James DiGioia
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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress GitHub Sync] localhostWPGHS doesn’t import posts not on the master branch, so it looks like everything is working as expected. I should add a note to the README though.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress GitHub Sync] localhostFirst, did you create the GitHub webhook? Check the README for instructions: https://github.com/benbalter/wordpress-github-sync/blob/master/README.md#configuring-the-plugin
If you’re running your website locally, it has to be reachable by the GitHub webhook. If you have the webhook working, you can check the webhook settings and see what the response to the webhook call is.
Well, there’s a couple things I will say:
1. It should work fine with private GitHub repositories, as long as the oAuth token has access to them, though I haven’t tried specifically myself. The plugin has been developed with an eye towards allowing outside contributions, though I could see this being useful if you give certain people access to a private repo without giving them an account on the site.
2. It’s very possible to remove sensitive data/commits from a git repository, though it may be a bad idea for all sorts of reasons, e.g. you’d break everyone’s local repo if you rewrote the remote repo’s history.
3. Theoretically, it should be possible to swap out the API layer from GitHub to Bitbucket. However, I quickly poked through the API documentation for Bitbucket, and it doesn’t appear the endpoint we’re using for GitHub is available in Bitbucket. We’re heavily leveraging the Git Data endpoint: https://developer.github.com/v3/git/ which allows us to manipulate the git database directly. We previously used the contents API, but that was resulting in lots of extra commits (if you renamed a post: 2 commits, one to delete the old path and one to add the new one; if you did a full site export: 1 commit for every post in your database, etc.).If Bitbucket doesn’t provide the same level of granular access to their git repositories (which they may not, considering their infrastructure supports both git and mercurial, therefore dividing resources between them), then the implementation is going to be a very different experience using WPGHS w/ Bitbucket than GitHub.
I’m currently in the middle of a pretty significant rewrite of WPGHS, making it more modular and testable. Once that’s complete, it would be a lot easier to either add a second, swappable API client and/or remove and replace the current API client. That work is ongoing here: https://github.com/benbalter/wordpress-github-sync/pull/98
But you’d still have to write the API client to work the same way against both BB + GH, and though I haven’t looked into it in any depth, I don’t know if the BB API capabilities are there.
However, if all 300 sites are managed through a single WordPress Multisite, maybe modifying the plugin so the entire network uses a single repository may be a better way to go.
Unfortunately, though, neither solution is necessarily something I’m going to be implementing myself in my free time. I’d be happy to talk through the ideas for either solution and include your contributions back into to the core plugin, but I don’t think at this point I have the time/use case for building those features myself.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress GitHub Sync] Configuring the plugin issueThanks, Curtiss. Yeah, the repository, as input in the settings field, should just be
. I also would recommend using a separate repository for the content, rather than exporting it into your theme’s repository, as any updates to your theme would have you downloading all of your content files into the theme folder.My apologies for not following up sooner. Are you still experiencing issues? I am working on a major rewrite of the internals of the plugin, so there’s a chance the issue your experiencing will be fixed in the next version.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress GitHub Sync] Configuring the plugin issueFirst, are you running the latest version? I had some issues with the export feature previously.
Second, would you mind sharing a link to the GitHub repo, if that’s available?
Lastly, if you’re doing this on a local development environment and/or have WP_DEBUG on, could you attempt to export again and share the logs?
Thanks for your help. I’ll see if I can track this issue down.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress GitHub Sync] __posts should not get translatedMy question is, generally speaking, if you’re a non-English speaker, would you prefer the folders be in your native language, or English? I know you prefer English, but would most?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress GitHub Sync] __posts should not get translatedCross-posted on GitHub: https://github.com/benbalter/wordpress-github-sync/issues/90
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress GitHub Sync] __posts should not get translatedHere’s the issue: We’re using the post_type_object properties, as found here:
Specifically, the object’s Label -> Name property. This property allows us to get the plural name for a particular post type; in the default case, “Posts”, which is translated based on the current WordPress language. We can’t use the post_type slug (which would be “post” in that case), since it’s not plural, and the folder should be “_posts”; we also can’t assume adding an “s” to the end of the post_type makes it plural because English.
There are filters you can use to set the folder name:
. You can see documentation for the filters here:https://github.com/benbalter/wordpress-github-sync/wiki/Customizing-WordPress—-GitHub-Sync
So you can reset your directory name to whatever you’d like, to ensure it works with the language you’re using. If you have any questions about the filters, let me know.
The other option is to add an additional conditional, that says if post_type == ‘post’, then we use ‘_posts’, and fall back to the Label -> Name property for non-post post_types. However, this forces everyone to use the English folder names, rather than the WordPress installation language.
FWIW, I think this should actually go the other way, and translate all of the folder names, which means localizing the
folder as well, and if you need to make sure your installation works with Jekyll, the plugin should be flexible enough to make this possible.However, I’m new to dealing with i18n issues, so if you disagree, let me know what you think.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress GitHub Sync] __posts should not get translatedThanks for pointing this out. I’m going to release a new version this weekend, so I’ll make sure this fix gets in there.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress GitHub Sync] Need to change autoload.phpIt’s likely that the issue was PHP 5.2. We got an issue on GitHub the other day about the composer autoloader being incompatible with PHP 5.2. The problem isn’t the directory slashes, it’s the use of the
constant, which wasn’t introduced until PHP 5.3.The next version will use a different autoloader which will be compatible with PHP 5.2.
Definitely forcing the client to upgrade/switch off Windows was a good choice :).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress GitHub Sync] Need to change autoload.phpOh! That’s the path in the autoloader itself. That’s generated by Composer on deployment to the .org repository. I’m surprised that fixed anything for you, because everything I’ve read suggests this shouldn’t be an issue for PHP on Windows. What version of PHP are you running?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress GitHub Sync] Need to change autoload.phpThat’s not the correct path to the autoloader; does this work?
$path = dirname( __FILE__ ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'vendor' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .'autoload.php';
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress GitHub Sync] Need to change autoload.phpAre you getting errors? My understanding is Windows can translate the
fine from PHP.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress GitHub Sync] Markdown Support — Feature RequestKinda, but not exactly. WPGHS works with a GitHub repository, not a local directory, and updates WordPress via Webhooks sent from GitHub. We also have a ticket open to enable creating new posts on GitHub and having them show up in WordPress, but that hasn’t been implemented yet, unfortunately.
We do, however, support Markdown, either through the WP-Markdown plugin or Jetpack’s Markdown module, but for now, you’d have to create the post in WordPress first so that it gets exported to GitHub, then edit it in that repository.
So, in short, not exactly what your looking for, but can manipulate your WordPress posts via flat files, if that’s the main thing you want.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress GitHub Sync] Reverting to Page Builder FormatI’m not sure I follow–do you want to export your blog posts in a different format than is currently being exported? And could you provide a link to “page builder”? I haven’t used that personally.