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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Question about handling of email address in woocommerceAnd another addition: If I clear the billing email this also changes and clears the user email.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Question about handling of email address in woocommerceAnd one addition:
It seems that if the user has no email the change of the billing email in admin does not change the user email. So the user email is still empty but the billing email is set.
But if the user has a email the setting of the billing email overwrites the user email.
Very strange…
Nach ein paar weiteren Tests sieht es für mich aus dass eine ?nderung der E-Mail Adresse eines Users im Backend nur richtig funktioniert und greift wenn ich bei der “normalen” E-Mail Adresse aus dem Bereich Kontaktinfo und der E-Mail Adresse in der Rechnungsadresse des Kunden den gleichen Wert angeben.
Kann das sein? Kann das Verhalten jemand best?tigen?
Wie ist es dann für einen Kunden im Frontend m?glich seine E-Mail Adresse zu ?ndern – au?er beim Checkout was ich massiv unglücklich finde?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Germanized for WooCommerce] Checkout ?ndern E-Mail Adresse des Nutzers?Hallo,
danke für die Rückmeldung. Dann werde ich bei Woocommerce einmal nachfragen.
Aber warum ist es sinnvoll dass die E-Mail Adresse die ich bei der Bestellung angebe auch gleichzeitig mein Login ist.
Erschlie?t sich mir leider überhaupt nicht. Aber ich habe auch nicht so viel Shop-Erfahrung ;-).
Viele Grü?e
I currently have the same problem and was wondering about this.
I disabled the following emails/notifications
User Email Changed – For User
Password Changed – For UserBut I still receive them.
It would be great to get a way to disable these emails.
Best regards,
Ah super – vielen Dank für die schnelle Antwort. Das hat direkt geklappt und passt so alles!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Multiple Domain] Example for domain based logic?Hi Gustavo,
I just wanted to output the domain in a text dynamically, for example
“MULTPLE_DOMAIN_DOMAIN” is a service for xyz
Hope you understand what I mean ;-).
Best regards,
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Multiple Domain] Example for domain based logic?Hello,
I found a solution with the creation of a shortcode for this:
function domain_shortcode(){
add_shortcode(‘domainShortcode’, ‘domain_shortcode’ );Best regards,
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Multiple Domain] Example for domain based logic?Hello Gustavo,
I have an additional question about this topic: Is it possible to output the MULTPLE_DOMAIN_DOMAIN-value in a shortcode (or something like a shortcode)?
I want to have a text-output with a dynamic naming of a domain in it.
Thanks for some help with this!
Best regards,
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Multiple Domain] Problem with font-awesome?Hi,
they told me that there was an conflict with font-styles from king composer and the theme fonts. So it was no issue with the domains.
But thanks for your quick reply!
Best regards,
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Multiple Domain] Problem with font-awesome?Hi Gustavo,
thanks for your reply. Yes the developer of the theme helped me with this issue.
Currently I don’t know what the problem with the output of the icons was.
I will tell you when I find it out.
Best regards,
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [IdeaPush] Questions about translations/customizationOh – just found the design-settings to customize the labels in the idea form.
So the question 1 is solved ;-).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [IdeaPush] Questions about translations/customizationHello,
and I have one more question:
3.) Is it possible to vote for an idea without to set name/email?
Best regards,
Ok I think I got it. I have to set the icon styling in the feature box with padding-top -35px and the box-styling with padding-top 0px.
Another question: I have multiple feature boxes in a two column row. These boxes vary in content-length.
What is a good way to output them in same height?
Thanks for some help!