My very first Post in here! :-))
I am new to WordPress, just buliding a new community site included WPDeal with it. Had this Problem first on yesterday evening as i installed WPDeal.
This morning i localized the bug by checking some forums. The best solve i found here and i tested it – it worked.
After that i wrote a friend of mine about the bug – he is working as a developer for WKW, a german social network. In his lunchbreak he wrote back to me i should please give him the malicious code. I did and he just laughed and gave it back to me in some minutes – with the bug fixed.
Now the script is checking the version with an accuracy of two digits after the decimal point. This solves the problem finally. I owe that guy at least one beer. :-))
Here ist the code for your interest:
Just replace in line 8 in:
and line 14 in:
the following
if (/1\.(0|1|2)\.(0|1|2)/.test($.fn.jquery) || /^1.1\./.test($.fn.jquery)) {
and it will work for You as it does for me!!!
Lots of greetz