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  • I am also having this exact same problem.

    Simply typing a letter will provide no results or list.

    I can see a list show up if I type a character then hit backspace – however the posts in the list do not start with that letter, it seems to be random posts being returned.

    Typing 0 results in a list showing up as well, but again just more random posts.

    This is a custom theme and debug is showing no errors in addition to console.


    Thread Starter JamesHurst101


    Eureka! She works. Thanks again for all your help and the SUPER SUPER FAST response!!!!!!

    Thread Starter JamesHurst101


    Amazing, just saw this in an older support comment i missed. Will let you know how we get along. We’ve been using the plugin and even wrote a plugin to generate false votes. We also integrated the values returned by the plugin into a circle graph/bar based on percent calculated from votes pulled from the meta values your plugin creates. Great work!

    We are currently working on integrating the plugin and our extensions into the popular LayerSlider plugin.

    Thread Starter JamesHurst101


    You are awesome awesome awesome. This is great ?? Thank you so much for this!

    Thread Starter JamesHurst101


    Oops, here’s the simplified replacement line, left some comments and an icon in by accident above, syntax for siteurl() also corrected.

    Replace line 95 of favorites/app/Entities/Post/PostFavorites.php:

    $out .= $user->display_name;


    $out .= '<a href="' . site_url('/members/') . $user->user_login . '/">' . $user->display_name . '</a>';

    I didn’t make this conditional for sites with/without buddypress installs or I’d recommend it as an update.

    This modification makes listed user names clickable, and links to their buddypress profile, when using the the_users_who_favorited_post() function or [post_favorites] shortcode.

    The answer here

    Thanks zagriyen, exactly what I needed.

    freedumbo, please create a support topic for your question – your question seems unrelated to the OP’s topic.

    +1 would love this feature or assistance with this.

    Login to your wordpress site and go to the plugin’s menu. There is a documentation section in the menu which will provide you with shortcodes for setup.


    [videowhisper_videos playlist=”” category_id=”” order_by=”” perpage=”” perrow=”” select_category=”1″ select_order=”1″ select_page=”1″ include_css=”1″ id=””]

    Displays video list. Loads and updates by AJAX. Optional parameters: video playlist name, maximum videos per page, maximum videos per row.
    order_by: post_date / video-views / video-lastview
    select attributes enable controls to select category, order, page
    include_css: includes the styles (disable if already loaded once on same page)
    id is used to allow multiple instances on same page (leave blank to generate)

    [videowhisper_upload playlist=”” category=”” owner=””]

    Displays interface to upload videos.
    playlist: If not defined owner name is used as playlist for regular users. Admins with edit_users capability can write any playlist name. Multiple playlists can be provided as comma separated values.
    category: If not define a dropdown is listed.
    owner: User is default owner. Only admins with edit_users capability can use different.

    [videowhisper_import path=”” playlist=”” category=”” owner=””]

    Displays interface to import videos.
    path: Path where to import from.
    playlist: If not defined owner name is used as playlist for regular users. Admins with edit_users capability can write any playlist name. Multiple playlists can be provided as comma separated values.
    category: If not define a dropdown is listed.
    owner: User is default owner. Only admins with edit_users capability can use different.

    [videowhisper_player video=”0″]

    Displays video player. Video post ID is required.

    [videowhisper_preview video=”0″]

    Displays video preview (snapshot) with link to video post. Video post ID is required. Used to display VOD inaccessible items.

    [videowhisper_playlist name=”playlist-name”]

    Displays playlist player.

    [videowhisper_player_html source=”” source_type=”” poster=”” width=”” height=””]

    Displays configured HTML5 player for a specified video source.
    Ex. [videowhisper_player_html source=”; type=”video/mp4″ poster=””%5D

    [videowhisper_embed_code source=”” source_type=”” poster=”” width=”” height=””]

    Displays html5 embed code.


    If playlists don’t show up right on your theme, copy taxonomy-playlist.php from this plugin folder to your theme folder.

    Since they didn’t answer you:

    No, currently there is no way to save files to an external location, however you can specify the directory in which files uploaded to and converted in.

    I just made a post about this actually. VOD isn’t transparent in their changelogs and their ticket support will simply deny any script bug (even when present) and try to gouge you for money.

    Please note that updating to v1.4.11 will correct WMV encoding issues with this plugin present in v1.4.9.

    This is useful if you were running into issues where you received an error stating “Mobile adaptive format missing for this video!” – This was in fact a result of FFMPEG not returning the width value in time for conversion upon upload.

    Since they didn’t answer you, here’s the answers:

    Yes the plugin has a front end upload shortcode which you can configure with additional parameters to upload to a specific category and/or playlist/

    The plugin supports ad serving using their PlayerJS option currently – you may need to update the playerjs and VAST files in their plugin to get it working correctly in all browsers on all platforms including android. Please note however that Firefox for Mac doesn’t support the html5 PlayerJS option and defaults to flash – though as you can see in their plugin code it is in the works, there is currently no support to serve ads for Firefox on Mac with this plugin without some custom coding.

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