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  • Change:

    add_action('contextual_help' ...


    add_action('current_screen', ...

    Remove all arguments, as for 3.3 it is not “filtered in” by adding anymore. It works as same as like adminbar->add by calling the current screen object. This is the content of your function added by your action:

    $screen = get_current_screen();
    $help_content = '<p>Hallo world</p>';
    	'id'  => 'my-contextual-screen-id',
    	'title' => 'Screen information',
    	'content' => $help_content,
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Jonas Lundman.

    To replace remove_action( 'wpseo_head', array( $GLOBALS['wpseo_og'], 'opengraph' ), 30 ); You can do as follows:

    function intervik_wpseo_frontend_presenters($presenters){
    	/* return all WITHOUT Open_Graph and Twitter presenters */
    	if($matches = preg_grep('/Open_Graph|Twitter/', $presenters)) return array_diff($presenters, $matches);
    		else return $presenters;
    add_filter('wpseo_frontend_presenter_classes', 'intervik_wpseo_frontend_presenters', 10, 1);

    There might be other filters and solutions as well, Yoast do not provide any straightforward knowledge yet. And they still link to deprecated Github solutions.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Jonas Lundman.
    Thread Starter Jonas Lundman


    Hi, thanks for looking into this.

    Lastes WP, Latest Yoast, only yoast active plugin. Running on our internal theme, since 2009…

    The situation example is: The second breadcrumb is a parent page, and the link to that parent page is filtered by standard filter ‘get_page_link’. The link get another url instead of its own url, in our case the href of the first subpage.

    This is a standard scenario. The breadcrumb class $crumb[url] variable by Yoast, has been working fine until now.

    The standard way of filtering permalinks get ‘sometimes’ lost when Yoast started to hard-core url by building their own index.

    However, on 2 installs; we de-activate Yoast, drop tables builded by Yoast, delete all options by Yoast, reinstalled Yoast. Enabled Breadcrumbs, and it worked fine!
    Until we clicked on “please index button”. One site worked – saved the correct filtered breadcrumb, but the other did not – saved without the filtered values.

    Both sites are identical (one live and the other is on dev server). After doing the same process again, deactivate, delete tables, activate. SOMTEIMES it works (correct filtered breadcrumb url) and sometimes dont.

    It seems like it depends how you “click around” before you do the “indexing”. We get no consistance of this…

    We can see inside sql dump the url is saved different for that page/ crumb, from time to time.

    This is not a happy situation if we cant rely on standard filter of url when crumbs building up. And everything has been working fine until that green button arrived…

    Thread Starter Jonas Lundman


    EDIT, our team did report wrong, the internal filter _get_page_link() doesnt work either.

    Same here, any progress on this?

    Thread Starter Jonas Lundman


    Hi, and thanks for your time!

    Well, we tried those things.

    First “Before doing package” Database Tab:
    Compatibility Mode
    This option is only available with mysqldump mode.

    Even if we switch to dump mode, the coll cant be set here, only msql and we dont wanna change that as the version is not a problem for the live servers. (Using Duplicator in dump mode also is buggy, gets interupted and stops most of the time, php doesnt)

    Second: Step 2 “Apply legacy collation fallback support for unknown collations types” is only available after the zip has been unpacked, not on pre-test database connection link. And we dont wanna unpack before we got the database test ok (mostly for client given us correct database connection information – we don wanna give away a install if we cant deploy it)

    And even so, if we unpack and use the checkbox, the script as we can see, fails, maybe bec its trying to step backwards from unicode_520_ci directly to utf8_general_ci, not “utf8mb4_general_ci”, as the live server uses.

    So its only works if we search and replace in “dup-installer” as mentioned in question (and in all files, only .sql file not enough, there must be in all 81 hits in 4 files).

    We need a solution -as the question- where Dublicator not “Packing”/ creates the package, with “utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci”. Instead using the one in WP_CONFIG (in our case: “utf8mb4_general_ci”)

    As WordPress ignores WP_CONFIG, I asume Duplicator do that as well. There must be some way to override that? / Or filter in the coll to use?

    Thanks for any tips on this…

    Not working:
    add_filter( ‘wpseo_json_ld_output’, ‘__return_false’ );

    Same issue here

    Thread Starter Jonas Lundman


    Great, looking forward to next update, when released. Thanks.

    Thread Starter Jonas Lundman


    Hi and thanks for taking time with support

    Strange, if I choose “all posts” or “all pages” in the admin menu, I got the ‘admin post list table’ with the default filters: All dates, All categoies, and then a Select dropdown with the placeholder “Groups”, with the first option “(Only unrestricted)” and then my Groups…

    I have only 50 pages, and half restricted to a group in my case. If I want to list all pages that NOT belongs to a group, I thought the option “(Only unrestricted)” whould filter out restricted pages in my list.

    It works fine to filter in/out my Groups. (Btw, the whole plugin is working great, and nice cean php coding too)

    Are we still missing something here or is the filter broken?

    / Thanks again for your contribution

    Thread Starter Jonas Lundman


    Just updated, Yes, the hover information was great. So far, all previous hacks not needed.

    Thanks Eliot

    Thread Starter Jonas Lundman


    Sounds great, Thanks.

    I agree as well. If we have survived sa loooooong without any progress in the editor matter, we can really make it good this time. That means development and listen, feedback and development again.

    As an Agile process until all aspects has been considered.

    The customizer should have become a plugin instead. When you dont need it, it loads a lot of shit anyway.

    WordPress has to go forward to scale down, not scale up with “pretty” things.

    Hi, as mentioned tested on clean installs on diffrent versions as well. Twentysixteen, Latest WP, only this plugin activated. Also tried in diffrent other 3 themes/ installs.

    Javascript errors on every testcase

    However, Let me check once again, and I come back to report.

    No news on this? Is this plugin gonna be updated with a correct javascript?

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