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  • Thread Starter jakeob


    I red the FAQ about 5 reviews limit but didnt realize plugin only works with relevant reviews. This is unfortunate because in my case the relevant reviews are half a year old. While I have a lot a newer reviews available. I’ll contact you via email, thank you for your help.

    Thread Starter jakeob


    The retrieved data contains first 5 reviews (not by date on google but first 5 by id in your plugin). And no errors what so ever. Strange thing is that it also contains “user_ratings_total”: 145. This means that the api is communicating properly (since the 145 is current total number of reviews on google) but the plugin keeps asking for the same 5 reviews over and over.

    Is it possible that plugin glitched because I might have (not sure) first connected the api and downloaded the 5 reviews and afterwards manually imported the rest?

    Therefore the last retrieved data created records with id 1-5 and manually imported data created 6-139.

    I would try to delete all data and reimport it again but the manual import was a huge pain since you are forced to manually fill in approximate date of review.


    Also as a side note I noticed that once you manually import reviews you cannot change the language of date. So for example if you didnt set the proper language prior to the manual import you are doomed because you wont be able to translate “a week ago” etc. Also it not possible to translate it vie Loco Translator or any other since its hard written into a database.

    Thread Starter jakeob


    Thank you for your quick reply, I tried to enable additional sanitization, cleared plugin cache and ran google_business_reviews_rating_run cron from WP Crontrol plugin. But without any change.

    Would I see any errors if for example the api key was no longer working? Or is there any error log I could take a look at?

    Plugin Author jakeob


    Hello @ldeschenes,

    I made a small javascript fix that should solve the click behaviour issue.
    This solution is not as polished as it could be but it will do the trick.

    Plugin Author jakeob


    Hello @ldeschenes,

    your suggestion make sense, the folders shouldnt close when you click on file. I have tested it and if you click with middle mouse button it wont close, otherwise it will.

    This is because the files are placed inside parent folder div and when you click on file it also acts like you clicked on the folder.

    Fixing this would probably require a lot of changes and a lot of time.
    So for now due to lack of free time I wont be addressing this, eventho your point is absolutely valid.

    Plugin Author jakeob


    I had to do a little change inside javascript file in order not to remove the extension from the link. So if you see extension being removed from the link as well the problem is most likely that you are using old cached javascript file and not the new one. Try deleting site and browser cache.

    Plugin Author jakeob


    Hello ldeschenes, Im glad you like the plugin. Usually I dont really have any spare time to develop this plugin but I hade a bit today so I added the feature you were asking for ??

    Update the plugin and in the settings you can now select option to hide extensions. You can also hide only specific extensions (see options of the plugin).

    Plugin Author jakeob


    You can completely change styles of the plugin see FAQ:

    Can I completely change the styles your plugin is using?
    Yes, you can. To use your styles you need to create a folder called simple-ftp-directory-lister within your theme directory with a subfolder called css. From now on all the styles of the plugin will be loaded from this folder. Be aware that you should be using child theme in order to keep any theme changes after you update the theme. There are 5 different css files that controls styles. You need to copy these files from the plugin folder to the css folder you just created. Now change anything you want in these files, the plugin will be loading these and ignore its own css files. Example where you need to create the folder: /wp-content/themes/themeyouareusing/simple-ftp-directory-lister/css/”`

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by jakeob.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by jakeob.
    Plugin Author jakeob


    Hello bogdanstyle, its unlikely that using the shortcode would break your menu. Also, I am using the plugin within elementor just fine. There might be some incompatibility with other plugin.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by jakeob.
    Plugin Author jakeob


    Hello Vovastik, path is already targeted to /wp-content/uploads by default. Therefore the path you set is /wp-content/uploads/wp-content/uploads/ad and that probably does not exist.

    Plugin Author jakeob


    Hello Halloy,

    the plugin loads css in the body because it applies some conditions to it.
    As you stated you can use !important to override the styles.

    However for more complex changes I have updated the plugin to allow you to completely overtake the css files the plugin loads.

    To use your styles you need to create a folder called simple-ftp-directory-lister within your theme directory with a subfolder called css. From now on all the styles of the plugin will be loaded from this folder. Be aware that you should be using child theme in order to keep any theme changes after you update the theme.

    There are 5 different css files that controls styles. You need to copy these files from the plugin folder to the css folder you just created.

    Now change anything you want in these files, the plugin will be loading these and ignore its own css files.

    Example where you need to create the folder: /wp-content/themes/themeyouareusing/simple-ftp-directory-lister/css/

    Plugin Author jakeob


    Hi Kevlar, sorry for the late response – for some reason I dont receive notifications when new comment is added.

    The path is preset to aim to the uploads folder.

    So for example if you have a folder called “yourfolder” that is inside /wp-content/uploads/ then all you need to add is yourfolder to the settings and not /wp-content/uploads/yourfolder

    Plugin Author jakeob


    There are no icon files to modify. Icons are added directly to classes as background url in base64. Therefore you need to override these classes background url.

    For example basic folder icon is class is .folder-icon
    and to override it you can do something like this:
    .folder-icon {
    background: url(your-base64-image-here) !important;

    You can convert images to base64 for example here:

    Plugin Author jakeob


    A little tip – if you register your custom upload folder as official WP Upload folder path (basically rewrite destination of WP Upload folder), you probably should be able to use the plugin since I am using the inbuilt wp_upload_dir() function. I havent tested this tho.

    I released a new version today, with the correct example. Thank you for letting me know that it was wrong.

    Plugin Author jakeob


    Hi Marco,

    thank you for the demo. I understand know.
    I consider this as a feature, not a bug. The clunky jump on top feeling is caused by currently opened root folder closing when you click to open another root folder below (only one root folder opened is allowed) when using vertical layout.

    Originally I wrote the plugin for a specific website and this was better behavior there. Afterwards I added the horizontal layout and this vertical behavior still seems better on mobile phones (vertical layout is used on mobile phones even if you choose horizontal). I might improve this in the future if I find enough free time to do so.

    Also thank you for showing me the Download from files plugin alternative. I didnt know about it as it didnt exist at the time I needed to list the files on my clients website and I had to create Simple FTP Directory Lister. Hopefully the developer will have more free time to invest into development to polish the plugin.

    Maybe someone in the future will come here and find the link useful:

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