Forum Replies Created
Well… after 5 days the issue is not solved yet and there are no update since 20th.
I’m still stucked and mirakl told me to open a tkt with plug-in dev, starting to be frustrating
Thank you Sadia
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPify Woo Czech] Heureka xml not impoerting productCool
Thank you
I will contact heureka in this case
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPify Woo Czech] Heureka xml not impoerting productI requested a new check, this is the result:
Dobry den,zkontrolovali jsme vá? obchod Slané & Sladké.Doporu?ujeme vám optimalizaci v těchto ohledech:* Ve va?em XML feedu * chybí u 30% polo?ek (14/47) EAN kód produktu. EAN kód je povinnou polo?kou v některych kategoriích - seznam naleznete zde:ňte tyto polo?ky, zlep?íte tak vykon va?í kampaně na Heurece. Více ve specifikaci XML feedu:á se pouze o doporu?ení, aby se Vá? obchod zobrazoval na co nejlépe, tyto polo?ky nemají vliv na import va?ich produkt? na
This is the result:
Seedpro is disabled
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPify Woo Czech] Heureka xml not impoerting productI don’t even have that plug-in
The only feed plug-in I have is “Product Feed PRO for WooCommerce” to manage feeds
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPify Woo Czech] Heureka xml not impoerting productThis is what I can see
It says that XML is ok, but still I have zero product in heureka (chyba p?i importu) (P?ehled spárovanosti = 0 products)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [W3 Total Cache] Purge old database entryThank you
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Kliken - Google Advertising and Stats] Simply terribleI can confirm that this service is 100% SCAM
Going to report the plug-in as wellForum: Plugins
In reply to: [?eské slu?by pro WordPress] How to activate XML feed for ?I will wryte you a mail on your separatista address, thank you
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [?eské slu?by pro WordPress] How to activate XML feed for ?Pavel, yes it works.
Are you available to set it up with heureka requirements? Of course I’m talking about a paid extra service, or do you know someone able to help me in set up the heureka in order to be listed? Asking because language is a big wall in all heureka instruction and I’m not confident ??Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [?eské slu?by pro WordPress] How to activate XML feed for ?Thank you
Now it seems to work correctly and I just need to tune it according to heureka requirements ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [?eské slu?by pro WordPress] How to activate XML feed for ?Hello, in the plug-in directory there is the 0.5 as version, the one I use, do have I to use the 0.6 alpha? if yes, where can I download it?
I can see the following: Plugins
In reply to: [?eské slu?by pro WordPress] How to activate XML feed for ?But after that I received a mail from heureka telling that the XML feed is not correct
Uvedená adresa XML souboru: <>
XML soubor, co? je jednoduchy datovy formát, pomocí kterého nám p?edáte informace o va?em zbo?í a jeho cenách. XML soubor je automaticky generován z va?ich stránek, a proto jeho vytvo?ení ?i úpravy konzultujte se svym webmasterem. Více informací a ukázku správného XML souboru naleznete na
Po?ádejte svého programátora o nápravu, abychom mohli na?i spolupráci zahájit.
Chybovy vypis pro va?eho programátora:
Sta?eny soubor z?ejmě není XML. Prvních 100B souboru:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN” “
***************************************************************Any hint?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [?eské slu?by pro WordPress] How to activate XML feed for ?Thank you for this clarification ??
Just did and works, thank you!