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  • Thread Starter interlinguals



    I know there’s another topic about this problem, but according to that topic the problem should be resolved when the short_open_tage is ON (which is the case with our website).

    I used both the plug in to add products, and the code generator on the partnerprogramma page.

    The code that appears when adding a product with the plug in itself is the following:
    [bol_product_links block_id=”bol_53426e223dc8a_selected-products” products=”1001004011779761″ name=”English grammar in use” sub_id=”Blue Murphy” link_color=”003399″ subtitle_color=”000000″ pricetype_color=”000000″ price_color=”CC3300″ deliverytime_color=”009900″ background_color=”FFFFFF” border_color=”D2D2D2″ width=”250″ cols=”1″ show_bol_logo=”undefined” show_price=”1″ show_rating=”1″ show_deliverytime=”1″ link_target=”1″ image_size=”1″ admin_preview=”1″]

    The code that appears with the productgenerator on the partnerprogramma page is as follows:
    <script type=”text/javascript”>var bol_pml={“id”:”bol_1396862946324″,”secure”:false,”baseUrl”:””,”urlPrefix”:”;,”productId”:”productid=1001004011779761&”,”site_id”:”21788″,”target”:true,”rating”:true,”price”:true,”link_name”:”English grammar in use”,”link_subid”:”Blue Murphy”,”image_size”:true,”image_position”:”left”,”width”:”250″,”cols”:”1″,”background_color”:”#FFFFFF”,”text_color”:”#CB0100″,”link_color”:”#0000FF”,”border_color”:”#D2D2D2″,”letter_type”:”verdana”,”letter_size”:”11″};</script><script type=”text/javascript” src=”; id=”bol_1396862946324″></script>

    When I use the plug in to find products, it shows a blank image, when I’m using the code from the website (the java one) it doesn’t show anything.

    The page we are trying to use for the plug in is:

    Do you happen to know what the problem might be? I already asked, but they referred me to this forum (again).

    I hope you can help us.

    Thanks in advance.


    In addition to my question above:
    I also contacted our hosting provider (again) and they said the following:

    It seems like that the script can’t find images. They also checked the some page I referred to. And the code of that post was:
    <img src=”; alt=”” style=”width: 65px” class=”productImage”/>

    They said that this doesn’t look like an error that the PHP code could not run, but it seems to have another cause. When they looked at the source code, they said that some part is loaded and some part isn’t. The links do have a product name, but nothing else is shown.

    <a href="" title=""></a>

    The link itself has the product name in it, but the text which should be shown, is empty.

    How do I know what needs to be filled in the empty place?

    I hope you understand what they (and I) mean.

    Thanks in advance.


    We have the same problem on our website with the blank pictures. We checked with our hosting provider and they say that the short_open_tag is already ON.

    Do you happen to know what the problem might be?

    Thanks in advance.

    Thread Starter interlinguals



    That problem has been solved now. Our hosting provider found the problem and took care of it. But now we have a different problem. When we try to add material to our website, a white picture with in it shows up, and it redirects to the homepage. But I already saw that there was another topic that discusses that problem.

    Thread Starter interlinguals



    Our hosting provider says that the SSL certificate is up to date, but it still doesn’t work. So we don’t really know what else we can do to make the plug in work for our website..

    Hi, I seem to have a similar issue with

    When trying to add a parameter, it will give me a ‘loading’ icon, no matter what parameter, text or value I enter.

    Also. within the WP Admin ( ) , only the tabs ‘General’, ‘Payments’ and ‘All Modules’ are loading. The other 12 tabs, from ‘Templates’ up to ‘Shipping’ are showing the loading icon, without any result.

    I was using Version, uploaded to Version but that one didn’t allow me to enter any of the Options pages or to do anything after clicking the ‘Start using plugin’ button on the initial screen after having installed.

    I am trying to follow the steps enabling developers console on chrome, but as I am not a developer I have no idea how to remove a code in the output.

    I had a programmer to create a child theme. Is that the cause of the problem and does Ready Ecommerce plugin not work with a child theme?

    Any help is much appreciated!


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