Forum Replies Created
Thank you so much. It worked. You will surely update with better code after the release.
add_filter( 'wpgs_default_gallery_hook', '__return_false' ); function show_slider(){ if ( !apply_filters( 'wpgs_default_gallery_hook', true ) ) { add_filter( 'wpgs_default_gallery_hook', '__return_true' ); echo do_shortcode('[product_gallery_slider]'); } else { add_action( 'woocommerce_product_tabs', 'wpgs_default_gallery_hook', 30 ); } } add_action( 'woocommerce_product_tabs', 'show_slider', 30 );
thank you for the effort but It’s not working.
Thank you. but how to remove the original one?
I have disabled all the plugins except yoast and woocommerce with my customised storefront theme. Then I exported and imported Db, But it’s still removing the SEO data.
I will try storefront default now.
SEO Data Optimization (SEO >Tools) will be done.
I have tried it in fresh cpanel account with storefront and no other plugin but problem is there after update queries.
let me try Reset indexables & migrations as you suggested On fresh install.
That’s perfectly fine.
can you please let me know the possible reasons which trigger these 2 points
- Why Yoast is removing the SEO data after site clone?
- Data is in DB table but not showing in Edit product-cat or product-tag page?
Should I run SEO data optimization after clone?
thanks in advance
Thanks for getting back.
I understand what Yoast is doing. it’s a great functionality. I have used premium for a year but it’s not for me. I am not using most of the services in the free version even.
- This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by irumsohale. Reason: Removing credentials
Thanks for getting back quickly.
Yes, SEO data should be transferred but I think something triggers the “First-time configuration” and/or Yoast created database table got empty..
After cloning the database, I use “Import and Export” in the Yoast tools section to import settings in the new website. but still, Yoast replaces SEO Title with the default value “%%term_title%% Yoast variable.
I just removed all 7 Yoast tables and imported new tables with data (through phpMyAdmin). After Replace, data is fine but doesn’t show on Edit tag and product-tag page (
I run “Optimise SEO Data” and then the table field description and title from Table wp_yoast_indexable are empty.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [cformsII] Form is not sending permalink or page variablesMy version is Version 15.0.4 | By Oliver Seidel, Bastian Germann
I am using these variables as follows
Admin TEXT message
{Page}<br/ >
{PostID} <br/ > {Permalink}{IP}Admin HTML message
{Date}, via: {PostID} . {Permalink} . {Page} .{IP}Hello
thank you so much for getting back.
Yes I am still having the issue. I am also having in my sitemap with any sitemap generator. I dont want bwlm-shop in the url.
@dholovnia I loved your plugin but at the moment i am stuck. All of my pages are out of google index. please help
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Autoptimize] How can i add Base64 Encoded placeholder Lazy-load images?Thank you so much, I have used this code, It might be helpful for others. Thanks again…
.lazyload, .lazyloading{ background-image: url("") !important; opacity: 1 !important; background-repeat: repeat-x; }
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Autoptimize] How can i add Base64 Encoded placeholder Lazy-load images?hello
Thanks for getting back.I am applying these but there is no effect ? am i missing something ?
.lazyload, .lazyloading{
background-image: url(“”) !important;
background-color: #000000 !important;
}.product img {
background-image: url(“”) !important;
background-color: #000000 !important;
}thank you so much for your answer.
So i have to install another plugin to clean woocommerce mess. This is so gross for woocommerce