Forum Replies Created
activating safe_mode=1 breaks the whole site, and I get empty pages…
Ok – I totally missed the part where one has to create the plugins folder inside the theme folder. IMHO, this should be called out a little louder on this page:
Nevertheless, I copied:
And added the following lines:
// add Calendar name and description to header $output_header .= "\r\nX-WR-CALNAME:" . get_option("blogname"); $output_header .= "\r\nX-WR-CALDESC:" . get_option("blogname") . " Calendar Subscription";
- This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by jakehawkes42. Reason: marking as closed
I see neither those settings, nor any folder named “templates” in the source…
In your other thread, you suggest safe mode, which I will try next.Thanks for your replies Patrick, I think I’m getting close!
I disagree that the name is *only* set in the device. One can certainly choose to name it something else, but the TripIt feed I’m comparing it too will default it to something like “TripIt Calendar” not “site name.com/events.ics”.
I don’t see iCal Feed settings in my instance – how can that be? I just installed the plugin this morning… (Version 5.9.5)
Also, there is no “templates” folder at all… Could this be a WordPress issue? (WordPress 5.1.1 running Customify theme.)
Ok, I agree it is a subscription, but to get the behaviour I need it seems I should be publishing the link as webcal://<sitename>>/events.ics, which is great because it is prompting me to add the subscription to my calendars.
But how to configure it so that it shows a nice name? Currently, in my devices the subscription is named <sitename>/events.ics. How can I change that?
Nothing in the Events -> Settings -> Formatting seems to apply. The closest I’ve seen so far is the “RSS” section, but nothing in there is appearing the ICS file.
It seems that extra data should be included at the top of the ICS file. Currently, I have:
BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//wp-events-plugin.com//5.95//EN TZID:America/Edmonton X-WR-TIMEZONE:America/Edmonton BEGIN:VEVENT
Comparing to another ICS feed that DOES have a nicely formatted name:
BEGIN:VCALENDAR X-WR-CALNAME:<nicely formatted Calendar name> X-WR-CALDESC:<nicely formatted calendar description> X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT15M PRODID:-//John Papaioannou/NONSGML Bennu 0.1//EN VERSION:2.0
It appears the
is what is missing. Any idea how to include that?BTW: the documentation seems to be out of date, because the folder structure they describe doesn’t match my installation at all…
- This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by jakehawkes42.