Problem solved. Meteor and many other plugins loading jQuery by them self. If you loaded jQuery-Libary in your Theme Header by your own, two jQuery-Libarys will conflict together and (i think: the older) one turned automatically off.
Meteor Slider loading his own Libary and turn your own off. The result is, that you try to load and run your jQuery-Script before the jQuery-Libary was parsed. Because…?
Because the idotic rule that <?php wp_head(); ?> hook has to be the last element before </head>.
So the best solution is to delete your own jQuery Libary load, and use that from Meteor. So you’ve to load your Scripts after the wp_head() hook. (before </head> end)
For the Meteor-Developer: Add an option to turn the jQuery Libary load off or add a faq hint.
Hope that will help.
PS: Great Plugin!