The way you add this section is you go in wordpress to plugins -> you click edit on the plugin -> then you go to fb-linkedin-resume/fb-linkedin-resume.php
You have to add this line close to the beginning where the short codes are defined:
add_shortcode(“fb_linkedin_resume_projects”, “fb_linkedin_resume_projects”);
This line is added where the full resume is layed out
and add this after the additional function
function fb_linkedin_resume_projects($params) {
wp_register_style(“fb_linkedin_resume”, fb_linkedin_resume_path . “style.css”, false, fb_linkedin_resume_version, “all”);
$resume = fb_linkedin_resume_get_resume($params);
$projects = $resume->find(“#profile-projects”);
if (empty($projects)) return “”;
$projects = $projects[0];
if (isset($params[“title”])) {
$h2 = $projects->find(“h2”);
$h2[0]->innertext = $params[“title”];
return $projects;
hope all that helps