Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Twitter Feed Integration] API Test not working?Sorted it…
Another Twitter Plugin running appeared to be causing a clash.
removed it and it now works.
OK – looked a bit further and found that be deleting the .htaccess file here:
/wp-content/plugins/wordfence/.htaccessresolved the problem!
But should there not be a .htaccess file here for… ahem security?
Getting fed up with Malware attacks at present… despite all plugins updates… WP up to date, high passwords etc, but the buggers still get in… sorry rant over!
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Bug in 3.2.1, admin drop down menus disabled agaaaaainOK starting disabling plugins and it was the DISQUS Comments Plugin!!!! #whoknew?
Come on Disqus… Sort it out!
A clash of libraries somewhere me thinks???Hope this helps others!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Admin dropdown menus not workingOK for me had the same problem and it was the DISQUS Comments Plugin!!!! #whoknew?
Come on Disqus… Sort it out!
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Bug in 3.2.1, admin drop down menus disabled agaaaaainOK, getting the same problems as described…
> Any area of admin where there is a dropdown menu has stopped working?
>> Left Menu
>> Screen Options
>> Within WidgetsI have just tried the Google Libraries install (which looks like a great plugin anyway!), but to no avail… Unless anyone comes up with any further ideas to test, will start working through plugin disabling first.
Very frustrating and no obvious reason for it (so far)!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Redirection] SEO Ultimate / Redirection plugins clash! (it appears)!John,
Hi, thanks – none, just a white screen (firefox)…
Looked into possible errors elsewhere too, as our clients site is with fasthosts, they set a very low PHP memory limit of just 20mb on shared hosting!
Been told, 32mb is a bare min, 128mb or greater prefer…
So, bye bye fasthosts me thinks!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Whitescreen Crash after activating new Plugins in admin?Esmi,
Eeek is just one of many words I could use!!!
I will take a look at theirs.. one of my clients uses Easyspace and they inform me they have a PHP Memory limit at 128mb. Certainly allows WordPress to stretch it’s legs a bit more!
Appreciate all the feedback! Thanks
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Whitescreen Crash after activating new Plugins in admin?Esmi,
It doesn’t bring the site down, just the plugins page in admin and strangely the ‘pages’ page that lists all the sites pages?
After 24hrs, just got a reply from Fasthosts UK. They say the PHP memory limit is set at just 20mb! Other forum posts, I hear mixed results from others saying that anywhere between 64mb, 128mb even 256mb are more favourable figures for a more productive WordPress site!
So how the hell are we supposed to cope with 20mb limit!
I can work around not having SEO ultimate, but even with this off, I am struggling!
Time for new UK hosts me thinks, with more accomodating PHP memory limits… shame.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Whitescreen Crash after activating new Plugins in admin?Esmi,
OK the plot thickens!!
I switched themes to Twenty Ten, deactivated Redirection this time and switched back to my theme. All fine again…
So started enabling my plugins again, but this time got SEO Ultimate working, but then fell over after I tried WP Touch plugin. ??
Could it be a memory thing afterall? Does WordPress need a reasonable amount of PHP runtime memory to allow a load of plugins to work?
Very frustrating!
Thanks – Paul
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Whitescreen Crash after activating new Plugins in admin?Esmi,
Hi, thanks for the feedback. Switched from the installed theme to Twenty Ten, diabled all plugins and then returned the theme back again.
It worked! However, activated most plugins, got to the ‘Redirection’ plugin and it was fine, then onto SEO Ultimate and the white screen was back! Previously I had SEO Ultimate working, but then couldn’t get Redirection to activate. Is this the problem or have I ran out of php memory perhaps? Just a coincidence?
Anyway I have asked fashosts if increasing PHP memory is available to us on a shared server hosting…?
Switching themes back and forth, what does this do exactly (if anything?)?
Thanks again – Paul
Hi, update for you.
It looks like this problem is not limited to just Cache Plugins! Just tried to enable WPTouch plugin and same thing happended!
White screen of death, but only in plugins screen?
Does this help?
Thanks in advance – Paul
christopherross – thanks! Tried w3 cache also, same problem!
donncha – thanks. on a shared host (fasthosts), where would i gain access to the logs and what would I be looking for exactly?
Thanks and appreicate the feedback so far!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: custom image header – REMOVEstubbornella – you say remove:
<?php wp_head(); ?>Yes that works! BUT it also removes all meta keywords, meta descriptions and a whiole lot more too… ouch!
Anyone successfully just disabled the Kubrick Default Header Image, but left in the line: <?php wp_head(); ?>