Forum Replies Created
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: How to make code boxesok almost got everything right but now when I add the code it is putting “\” in weird places that they dont belong any ides why here is a link to the page.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: How to make code boxesThx so much for the help now is there a way in the style sheet to make it where only the side scroll bar shows up?
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: How to make code boxesHere is the code im traying to get into the box
i added it between the tags you sujested
<pre class=”code”><script LANGUAGE=”JAVASCRIPT”>
<!– hide this script tag’s contents from old browsers
function lifetimer(){today = new Date()
BirthDay = new Date(document.live.age.value)
timeold = (today.getTime() – BirthDay.getTime());
sectimeold = timeold / 1000;
secondsold = Math.floor(sectimeold);
msPerDay = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 ;
timeold = (today.getTime() – BirthDay.getTime());
e_daysold = timeold / msPerDay;
daysold = Math.floor(e_daysold);
e_hrsold = (e_daysold – daysold)*24;
hrsold = Math.floor(e_hrsold);
minsold = Math.floor((e_hrsold – hrsold)*60);
document.live.time1.value = daysold
document.live.time2.value = hrsold
document.live.time3.value = minsold
window.status = “Well at the moment you are ” + secondsold + “………… seconds old.”;
timerID = setTimeout(“lifetimer()”,1000)
// — done hiding from old browsers –></script>
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: How to make code boxesThx for the code now I am having the problem. The code I put between The
<pre class=”code”>
Tags doesnt show on the page at all It makes the box with the scroll bars but thats it the box is blank any ideas what I’m doing wrong?Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Index.php templateThx very much
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Arrangeing Postsbump
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Arrangeing Postsum it says to add “<? aot_random(); ?>” to one of the php files i tried adding it to the AOT.php and it still wouldnt work where do i need to add this tag? any help is apreciated thx
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Arrangeing Postsok i downloaded AOT from this page and I can’t get it to work is that the one i was supposed to download?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Adding Catagoriesi’m not sure how does the permalink work maybe i did something there wrong?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Adding Catagoriesok i am using the default theme i even switched to the classic theme and the same thing happened. Here is the web page address so you can see what I mean. thx for any help in advance https://www.grahamfamilytx.net/blogs
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Adding Catagoriesno on the 1st page that loads i guess it’s index over to the right I have search bar then I have a catagories section when i click the link for say the news catagory it gives me a page not found error. and I have editied nothing just did the install per the instructions.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Adding CatagoriesThank you very much. now I have another question the links to the right that show what catagories are posted undere when I click on the link it gives me a page not found message how do I fix this? thx again in advance