Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Invelity MyGLS connect] Klient ref.mame to v plane.
M.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Invelity MyGLS connect] Klient ref.Zdravim,
skusime to v niektorych zmenach pridat ako option co sa tam ma tahat. Robime to ale vo volnom case a teraz je toho celkom dost.
M.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Invelity SPS connect] Negeneruje ?títkyDobry den,
skusam akurat najnovsi woocommerce 4.6.1. a WP 5.5.3. a zbehlo mi to bez problemov. Nemate zablokovane nejake stahovanie suborov alebo nieco podobne?
M.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Invelity iKros Invoices] Still works?Please share us screenshots of setting in ikros and woocommerce.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Invelity iKros Invoices] Still works?Hello.
Could you send us a screenshot of Ikros settings page to our support email or check if any of the fields in section “Formát ?íslovania faktúr” is longer than 5 characters. If so, try making it shorter to maximum of 5 characters.
Thank you
Kind regards
MartinForum: Reviews
In reply to: [Invelity iKros Invoices] Nefunguje!!!Dobry den,
plugin funguje bez problemov. Pisali ste nam aj na support no ostalo to bez vasej odpovede.
M.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Invelity MyGLS connect] Klient ref.Zdravim,
do ClientReference posielame data takto
‘ClientReference’ => $this->options[‘clientref’] . ‘ – ‘ . $this->filterOrderId($order),
Kde sa potom vytahuje ID objednavky. Dalo by sa to ale prerobit aby tam tahalo cislo objednavky.
M.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Invelity iKros Invoices] Still works?Hello,
this support topic is for invoicing plugin
Did you download our plugin and entered API keys you got from iKros?
MikeForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Invelity SPS connect] Negeneruje ?títkyAhoj,
na akej domene sa ti toto deje? Moze byt problem s novym WP, spravili sme jeden update tak by to malo bezat.
M.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Invelity GLS online connect] 0% DPH na dopravuDobry den,
priznam sa ze s takouto kombinaciou sme sa este nestretli. Ak to ale zobrazuje len na fakture a v shope v kosiku ci admine to mate spravne hladal by som problem vo Fakturoide.
Viacmenej nas plugin neriesi s cenou dopravy.
Len pre info sluzba Online Connect bude coskoro v GLS koncit a prechadza sa na novu sluzbu MyGLS. K nej plugin najdete tu
M.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Invelity GLS online connect] Neexportuje druhy riadok adresy do GLSDobry den,
druhy riadok adresy je apartman a podobne ktore sa na slovensku nevyuzivaju. Nie je to popisne cislo. GLS priamo ani nema priestor kde by sa to do API dalo zapisat.
Len pre info sluzba Online Connect bude coskoro v GLS koncit a prechadza sa na novu sluzbu MyGLS. K nej plugin najdete tu
M.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Invelity iKros Invoices] Still works?Hello,
if you see the invoice in WooCommerce you should see invoices in iKros as well. The invoices are generated in iKros and then they are sent to WooCommerce.
Make sure you refresh iKros app after you’ve sent orders from WooCommerce.
MikeForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Invelity GLS online connect] Slu?ba SMS a emailDobry den,
ano mame to v plane implementovat. Len co budeme mat kusok volneho casu doplnime to a updatneme plugin ??
M.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Invelity GLS online connect] gls-czechDobry den,
musite poziadat GLS aby ste mali schvaleny API pistup.
M.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Invelity iKros Invoices] Website is slowly after activatedPlease, update your plugin. We found one issue on certain hosting providers so it should be fixed now.