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  • The fix for rewrite_javascript was released with mod_pagespeed 1.5.!topic/mod-pagespeed-announce/ukxbNyLTu00

    Although we somehow omitted this bug-fix from the release notes, it is indeed fixed for that release:

    As posted earlier, you’ll have to add:
    ModPagespeedAllow */wp-admin/*

    to see this bug-fix in action, as we left the by-default blacklist of wp-admin compiled into the code. We’d love to see if this gets past the problem for you and then we can remove the default blacklist.

    Thanks for trying it out, Tunghsiao.

    Unfortunately we weren’t clear: the bug has been fixed in our trunk code, but has not been released in binary form yet. We’ll update this thread again.

    Sorry about the confusion.

    Hi, I’m here with an update from the mod_pagespeed perspective.

    1. In mod_pagespeed 1.4 (beta) we put “disallow */wp-admin/*” in our
    base configuration so no one should see this anymore or have to do
    it in their own configs. Note this has not made the mod_pagespeed
    stable channel yet.

    2. We launched a deeper investigation about the incompatibility here: and will
    be fixing the root problem. It appears that there are two issues:
    a) UTF-8 BOM in jquery.query.js which some wordpress plugin
    will concatenate and leave in the middle of the file
    b) The way mod_pagespeed minifies that file doesn’t handle the embedded
    UTF-8 BOM. We should be able to make mod_pagespeed resilient to this.

    Stay tuned.

    @mika – This may be a mod_pagespeed issue but it is strange that it only happens on /wp-admin. In any case we would love to get to the bottom of this.

    When you say “compressed” you are talking about minifying JavaScript, is that right? It should not be a functional problem if that occurs twice. The second time might not do much shrinking, but it shouldn’t break anything.

    Or are you really talking about gzip compression. In that case, mod_pagespeed isn’t doing anything at all, except for enabling mod_deflate.

    BTW we have a fix for Issue 582 described above in trunk (not in a binary release yet). That is related to a 403 problem.

    Another possibility is that there is some JavaScript in WordPress /wp-admin/ stack that is scanning URLs in the DOM looking for certain patterns. mod_pagespeed changes URLs, and that can break JavaScript that is looking for specific URLs.

    I had two problems writing the HTML from your pastebin into a file and loading that into Chrome. They were related to CSS & JS from ‘akismet’. Those resources were returning 403 (not authorized). This was showing up in Firebug for me. I am wondering if this is related to mod_pagespeed issue 582.

    Are you running Apache as a reverse proxy?

    I resolved those issues by editing those two ‘akismet’ URLs to strip out the .pagespeed. syntax and fetch instead the origin resources. Then the HTML loads with errors in Chrome.

    Thanks again! Sorry to bother you. I probably need the HTML file that loads that script.

    That script by itself (I hand-decoded the .pagespeed. url) without mod_pagespeed gets an undefined reference (Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined load-scripts.php:2). I reproduced using this HTML:

    [ Moderator Note: Please post code or markup snippets between backticks or use the code button. ]

    <script src="[]=admin-bar,hoverIntent,common,wp-ajax-response,jquery-color,wp-lists,quicktags,jquery-query,admin-comments,jquery-ui-core,jquery-&load[]=ui-widget,jquery-ui-mouse,jquery-ui-sortable,postbox,dashboard,customize-base,customize-loader,thickbox,plugin-install,underscor&load[]=e,shortcode,media-upload,backbone,media-models,plupload,plupload-html5,plupload-flash,plupload-silverlight,plupload-html4,wp-plu&load[]=pload,media-views,media-editor,word-count,jquery-ui-resizable,jquery-ui-draggable,jquery-ui-button,jquery-ui-position,jquery-ui-&load[]=dialog,wpdialogs,wplink,wpdialogs-popup&ver=3.5"></script>

    Probably that’s a red herring and you have that jQuery defined by some earlier scripts (I can guess which one, I know). But I want to make sure I reproduce your testcase.

    Thanks Tunghsaio.

    Can you provide the entire URL including the domain and path?

    I did not think we had a bug in our JS minifier but it seems likely, based on your experience, that we do. With a testcase of JS text we can find it & fix it.


    Hello from the mod_pagespeed team.

    The workaround of ‘disallow */wp-admin/*’ is a fine one. We’ve seen this before. We’d love to understand better what the problem is with mod_pagespeed’s optimizations in the /wp-admin/ page and figure out how to resolve them.

    Would it be possible to tell us the full URL from the original comment? The one that begins with “load-scripts.php,qc=0,alo” and ends with “”?

    Hopefully this is something we can resolve in mod_pagespeed itself.


    Hi NerdInProgress,

    mod_pagespeed doesn’t aim for miracles; it aims for rigorous automated application of web best practices without impacting or altering your origin content or deployment flow. To the extent that your flow already exhibits the best practices, mod_pagespeed may not offer much.

    However, for a large number of sites on the net, including many using w3tc, mod_pagespeed finds opportunity for improvement. For a sampling of speed-up data from the 60k web sites that have installed mod_pagespeed, please see my Google IO talk, including video & slides:

    We’d love to resolve the cpu spike. One thing that would help is some data:

    • to what extent did it spike? What was the load average? Did the cpu-load impact the performance as seen from a browser?
    • Was the spike transient or does it last a long time?
    • You mentioned you saw the main value being image optimization. Does your site have a lot of image content? Can you give the URL to your site?
    • Transient load average increases are a known issue with a cold server-side cache. However, once all the optimized images are cached the load should decay to a reasonable steady-state. Once the cache is warm (assuming it’s large enough), much more content will be purely cacheable in browser-caches and any CDNs or other proxies serving your content, thus reducing the steady-state server load. We are working on reducing the transient load issues by throttling image rewrites.
    • Other causes of load in mod_pagespeed are usually related to server setup, DNS, and other networking issues associated with mod_pagespeed issuing HTTP client requests back to the same server. There are usually simple solutions to this problem and we are working on improvements that will reduce the frequency and severity of them by default. Please see the faq:

    Also you’ll get more help from the mod_pagespeed community — should you be interested in pursuing it — if you post questions at or raise issues at . I only saw this because I contributed to the thread above.

    Note also that we are working on adding more functionality to mod_pagespeed. We recently added domain-sharding and Javascript combining. We are working on — but have not released — image spriting. Techniques that are specific to the mobile experience are also in the works — we already have in place a growing database of mobile user-agents so that we can generate content optimized for the client.

    Having said this, I want to state that I believe strongly that W3TC and mod_pagespeed are complementary. There was a comment earlier on this thread that described mod_pagespeed as an alternative but that is not the intent. Clearly generating great content at the origin is the first step toward high-performance web-sites, and only benefits mod_pagespeed by forcing it to do less work.


    Frederick Townes has a number of good points. In particular, mod_pagespeed will not optimize the wordpress content generation flow.

    However, there are a few points I feel it’s important to comment on, but I’d like to focus on the most important of these, which is the way mod_pagespeed extends cache lifetimes:

    ‘Extend Cache’ seeks to improve the cacheability of a web page’s resources without compromising the ability of the site owner to change the resources and have those changes propagate to users’ browsers.

    Please read to get an understanding of how this works.

    Frederick’s point, “Provide control over the caching policies themselves, which actually need to be different for most sites”, highlights the classic compromise between cache TTL and the ability to quickly propagate changes, that mod_pagespeed solves without compromising either.

    This has been an incredible win for mod_pagespeed in testing repeated page views.

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