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  • inzerat


    @edo888 Hi, please how can i do with css selector? {
        style: no-translate;
        notranslate: true;

    or how?

    Thread Starter inzerat


    Hi, thank you for reply, but it is not true..

    if chrome visit the website, he know so original (or default) language is english and offer translate… But in the meantime, your plugin will translate the web automatically … but the google translate offer will still remain there …

    Thread Starter inzerat


    Hi, i am not familiar with PHP too much.. please you can write this snipper for me? (at least the basis)

    Thread Starter inzerat


    Je?tě podotykám, ?e podle statistik wp má vá? plugin více ne? 1000 instalací.. nevím tedy zda je správny p?ístup ?ekat s “opravou” pluginu… nap?. nepojede ARES a i kdyby se celkem zabránilo “jen” 100 objednávkám tak je to dost…

    Thread Starter inzerat


    Dobry den,

    díky, já navrhuji kdy? nejede ARES tak to nechat projít bez ově?ení.. vyplňování polí?ka I? je volitelné tak nevím pro? zapnuty plugin z volitelné volby musí dělat povinnou

    Thread Starter inzerat


    Tak změna dneska u? to jde, asi v?era ne?el p?ístup k Aresu… to nic nemění ale na tom, ?e kdy? se porouchá ares tak nep?jde odeslat objednávka, proto?e u?ivateli bude po?ád vyskakovat chyba… měl by se plugin upravit aby to nezabránilo dokon?ení objednávky… mrknete prosím na to? díky

    Thread Starter inzerat


    Navíc kdy? se uká?e ta chyba, tak to zabraní v dokon?ení objednávkového procesu. Mo?ná by stálo za to, udělat to pr?chozí i v p?ípadě, ?e nastane chyba… p?ijít o objednávku jen kv?li tomu, ?e zákazník vyplňuje I? je nep?íjemné

    Thread Starter inzerat


    Na stránce Pokladny, děje se to na více webech a jsou tam r?zné pluginy i ?ablony, pochybuji tedy, ?e je to tím… kde najdu log? cesta? děkuji

    Thread Starter inzerat


    OK thanks but now it not work PAYED watermark

    my code in header.php:

    <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
    	<tr class="top">
    			if ( WPI()->get_option( 'template', 'company_logo' ) ) {
    				printf( '<img src="var:company_logo" style="max-height:50px;"/>' );
    			} else {
    				printf( '<h2>%s</h2>', esc_html( WPI()->get_option( 'template', 'company_name' ) ) );
    			<?php echo WPI()->get_formatted_company_address(); ?> I?: 05756576  		</td>

    my code in body.php

     * PDF invoice template body.
     * This template can be overridden by copying it to youruploadsfolder/woocommerce-pdf-invoices/templates/invoice/simple/yourtemplatename/body.php.
     * HOWEVER, on occasion WooCommerce PDF Invoices will need to update template files and you
     * (the theme developer) will need to copy the new files to your theme to
     * maintain compatibility. We try to do this as little as possible, but it does
     * happen. When this occurs the version of the template file will be bumped and
     * the readme will list any important changes.
     * @author  Bas Elbers
     * @package WooCommerce_PDF_Invoices/Templates
     * @version 0.0.1
    $templater                      = WPI()->templater();
    $order                          = $templater->order;
    $invoice                        = $templater->invoice;
    $line_items                     = $order->get_items( 'line_item' );
    $formatted_shipping_address     = $order->get_formatted_shipping_address();
    $formatted_billing_address      = $order->get_formatted_billing_address();
    $columns                        = $invoice->get_columns();
    $color                          = $templater->get_option( 'bewpi_color_theme' );
    $terms                          = $templater->get_option( 'bewpi_terms' );
    <div class="title">
    		<h2><?php echo esc_html( WPI()->get_option( 'template', 'title' ) ); ?></h2>
    	<div class="watermark">
    		if ( WPI()->get_option( 'template', 'show_payment_status' ) && $order->is_paid() ) {
    			printf( '<h2 class="green">%s</h2>', esc_html__( 'Placeno', 'woocommerce-pdf-invoices' ) );
    		do_action( 'wpi_watermark_end', $order, $invoice );
    <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
    	<tr class="information">
    		<td width="50%">
    			 * Invoice object.
    			 * @var BEWPI_Invoice $invoice.
    			foreach ( $invoice->get_invoice_info() as $info_id => $info ) {
    				if ( empty( $info['value'] ) ) {
    				printf( '<span class="%1$s">%2$s %3$s</span>', esc_attr( $info_id ), esc_html( $info['title'] ), esc_html( $info['value'] ) );
    				echo '<br>';
    ?íslo bankovního ú?tu: <strong>20067565</strong><br>
    Variabilní symbol: <?php echo $invoice->order->get_id(); ?>
    			printf( '<strong>%s</strong><br />', esc_html__( 'Bill to:', 'woocommerce-pdf-invoices' ) );
    			echo $formatted_billing_address;
    			do_action( 'wpi_after_formatted_billing_address', $invoice );
    			if ( WPI()->get_option( 'template', 'show_ship_to' ) && ! WPI()->has_only_virtual_products( $order ) && ! empty( $formatted_shipping_address ) ) {
    				printf( '<strong>%s</strong><br />', esc_html__( 'Ship to:', 'woocommerce-pdf-invoices' ) );
    				echo $formatted_shipping_address;
    				do_action( 'wpi_after_formatted_shipping_address', $invoice );
    <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
    		<tr class="heading" bgcolor="<?php echo esc_attr( $color ); ?>;">
    			foreach ( $columns as $key => $data ) {
    				$templater->display_header_recursive( $key, $data );
    	foreach ( $invoice->get_columns_data() as $index => $row ) {
    		echo '<tr class="item">';
    		// Display row data.
    		foreach ( $row as $column_key => $data ) {
    			$templater->display_data_recursive( $column_key, $data );
    		echo '</tr>';
    	<tr class="spacer">
    <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
    	foreach ( $invoice->get_order_item_totals() as $key => $total ) {
    		$class = str_replace( '_', '-', $key );
    		<tr class="total">
    			<td width="50%">
    				<?php do_action( 'wpi_order_item_totals_left', $key, $invoice ); ?>
    			<td width="25%" align="left" class="border <?php echo esc_attr( $class ); ?>">
    				<?php echo $total['label']; ?>
    			<td width="25%" align="right" class="border <?php echo esc_attr( $class ); ?>">
    				<?php echo str_replace( ' &nbsp; ', '', $total['value'] ); ?>
    	<?php } ?>
    <table class="notes" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
    			// Customer notes.
    			if ( WPI()->get_option( 'template', 'show_customer_notes' ) ) {
    				// Note added by customer.
    				$customer_note = BEWPI_WC_Order_Compatibility::get_customer_note( $order );
    				if ( $customer_note ) {
    					printf( '<strong>' . __( 'Note from customer: %s', 'woocommerce-pdf-invoices' ) . '</strong><br>', nl2br( $customer_note ) );
    				// Notes added by administrator on 'Edit Order' page.
    				foreach ( $order->get_customer_order_notes() as $custom_order_note ) {
    					printf( '<strong>' . __( 'Note to customer: %s', 'woocommerce-pdf-invoices' ) . '</strong><br>', nl2br( $custom_order_note->comment_content ) );
    			// Zero Rated VAT message.
    			if ( 'true' === WPI()->get_meta( $order, '_vat_number_is_valid' ) && count( $order->get_tax_totals() ) === 0 ) {
    				echo esc_html__( 'Zero rated for VAT as customer has supplied EU VAT number', 'woocommerce-pdf-invoices' ) . '<br>';
    <?php if ( $terms ) { ?>
    <!-- Using div to position absolute the block. -->
    <div class="terms">
    			<td style="border: 1px solid #000;">
    				<?php echo nl2br( $terms ); ?>
    <?php } ?>
    Thread Starter inzerat


    hello, for all users, this is solution:

    in file: /wp-content/uploads/woocommerce-pdf-invoices/templates/invoice/simple/minimal/header.php

    you have to find this code: printf( '<img src="company_logo" />' );

    and you can change value 50px on required value

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by inzerat.
    Thread Starter inzerat


    Yes but question is how? CSS code which? Please, can you write this code for me?

    Thread Starter inzerat


    Hey, this is very important. Some progress???

    Thread Starter inzerat


    Hey, it is important and any still none solution???

    Thread Starter inzerat


    sorry its working,, my mistake

    Thread Starter inzerat


    Sorry, this is detail, i closed this topic

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