Forum Replies Created
Hi @jackkim,
I am having the same issue with my media pages. Where did you place your CSS to fix the issue? Thanks!
I just purchased the regular license. I see that there is no functionality on the front end for deleting an activity. Is that feature going to become part of this plugin? I think it is kind of a necessary one. Especially since some of my user levels will not have access to the admin dashboard at all. Please advise. Thanks!
- This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by interglobalmedia.
I wanted to remove Jetpack Related posts from all posts within a specific category. I and another WordPress developer came up with the following solution:
//Remove Jetpack Related Posts form Posts in a Category
if ( class_exists('Jetpack_RelatedPosts')) { function jetpackme_remove_rp() { $jprp = Jetpack_RelatedPosts::init(); $callback = array($jprp, 'filter_add_target_to_dom'); if (in_category(array(243))) { remove_filter('the_content', $callback, 40); } } add_action('wp', 'jetpackme_remove_rp', 20); }
I am using my category id. It can be replaced with your own category id.
Forum: Localhost Installs
In reply to: Local WordPress Install: Any Changes Because of 4.2 update?Thanks Ross. What’s interesting though, is that when I went into my local install today and landed on my homepage, there was an error. Guess what! it was related to emojis. Even though I had utf-8, and previously when I had made my 4.2 update, there was no such error. The error pointed to the formatting.php file in the includes folder, line 4144:
if ( SCRIPT_DEBUG ) {// line 4144 $settings['source'] = array( /** This filter is documented in wp-includes/class.wp-scripts.php */ 'wpemoji' => apply_filters( 'script_loader_src', includes_url( "js/wp-emoji.js?$version" ), 'wpemoji' ), /** This filter is documented in wp-includes/class.wp-scripts.php */ 'twemoji' => apply_filters( 'script_loader_src', includes_url( "js/twemoji.js?$version" ), 'twemoji' ), );
It was kind of funny. Then I updated to 4.2.1, and it was gone. I was just wondering about this because of those of us that might want to internationalize our themes or applications. I am definitely considering doing that down the road, and maybe sooner rather than later. That’s why I asked. And in 4.2, there were issues with implementation of emojis etc. as evidenced by the error I received when I landed on my test site. Funny that it took so long to show up! Didn’t happen on my live sites, so I’m wondering if it was a theme issue. Didn’t check against default themes however. Next time I will have to. BTW, this code is post update. Just wanted to point to the area that was pointed to on my website. Sorry I can’t link to this local install, but next time I encounter something I will share screenshots.
I now am getting the repost buttons except when I embed tweets and a tweet is the last content on a post. Thanks!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress HTTPS (SSL)] Don't think this plugin is being supported anymoreiwpdev,
I would not recommend either of those plugins. This one came closest, BUT … I just had to cancel my SSL I had purchased, because between not being able to get a plugin that would take care of the job that the SSL was not able to accomplish alone, and the fact that I need my whole site to be secure as well, I decided that it just has to be done right.
I had the exact same experience as you. And you wouldn’t believe the various song and dances I was hearing from my hosting service that sold me the SSL, and a membership plugin that had suggested getting an SSL before installing their plugin.
I will let you know if I come across anything helpful. I am continuing my search on this vigilantly.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress HTTPS (SSL)] Don't think this plugin is being supported anymoreYes, that’s one of the things that’s been happening with me. I have found that just getting a basic certificate is just not enough! There are so many other issues involved, and this plugin seemed AT FIRST to take care of them, and now it does not at all. Very unstable. Thanks for sharing bjorn!
hi great h-master,
thanks for the information. i actually fikgured out that when buddypress registration is disabled, pmp and buddypress work pretty well together. not a complete integreation, but it works well enough for me for now. and yes, i’ve checked out that gist. i, however, want to keep buddypress aspect open to pmp members at this time. thanks for your help!
I just went in and checked out the situation again. Apparently, it’s fine. I had been using the hide admin bar, but now I turn it off, and when I logged in as a free member in the dummy account, I saw the link to my Buddypress Member page, and it’s fine. Phew!
Now I just have to figure out how a member can access their account info associated with the PMP profile and kind of bring it together.
Best regards,
I have installed Paid Memberships Pro, and I also have Buddypress installed as well. However, I just created a dummy account to see what happens when someone signs up on the website. I signed up for a free account (although I’m sure the premium accts will be the same), and the membership page is not a Buddypress membership page, and all the other Buddypress related features that are so integral to the website membership, are no longer applicable either. I don’t want members to be able to access the wp-admin area. With Buddypress, they are not able to. This plugin is allowing them to.
I take it there is no integration with anything right now, including AWeber (which I don’t even know if it would work well with my sight). I don’t know if I will be able to use this plugin. I might have to find another solution that will close off my pages and wait until the right solution comes along. It’s too bad, because all the other non-member related profile features are great. Just the profile-related features really are not. And my community is all about being social and having great profiles.
Best regards,
You might want to try something called BP Registration Options. I haven’t had to use it for people who haven’t paid (yet), and I use another membership plugin at the moment, but the whole idea is that someone who signs up as a free user has to be moderated by the administrator. So, when you see that they have registered as free members, and thus have failed to pay, they still won’t be able to gain access to the Buddypress area. This plugin prevents them from doing so, and you can choose not to accept them, AND deny them instead. That deletes their profile. I don’t know about its compatibility with Paid Memberships Pro, but it’s worth a try!
Hope this helps.
Thanks KTS915. Yes, I did finally find the new pro support area and wrote s2member about my question. In case if you don’t already know, f you don’t turn off the safeguards, you can’t enter the admin area as well as some other things. And I want to test something that would require having no traces of s2member while doing it. I guess I’ll just wait until I receive my answer from support. Thanks very much again, though, for your quick response. Knowing that info does help a lot!
Ok. I found a thread in the old forum about deactivating safeguards in order to erase my s2Member info so that I’m able to gain access into the admin area. One question however, whose answer I haven’t found anywhere is – what happens when I want to REACTIVATE the plugin? Does that mean that I would have to start from scratch? I don’t want to do anything until I know the answer to this question. Thanks in advance for your help!
Yes Mathias, I have been having problems with s2member and invite anyone as well. Apparently, the link to accept or reject the invitation does not work. It takes you to a “Not Found” page. For me, anyway. I’ve been wracking my brain trying to figure out how to fix this. No solution as of yet, but if I find something, I will share it here!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Invite Anyone] Invite Anyone not workingAlso, my registration page is a bit different than the regular bp registration page, because I also use s2member plugin. So it’s like this:
What do I have to do on the backend to get the people I’m inviting to register through this link? Which files do I have to change? Can’t find it yet. Thanks!