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  • Hi nealb13
    I’m confused, I wrote [pagelink name] but it was for the module i modified.
    If you used exact schulzjan’s module put [pagetitle name] in the form and for the module i posted put [pagelink name]
    The [name] is a variable, you can choose whatever you want, for example [pagetitle thepage] in the form ([thepage] in the message)

    If you used the modified module, it retrieves the value of the url parameter ‘id’, try to put ?id=yyy at the end of your url (like the value of the hidden field should be ‘yyy’

    Hi dunc1,
    Try to go to the admin page of contact-form7
    Next put the [pagelink yourcode] short code in the form. Then use [yourcode] in the mail.
    I hope this will help you

    Thank you very much schulzjan !

    I have modified your code in order to add hidden field with a parameter from the url, for example with http:/ you can get ‘id’ value (12) and use it in your mail.

    ** module, which adds a computed values to be displayed in the resulting message:
    ** [pagelink name] -> permalink of that post/page is available via [name]
    /* Shortcode handler */
    function wpcf7_pagelink_shortcode_handler( $tag ) {
    global $wpcf7_contact_form;
    global $wp_query;
    if ( ! is_array( $tag ) )
    return '';
    $type = $tag['type'];
    $name = $tag['name'];
    $url = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
    parse_str($url, $query);
    $html = '<input type="hidden" name="'. $name .'" value="'.$query['id'].'" />';
    return $html;
    wpcf7_add_shortcode( 'pagelink', 'wpcf7_pagelink_shortcode_handler', true );
    function wpcf7_pagelink_validation_filter( $result, $tag ) {
    global $wpcf7_contact_form;
    $type = $tag['type'];
    $name = $tag['name'];
    $url = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
    parse_str($url, $query);
    $thePageID = $query['id'];
    $_POST[$name] = $thePageID;
    return $result;
    add_filter( 'wpcf7_validate_pagelink', 'wpcf7_pagelink_validation_filter', 10, 2 );

    thank you again !!! (apologies for my english)

    @thoolz : you have to save schulzjan’s code as pagelink.php for example and put it in the contact-form-7’s module directory into your server.

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