Jonas Lundman
Forum Replies Created
Yes, I follow this very tender. Latest everything. Bpdtheme, diifrent configs testdrives.
On Albums Tab (only – when landing on it): Always
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in …\wp-content\plugins\buddypress-media\includes\bp-media-template-functions.php on line 223Advanced Custom fields reporting:
Undefined property: BP_Media_Album::$IDBreadcrumb NavXT reporting
Undefined property: BP_Media_Album::$IDOn Photos Tab (When landing on it):
Advanced Custom fields reporting:
Undefined property: BP_Media_Album::$IDBreadcrumb NavXT reporting
Undefined property: BP_Media_Album::$IDSingle photo works fine
When album / clicking on each album
Advanced Custom fields reporting:
Undefined property: BP_Media_Album::$IDBreadcrumb NavXT reporting
Undefined property: BP_Media_Album::$IDDo you think there is a post type conflict ?
Something with the slug is spooky might?
The music works but is also a album in Albumscan you just point a direction if any ideas, I gonna try to track som more, but check your bp-media-template-functions.php on line 223,
I need this baby working.!
As a remark, This plugin works fine without error_reporting / debugging.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Secure Invites] How to : with Buddypress 6.1 / WP 3.4.2And this is depending on using directories as set up, I have WPML installed on BP, so the ?email can die your page, I don think you need it but its nice to have that pre filled in
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Secure Invites] How to : with Buddypress 6.1 / WP 3.4.2Hi,
Yes, I recon the problem but don remeber what did. I Have 97 plugins installed on my BP testdrive … But try thisThe comma sep list of “login pages” in this plugin (settings), where the email url, I had to put the absolute address.
label “Signup page” field I have “Security settings” I have
wp-signup.php,wp-login.php?action=register,/register,wp-register.php,start/Where start/ is my register slug – I don use original for protecting boots as a step.
I Think the missmatch here is your problem.
It MIGHT be an ajax login plugins that hook out the plugin in a strange way or login with email plugin
Also s2member settings
Anyway, I got it to work, so don give up.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BuddyPress Like] [Plugin: BuddyPress Like] Does not work with BuddyPress 1.6For the error on pages I use this on line 787 before the other if statements:
if(!$type && is_page()) return;
You can play here – with is_category() and call bp_like_button() in the post loop. Make shure the variable type always is blogpost then.
Hope it helps someone
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BuddyPress Like] [Plugin: BuddyPress Like] Does not work with BuddyPress 1.6Buddypree like Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in
\wp-content\plugins\buddypress-like\bp-like.php on line 798You can fix in the file: bp-like.php : 798
if(!empty($activity['activities'])) $activity_type = $activity['activities'][0]->type;
else $activity_type = '';
When visitor is landing on the page without a type (everything, updates …) selected this Notice occur I think.
It works for me…
/ Jonas LundmanForum: Plugins
In reply to: [rtMedia for WordPress, BuddyPress and bbPress] Menu Bar LinkThank you for taking care of ths Media Buddypress functionality. There is so much crap out there. Can we donate to keep the work going?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BuddyVerified] [Plugin: BP Verified] Fix for Broken Admin ListsThis plugin has a small update issues. First, the missing table cell in the front end is not fixed, its breaks the CSS in a visual way. (Turn borders on and ya see)
Line 161 : buddypress-verified-profile.php Missing td
Line 191 : Missing tdI Just put a empty cell on top of cellnodes, Then the images and Yes or No cells are rendered correctly.
BP Moderation plugin update version buddypress 6.1 and wordpress latest.
Thank you All sons of Buddypress! And michel for sharing.
This plugin is Very important for our installations. Should be a core function. Sometimes I don understand why the BP developer see this. We are Users, not developers -interested in a open source flat miracle, lending wordpress core.
Now using over 30 simple plugins just to get BP to work in a standard network way. And each upgrade breaks something.
“Howdy” No please,
Well, still, a huge HUG for all whos working with the Buddypress and WordPress, and giving it us for free.
/ Jonas Lundman
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Page Templates in Custom Post TypesNo one fixed a meta box for templates of cstom types?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Secure Invites] How to : with Buddypress 6.1 / WP 3.4.2To display the current users points:
$ua_points = get_user_meta( bp_displayed_user_id(), "secure_invite_points", true);
echo '<p>Colleted points: ' . $ua_points . '</p>';
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Restrict Usernames] [Plugin: Restrict Usernames] Update for WP 3.4?The whitespace dosent work. BP 6.1 is this a upcomming fix?
Same here. Any?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [GEO my WP] [Plugin: GEO my WP] Pull address from a custom fieldJust a note here,
This kinda stuff is the diffrence between a Very useful plugin and a More fun plugin. The boring but important things to pull/get the a-l-r-e-a-d-y data and sync, migrate, backup and clone.
I can see useful process/ ideas with GEO my WP to make the stored data/ tables as rescource for many other plugin if makeing a little boring work/ think/ ideas
Ex the plugin GEO data
Buddypress, or sign up regs should have a standard AND PLEASE don let Facebook design everything.
Same here, blank with 2 radio options – debug