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  • Thread Starter jamatrucola


    Hello @woodent In case you have a moment, I wanted to check in and see if you have any thoughts or suggestions on this issue.

    Thanks so much!


    Same behavior results in 4.6.1. I add the existing user, receive the notification “Invitation email sent to new user. A confirmation link must be clicked before their account is created” as mentioned in the instructions, so I ignore this. However, the user is not added to the site, and instead the user does, in fact, receive the email asking them to accept the invitation to be added to the site.

    I think this is a great and totally necessary function for multi-user sites. If there’s any chance of getting it to work with newer versions of WP, it would be great!


    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [WP-Polls] 1 vote per user

    Hi Lester

    That’s it, and it makes complete sense! I made the code change and tested it. Works perfectly. The vote gets properly logged to the pollsip table, complete with the private addresses populated into the pollip_ip and pollip_host fields. Excellent.

    One small correction to your statement above:

    I think I might know why, that is because your client might be configured with a private remote addr and hence it does not return an IP.

    And, this is exactly what I’ve been describing and experiencing. Votes from client workstations with private IP addresses aren’t getting logged as of WP-Polls 2.72. That if statement is definitely responsible for the difficulty. To be honest, I’m not sure what the value would be of filtering out private IPs anyway. As far as I understand, it doesn’t present a security risk. Even if the server is out on the Internet and the client is on a local network using a private IP, that private IP will be completely invisible to the server since private IP addresses cannot be routed over the Internet, by definition. In that case, the public ip address of that client’s Internet gateway will be reported to the web server running WordPress!

    So, I’m not sure what changed between the versions of WP-Polls, but up to version 2.70 it was just a minor inconvenience, because the log entries from on-campus votes were just showing up with blank IP addresses. I’m not sure what changed, but as of 2.72, now it’s a much bigger problem because without the code change above the record doesn’t even get added to the log table, which has a negative impact on functionality, as evidenced in the current problem.

    Will this bug be fixed in the next release?


    @nareshgpai By any chance are you hosting your WordPress site locally on your network (not hosted on the Internet) and do your users access it from your local network using private IP addresses? If so, I think you may be experiencing the same issue I am, described in this thread:

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [WP-Polls] 1 vote per user

    I bet that the issue nareshgpai describes in this thread is the same issue I’m describing here.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [WP-Polls] 1 vote per user


    Thanks for the reply. I did as you suggested. When I place the call to error_log() into the wp-polls.php file where you specified, I get the warning:
    Warning: error_log() expects at least 1 parameter, 0 given in /var/www/html/wpTest/wp-content/plugins/wp-polls/wp-polls.php on line 352
    which I bet is what we want to see, because that indicates that the process is hitting that call.

    Lester, I think you may be going in the wrong direction here, however. I don’t think that the problem is that the code isn’t checking to see if the user has already voted. In fact, the test above proves that it IS checking. The problem is that when it checks, it doesn’t find a record in the polls_ip table for the user, even though the user HAS ALREADY VOTED. The root problem is occurring when the user is voting the first time from a private IP address: no record is being inserted into polls_ip table. As a result, when the check occurs during the second vote it comes back free and clear, even though the user already voted. Please let me know if this is clear.

    Also, I respectfully disagree with the statement that “the server REMOTE_ADDR will normally only return the public IP”. The Apache environment variable ‘REMOTE_ADDR’ and the PHP variable ‘_SERVER[“REMOTE_ADDR”]’ will return the IP address of the client accessing the script even if it is a local, private IP address. To prove this, at the same line of code where you asked me to place the call to error_log() I placed a call to phpinfo(). As expected, the phpinfo() output shows my local, private IP address of

    I dug into the code a bit to see if I could figure out why this address wasn’t making it across to the log table [back before our upgrade while we were still using WP-Polls 2.70], and possibly why the vote isn’t getting logged at all now. I placed this block of code

    _e('Invalid Poll ID', 'wp-polls');

    above each of the lines indicated below, and then voted from a computer inside our network. Note the results:
    Line 723: No Poll ID error displayed. – Bad
    Line 718: Received Invalid Poll ID error – Good.
    I modified line 718 to only include ‘REMOTE_ADDR’ in the array, and placed the debug code above
    Line 720: Received Invalid Poll ID error – Good.
    Line 721: Received Invalid Poll ID error – Good.
    Line 723: No Poll ID error displayed. – Bad

    So, I’d suspect that the ‘REMOTE_ADDR’ key isn’t satisfying the if statement on line 722, and therefore isn’t returning the $ip variable. Still, I’m not sure if this explains why the votes from on-campus computers aren’t t being logged at all, but it might help explain why [back when the on-campus votes were actually getting logged with WP-Polls 2.70] the local IP addresses weren’t getting recorded in the log entry.

    I hope this helps. If I can do more testing to help out, please let me know.


    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [WP-Polls] 1 vote per user

    Hello Lester,

    I think I figured out a little more relevant info. I think the problem may have been introduced in an updated version of WordPress or WP-Polls plugin. I say so because we have one poll that has been in place since December 2015, and it was working fine – logging null values for pollip_ip and pollip_host for votes submitted from internal IP address – all the way until February 2016 which was when we upgraded WordPress from 4.1 to 4.4.2 and WP-Polls from 2.70 to 2.72. From then on, votes submitted from internal IP addresses aren’t logged to the pollsip table at all, which is leading to the problem we’re experiencing.

    I just upgraded our WordPress and WP-Polls to the latest versions of each (WP 4.5 and WP-Polls 2.73) but the problem still persists.

    I am confident that it’s not a caching issue; the only entries ending up in the log table are from external IP addresses, so internal users can just keep voting in the poll.


    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [WP-Polls] 1 vote per user

    Actually, it’s funny you ask that. Our WordPress installation is hosted in-house, and most of our users access it while on campus via private IP addresses (both client and host IPs are private). Looking more closely at the logs, I’m seeing that the only entries ending up in there are those which were submitted by individuals who were not on our campus network. I know that there were students submitting votes while on campus, but there are no entries in the log with private IPs. When I create a testing poll and vote myself from a local IP, I watch the counters increase but there’s no entry added to the log table.

    Does this seem reasonable – that only entries from public IPs would be logged? If so, while undesirable, it would explain some of the behavior we are seeing, which were concluding were multiple entries from the same user. There’s a chance that they were from different users, but since entries from local IPs aren’t being logged, the system just increases the counters and calls it done.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [WP-Polls] 1 vote per user


    We have a poll set up as described above. The setting for “Poll Logging Method” is set to “Logged by Username” and all our users log into the system with accounts; no guest access is permitted. We are not using any caching plugins. The issue we’re seeing is that after a user votes once he can clear his browser cache and is presented with the voting form again. From there he can submit another vote, which DOES NOT get logged (doesn’t show up in the admin interface log and isn’t represented in the pollsip table) but does cause the running totals to increment (pollsa.polla_votes and pollsq.totalvoters).

    Any thoughts?


    Hi Sam,

    First, thank you for the time you’ve invested in adding to the code that Clifton developed to integrate WordPress with an LDAP directory. Your enhancements answered a bunch of the questions I had when first installing and configuring the plugin. I am running the latest version of simple-ldap-login, which includes pull request #11 – your code.

    Since you say you’re running a relatively large WordPress Network with multiple sites and many users logging in via LDAP, I thought I’d run by you two issues I’m seeing.

    1. I am experiencing a very similar problem as the one described by MerlIAV in this post. Essentially, when a new user logs into one of the network sites for the first time using his LDAP credentials, his WordPress account is created and he is given subscriber status on that site. Perfect! However, if that same user then tries to log into another site on the network, WordPress successfully logs him but doesn’t add him as a subscriber on the second site. Instead, it just logs him in and redirects his focus back to the first site. MerlIAV proposed a code edit in order to address this scenario, but I wanted to check with you since I believe you must have run into this situation on your site.

    2. Through extensive testing, I’ve noticed that this second issue is present with the simple-ldap-login plugin regardless of whether the WordPress install is a multisite network or a singlesite blog. Here’s the scenario. User A logs into the site with LDAP credentials, and his WP account is automatically created. Good. That user is then given Administrator permissions on the site by an existing admin, and posts several articles successfully. Then, if a user clicks on the author’s name on any of the posts, hoping to get a list of all posts by that user, WordPress returns its generic “Not Found. It looks like nothing was found at this location” error. If the exact same set of tasks is completed with a user whose WP account was manually created in WP (not auto-created via LDAP), clicking on the user’s name in a post successfully returns the list of all posts by that user. I’ve looked in the database, but can’t see a difference between the way LDAP-created and native-WP-created accounts exist.

    I guess I’m kind of hoping that others have seen these issues as well, and would love to know how they’ve been addressed.


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