Victor M Ramirez
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Heateor Social Login WordPress] User Registration Approval with BuddyPressWe do want users to be able to register via LinkedIn but require approval in BuddyPress.
Temporary fix is to change your homepage to posts, choose your email template settings, and then change it back.
Additionally, you could follow the instructions to modify templates via PHP.
You shouldn’t need to be changing your email templates (same as your theme) that often.
Maybe also add a bug or issue to the GitHub repository.
@alemarengo84 @gonzalesc I had the same issue on multiple installations.
I did the whole deactivate all plugins & activate 1 by 1. Changed themes. Nothing fixed it.
Went to Settings > General > Reading and set home to posts instead of a page – boom. Fixed.
Okay so after reading through your documentation on the JWT filter it looks like the userid is included in the default token.
I’m creating a GET request with the token I receive in the initial POST request.
I’m assuming I need to override the default WordPress authentication? Is this something the AAM plugin can do for users to log in via JWT?
Hey Vasyl,
Thanks for taking the time to respond.
I am experimenting in Postman before going into the trouble of setting up everything in AWS Cognito.
Followed your article. I did not do any of the optional modifications in Step 2. Let me know if I should.
Following your article & previous response –
1) In Postman sent POST to https://sandbox.local/wp-json/aam/v1/authenticate with username & password.
2) Received body with Token
3) Created GET to https://sandbox.local/wp-admin/ with Authentication: Bearer XXXXX (JWT Token cut & pasted) However, I’m hit with the login page.
When I deny access to all routes and then test access with the same request in #3 it works.
However, I can’t get it working with standard pages. i.e. /wp-admin/
Below is my JSON response from Step 1 where I don’t see userID.
{ "token": "XXXXXX", "token_expires": 1540482260, "user": { "data": { "ID": "1", "user_login": "admin", "user_pass": "XXXXXX", "user_nicename": "admin", "user_email": "[email protected]", "user_url": "", "user_registered": "2018-09-25 20:28:25", "user_activation_key": "", "user_status": "0", "display_name": "admin" }, "ID": 1, "caps": { "administrator": true }, "cap_key": "wp_capabilities", "roles": [ "administrator" ], "allcaps": { "switch_themes": true, "edit_themes": true, "activate_plugins": true, "edit_plugins": true, "edit_users": true, "edit_files": true, "manage_options": true, "moderate_comments": true, "manage_categories": true, "manage_links": true, "upload_files": true, "import": true, "unfiltered_html": true, "edit_posts": true, "edit_others_posts": true, "edit_published_posts": true, "publish_posts": true, "edit_pages": true, "read": true, "level_10": true, "level_9": true, "level_8": true, "level_7": true, "level_6": true, "level_5": true, "level_4": true, "level_3": true, "level_2": true, "level_1": true, "level_0": true, "edit_others_pages": true, "edit_published_pages": true, "publish_pages": true, "delete_pages": true, "delete_others_pages": true, "delete_published_pages": true, "delete_posts": true, "delete_others_posts": true, "delete_published_posts": true, "delete_private_posts": true, "edit_private_posts": true, "read_private_posts": true, "delete_private_pages": true, "edit_private_pages": true, "read_private_pages": true, "delete_users": true, "create_users": true, "unfiltered_upload": true, "edit_dashboard": true, "update_plugins": true, "delete_plugins": true, "install_plugins": true, "update_themes": true, "install_themes": true, "update_core": true, "list_users": true, "remove_users": true, "promote_users": true, "edit_theme_options": true, "delete_themes": true, "export": true, "edit_blocks": true, "edit_others_blocks": true, "publish_blocks": true, "read_private_blocks": true, "read_blocks": true, "delete_blocks": true, "delete_private_blocks": true, "delete_published_blocks": true, "delete_others_blocks": true, "edit_private_blocks": true, "edit_published_blocks": true, "create_blocks": true, "administrator": true }, "filter": null } }
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Gutenberg] Alignment Doesn’t Work for EmbedsTwitter embed. Does not follow center or right align. Sticks left.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Atomic Blocks] Centering EmbedsThank you
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Atomic Blocks] Full Width Gutenberg Images Not WorkingThanks
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Atomic Blocks] Centering EmbedsI can get the CSS. Looking for a solution for clients but will add as bug to Gutenberg plugin.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Atomic Blocks] Full Width Gutenberg Images Not WorkingI now have it working. Thanks so much.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Storefront Product Pagination] sanitize hex color error after WP 5.2+1
Getting the same…