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  • Brian Alexander


    Hi, @keithkhl ???? I think you’re in luck here, in terms of simplifying the above workflow. The plugin description covers a few things you’ve mentioned above.

    After backing up your site (including the /uploads folder), install Modern Image Formats, activate it, and confirm the desired settings under Settings > Media. By default this will set the generated output image format to AVIF.

    Then in your server shell, run the WP-CLI command wp media regenerate. This automatically removes and replaces generated size files, which should now be AVIF. (This is basically the same as using Regenerate Thumbnails.) Any original JPEG uploads will remain, but sub-sizes will be AVIF. It will also save a *-jpg.avif or -scaled.avif version for each of those JPEGs (handy to compare the loss from JPEG->AVIF in case you want to tweak the quality and re-regenerate).

    It’s intentional that the originally uploaded files (JPEGs) are retained, as they will likely have the best resolution. There are other plugins that may replace originals with a generated/compressed version, but I would recommend caution when modifying originals that you may not be able to restore later on.

    Let me know how this works for you!

    Brian Alexander


    Hi, @roberto21 ???? Using mailto: requires that the browser (and in this case, the PDF viewer) supports this action, which in my experience has mixed results across clients. While easy to implement, it’s not very reliable, as you’ve found. For example, on my computer, Chrome handles mailto: links, but it’s not attached to a particular site/action, so just opens the browser and doesn’t do anything else.

    It might be worth investigating some form or PDF plugins that can support your use case. It would be more robust for WordPress to accept the submitted form/PDF, and then for WordPress to store/send the file via email (or perhaps just a link to the file stored on the site) — this way you don’t need to rely on the client’s questionable support of mailto: links. You should also be able to restrict submitted files by PDF and a maximum size to limit unwanted submissions.

    Brian Alexander


    Hi, @nilu1972 ???? Is the duplication of the WordPress rewrite rules intentional? The second one sets the base to /da/. Were these set by WordPress and WPML, or edited by hand? (Note lines 3-4 of .htaccess.)

    You might try backing up this file and flushing the rewrite rules on Settings > Permalinks by clicking Save Changes.

    On the WPML support site I found something that looks similar to your situation (which you also referred to here): They refer to a FAQs document if this is the same error being encountered:

    If you continue to have problems with WPML, it might be better to submit a support request there, since it’s a paid plugin and doesn’t receive support here in — the plugin authors may have a faster resolution for you. Good luck!

    Brian Alexander


    Hi, @oguruma ???? Would checking for'core/edit-site') provide enough context here? I.e. “Is the user in the site editor?” versus editing a post/page directly.

    Hi, @lady_minx ???? I agree that using a filter is the way to go here.

    The provided code will potentially modify any /wp-admin/... requests (admin pages or AJAX). I presume you have other code in place for frontend requests, which seemed to be covered by the WP_HOME and WP_SITEURL overrides initially shared? E.g. site_url is also filterable, so it’s possible this function could be hooked twice if you wanted the code in one place.

    You mentioned this being a multisite installation, so perhaps the network_site_url hook is also worth a look depending on your use case.

    Regarding adding this logic to a theme’s functions.php, if you’re looking for a more reliable option to retain this code across theme changes, then I would recommend a “must use plugin”. These are inaccessible to users and cannot be deactivated, nor removed without direct filesystem access.

    Hi, @justanothertechbro ????

    The Cover block includes two options that expand it into its available space: Align > Full width and Toggle full height. These options are available in the block’s menu:

    You can use the customOverlayColor prop for defining a hex value, e.g. combining both of these:

    <!-- wp:cover {"dimRatio":50,"customOverlayColor":"#dd66cc","isUserOverlayColor":true,"minHeight":100,"minHeightUnit":"vh","isDark":false,"align":"full","layout":{"type":"constrained"}} -->...

    The Learn site also has a detailed Cover block video walkthrough that is worth checking out. In the tutorial’s example, they create a block-based header template that makes the block appear full-page.

    Hi, @milesmarshall1969 ???? Based on your last reply, it looks like someone may have shared a previous message (?), but it doesn’t appear to exist anymore. At the risk of providing info you’ve already seen, here are some other topics that may relate to your issue:

    The error you’ve shared indicates that WP Mail SMTP is using the Action Scheduler library, so you might be able to get more direct support by logging a report over at WP Mail SMTP’s support forum.

    If you’ve looked through those topics but still haven’t tracked down the problem, I would suggest making a backup (if you haven’t already), and making sure that your plugins are all updated to their latest versions. You could disable WP Mail SMTP and install the Action Scheduler plugin directly, then go through Tools > Scheduled Actions to find what could be causing the failure.

    Hi, @rpoulin80 — typically a site is configured to use page IDs OR friendly permalink names, so it seems a little unusual to me that both are being used.

    I checked the Wayback Machine for this site, and it appears it previously used postname permalinks (e.g., not the “plain” numeric permalinks ( Is it possible this setting was changed recently?

    Would you mind checking your /wp-admin/options-permalink.php page to see what permalink structure your site is configured with?

    I also noticed on the site’s homepage that The Weather Network plugin is not functioning, causing a fatal error to occur and appear in the footer (Uncaught Error: Cannot use object of type WP_Error as array...). The plugin depends on a web service URL referenced here that appears to be offline. You might consider disabling that plugin and following up with the developer for a fix.

    Thanks for sharing your feedback on this item, @rfischmann.

    The “Detach pattern” toolbar button was indeed removed in WP 6.4. Please refer to Gutenberg PR #53121 to see the reasoning and discussion around this change, and feel free to provide additional input.

    From what I understand, the heart of the decision was to balance simplifying the menu to avoid accidental “destructive” changes with how common this function is used. Community input is important, so please share your thoughts there ????

    Hi, @cantraig:

    Just following up here — were you able to resolve the errors displaying on the site?

    Hi, @cantraig:

    In addition to setting WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY to false, the reason for the ini_set part is that your host may have configured PHP itself to display errors, even if WordPress isn’t. So the intent for these configuration settings in tandem is to prevent any PHP errors appearing on the frontend of the site.

    As with any changes to your site, it is recommended to make a backup first, but an adjustment to wp-config.php like this is fairly common.

    Have you noticed an actual performance issue, or is this inferred due to the CLS score in a PageSpeed/Lighthouse report? (I would encourage you to compare with some articles that question how important some of these metrics are.)

    In the meantime, here’s a good resource on CLS:

    Note that CLS is a perceptual metric, not a typical “performance” metric — i.e. the loading speed of your site isn’t affected by this — loading speed is still the most important factor! Instead, a good general description of CLS is “content shifts on the page in an unexpected way”. The link above shows lots of great examples of how really bad CLS could affect site users.

    However, in the case of your site (in my opinion), the shift occurs pretty far down the page, and before the 3 columns’ images/text are displayed. My conclusion is that this is not likely to result in a user reading a paragraph that suddenly moves, causing them to lose their place. The worst CLS offenses are typically async JavaScript injecting content on the page, which isn’t the case here.

    Of course, if you have a client or stakeholder who is concerned about this metric, then perhaps your best option is to work with the theme developer to ensure that the height of the container wrapping those 3 columns is sized appropriately on load, so that it doesn’t expand and cause a layout shift. It can probably be addressed through a CSS update.

    Good luck!

    @cantraig, here is a suggestion that does not resolve the warning, however it will hide these from visitors to your site while a solution is eventually discovered.

    Temporary Warning Suppression

    According to the config data you’ve provided, it appears you have WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY enabled. I would recommend turning this off, and also disabling PHP’s internal display_errors setting. In your wp-config.php file, here is what to add/modify:

    define( 'WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false ); // tell WordPress to hide errors
    ini_set( 'display_errors', 0 ); // tell PHP to hide errors

    Now I WOULD recommend you leave debug logging enabled (WP_DEBUG_LOG) when troubleshooting, so that you know what’s going on behind the scenes. Ignorance is bliss, but only for a short while ??.

    For more information on debug settings in WordPress, please see this article:

    Debugging in WordPress


    If at all possible, you should copy your production environment into a staging/dev area, and from there disable ALL plugins to see if this warning still shows up. This will go a long way toward giving you peace of mind and knowing the underlying cause.

    If I’m reading the config info correctly, you have 18 enabled plugins (not including your theme) that are potentially modifying the menu data and triggering the warning messages.

    Whether or not you identify that one of the plugins is causing the issue, please report your findings here. Because WordPress 6.1 was just released, this info will either help other users of the plugin, or it could help the entire WordPress community ????

    Thanks, that clarified things ??

    You should contact the theme developer to see if they can resolve this. This is not really a major issue, even though it appears as a “red” item in Lighthouse analysis reports.

    The following information may be helpful to share with the theme dev to get things started:

    What appears to be happening is that the size of .gdlr-core-pbf-wrapper changes when the contents of the three columns are loaded. See this animation for the frames that clearly show the shift:

    Hi, @primhome!

    Would you please provide some additional information:

    • WordPress version
    • Gutenberg plugin version (if using)
    • Did you update WordPress or plugins recently? Which ones?

    Thank you!

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