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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: enable sending referrerswell here is the thing with ZA its free anyway with my ISP so thats a nice deal, yah its time for an update but Im always skiping it well I think I should update it :S so yah thats prob what Im going to do.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: enable sending referrersyah im sorry for being mean, its just that when I said I tryed using the help link and all. Also I did the instructions its just I couldn’t find options so thats where it got me. I just think it doesn’t go into deep like what if u don’t have pro???? there is differtent version of ZA. Plus this worked before and it should work now because I didn’t change a thing to my computer. I don’t know why WP can be this way, its just not right at all.
o btw there is options but it says nothing what the directions says so thats where im lost.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: enable sending referrersyah I think I fixed it, all I did was disable my ZA and that seems to work but I shouldn’t have to disable my protection to get this to work.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: enable sending referrersOk ladydelaluma Im no noob, I know thats what I did I tryed it for myself so don’t go on telling me something that I already know in the 1st place and I was just saying does it matter if its pro or not because it says pro and I did try finding options and I couldn’t find it. I don’t like it when people tell me something that I know how to do things. I been on the internet long enought to trouble shoot.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: enable sending referrersalright, does it matter if its pro or not??? I have Sercurity suite
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: enable sending referrerswell im not cursing WP, im sure someone will help me its just that I can’t take this anymore I need this fix and I need it now. so here is the info that I have
Firefox 1.5.01
IE: 6 (newest version I think, also I don’t use this browser to update WP)
Zone Alarm firewall Sercurity suite
windows xpForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: enable sending referrersyah that didn’t work any other idea’s?? right now I just want to be able to post not my error’s, thats an whole diff thing all together. I think its browser issue but wtf this should be working
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: enable sending referrerswell I don’t think the url would matter in this prob anyway because it has to do inside the wp_admin so why should I give my site?? If you want it, its https://www.scarfaceblog.com im sure someone will fix this because im getting very impatient because I havn’t been able to post anything for the last week or so.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: enable sending referrersANYONE???
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Theme works well in firefox but not IEwell I will swich themes and u tell me the diffs ok? and help me fix this theme I like this theme.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Page Limit on the sidebarwhat if u have a big long list of pages that u want out?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Page Limit on the sidebarok I did the exclude code,
<?php wp_list_pages(‘exclude=17,38&title_li=<h2>’ . __(‘Pages’) . ‘</h2>’ ); ?>
it didn’t work for me KafkasequiForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can’t Upload Big Vido Fileat my site https://www.scarfaceblog.com I upload big movie files at times but I don’t go in wp to upload because they have a limit of size, so I make a sub-domain called videos and it goes into there and I just upload a video in my ftp program.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: 2.0 Performance Problems?same here I notice alot slower, 1st I thought it was only me now im wrong
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Page Limit on the sidebarany help? there gotta be someone that can help me