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  • This is not possible in the way you describe it, as you cannot have the same domain name on two different servers.

    The solution depends on your hosting company. If they allow you to set up subdomains, I think you could create and you could install WordPress there. If necessary add a hyperlink on the main domain pages, to take visitors from the main domain to the subdomain ( and in your blog, a link to get them back to the main site ! ).

    Alternatively, get a new domain name with another host, and put WordPress there. Again, you’d need a link to take visitors to your blog.

    Hope this helps !


    Hi guys,

    I have only been using WP for a few days, but have just managed to resolve this for my own site … looks like many people ask and get no response, so if it works for you, please spread the word by answering someone else’s unresolved question on the same topic !

    My site is not hosted by WordPress, it’s on my own domain, but I think this applies to everyone. When you change themes, you may or may not get the right code to make WPstats work. If it’s a WP theme, it probably works OK, but if not then it might be “broken”.

    I’m assuming you’ve installed and activated the plugin, with an API key from WordPress.

    First, log in to administer your site. Go to the ‘Appearance’ section where you can change themes. Look a little further down the list of options and choose “Editor”.

    You’ll get a big window of code, probably for the “style.css” file … but you need to edit the “footer.php” file, so choose footer.php from the list over on the right and wait for the window to fill with the footer code.

    Scroll down to the bottom of the code window, and insert this …

    <?php wp_footer(); ?>

    … just before the line that has </body> in it.

    Now go check your stats … they will almost certainly still say no visitors.

    Now log out of your site and close your browser. Now re-open your browser and go to your site as if you were an external visitor ( i.e. do not log in ! ).

    Go to a specific page or area of your site, and note down on a bit of paper where you went !

    Now log back into your site as administrator and look at the stats … after a few minutes ( I think WP claim this is refreshed every three minutes, but give it ten if not sure ) your anonymous visit to your own site should show up … in which case it’s working and you can stop for coffee !

    Hope this helps,


    OK. Now I understand a bit more :

    Another workaround which would leave your CSS file in the original state ( and therefore not mess anything else up ), would be to override the height setting explicitly like I have here … feel free to use “View / Source” in IE7 to see the code behind this page.

    Look at the page full-sized in IE7 and in Firefox, and you will see that in IE7 the two sections are different, while in Firefox they look the same. Now try narrowing the browser windows and watch the text flow around. You can see that the two browsers handle things differently.

    The secret to my code is to override the CSS “p.height” setting locally for the paragraph you want to format specially.

    Change the ‘<p>’ tag in your HTML editor into ‘<p style=”height:auto;”>’

    I haven’t tried this in WordPress yet, because I have only used WP for two days … but it works in my HTML editor ( Microsoft Expression Web ). I have already found that WP tries to strip out some of my attempts at manual coding as soon as I turn my back …


    Hi Samuello,

    Your hack to the CSS may have other implications … I looked yesterday at the source code for your faulty page, and would like to suggest the following in case you find your fix has repercussions.

    In your HTML code on Thursday 18th, you had in essence :

    <img … />
    Here is some text

    … which I believe IE7 interprets in such a way that the total height of the paragraph is determined by the height of the largest thing inside it ( in this case, your image ). The NEXT paragraph therefore has to start below the bottom of this block.

    Some browsers work differently, and the height of the paragraph is determined by the text only ( pictures will hang down over the bottom of it ). That means that paragraph two will continue to squeeze into the available space alongside the image, until you reach the the end of the image and then it all goes to full width.

    I tried a simple fix … move the opening <p> so that instead of coming before the <img …> tag, it comes after the image closing tag ( i.e. just before the first word of text ). That seemed to work and cure the problem in IE7, but I can’t guarantee it’s foolproof.

    Also have a look here. It is a great resource for understanding and fixing browser-specific bugs.

    Good luck,


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