Well, this is kind of a dilemma for me. When someone register in a website, few info supposed to be pulled from Facebook and mapped to wordpress profle, such as;
:guid => user["id"],
:city => user["location"]["name"],
:first_name => user["first_name"],
:last_name => user["last_name"],
:birth_date => user["birthday"],
:email_address => user["email"],
:photo => user["picture?type=large"]
Now if that info is pulled correctly, link user’s facebook profile should populate user’s website (this is done with Gigya plugin I know for sure). So, when
$_POST['url'] = $json['website'];
is called this replies correctly. But then again, use may have a different website and would like to use that as primary, so maybe what we need is a additional field that saves both link to facebook profile (in addition to website or maybe 2 links under website), then when called looks for website first if none found, calls for facebook profile link, or vice versa.
What do you think?