manipulated forced download (here I grumble).
So, the market shares that Opera and Firefox have staked out for themselves are much more impressive than you have given them credit.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Recurring problem – can’t write new posts or edit old onesDon’t give up on Opera so easily. I use a text editor to write out my post and then paste it into the text field once I’m happy with it. It’s an extra step in one sense, but it feels more natural to compose in a text editor than in a text field. I do hope they will get this wrapping problem sorted out though. It’s annoying.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: PHP Access Violation errorsFixed.
There was something from PHP4 that was mucking things up. Once I scoured through and removed anything related to PHP4 I came to a different error which was much easier to fix (changing the extensions path from ./ext to c:/php5/ext).
Now it looks to be fully functional.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: PHP Access Violation errorsAnother error code: 012B16F5.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: PHP Access Violation errorsI tried turning off all the CA/eTrust services just in case. This also made no difference.
I’m really just clutching at straws here.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: PHP Access Violation errorsSomething with my server? Fascinating.
I did some more testing. I was mistaken about an IIS reset being required. On the server, seemingly at random, links will or will not work within WP running on Firefox or IE. I’ve basically just been clicking them in rapid succession and going back when the error comes. Currently the error code is 012B1255 (but I think it changes and IE skips this part).
When the page is going to error out, it takes ages to do so. Well, the Access error message tends to appear right away, but then the page continues to attempt to load. Then Opera stops loading the page; Firefox switches to a “The connection was reset” error; and IE gives a “This program cannot display the webpage” error.
I have manipulated all kinds of permissions around and this seems to have had no impact whatsoever.
Any clues appreciated.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Upgrade yields 401.3 errors on all WP areasWhat it came down to is this.
The files which I dropped into the WP folder for my site did not inherit the permissions from my WP folder. My solution was to visit the security tab on the WP folder (…/inkwell) and for the child folders to inherit those permissions (check the second check box). Apply that and this problem goes away.
Hope that helps.