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  • Thread Starter Lapping


    Dear Anca,

    I sincerely apologize for the confusion, but indeed, I was using a faulty version of the plugin!!! I cannot explain how I failed to notice this issue earlier! Thank you so much for your assistance and guidance. I will follow your recommendations regarding permalinks and category structures to avoid further issues. I also appreciate your detailed instructions about the SEO settings, which will surely help prevent similar errors in the future.

    Kind regards,


    I am experiencing the same problem with pagination and permalinks in product categories with 2.8.3 version. Flushing permalinks does not help. What should I do now?



    Thread Starter Lapping



    When do you plan do resolve this issue? This topic is marked as resolved, but it is not.

    Best Regards,



    I am experiencing the same fatal error with Translatepress 2.8.2:

    PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method WP_Translations::translate_entry() in /xx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/translatepress-multilingual/includes/gettext/class-plural-forms.php:152  
    Dodatkowy kontekst
    "error": {
    "type": 1,
    "file": "/xx/wp-content/plugins/translatepress-multilingual/includes/gettext/class-plural-forms.php",
    "line": 152
    "backtrace": [
    "#0 /xx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/translatepress-multilingual/includes/gettext/class-gettext-manager.php(528): TRP_Plural_Forms->translate_plural('Address', 'Addresses', 0, NULL, Object(WP_Translations))",
    "#1 /xx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/translatepress-multilingual/includes/string-translation/class-string-translation-api-gettext.php(72): TRP_Gettext_Manager->add_missing_language_file_translations(Array, 'en_GB')",
    "#2 /xx/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(324): TRP_String_Translation_API_Gettext->get_missing_gettext_strings('')",
    "#3 xx/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(348): WP_Hook->apply_filters('', Array)",
    "#4 /xx/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action(Array)",
    "#5 /xx/public_html/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php(192): do_action('wp_ajax_trp_str...')",
    "#6 {main}",

    When do you plan do resolve the issue?

    Best Regards,





    I am experiencing the same issue and there is no error in my debug.log.

    Thread Starter Lapping



    Is this an indefinite future? Or can you give a time frame for this?

    Kind regards,

    Thread Starter Lapping


    Hello Peter,

    Thank you very much for your help! I will try to use Wordfence Assistant to remove all tables and data and will let you know about results.

    I hope this will solve my problem!

    Kind Regards,

    Thread Starter Lapping


    I’ve imported Wordfence options and checked “Delete Wordfence tables and data on deactivation” and then I’ve deactivated Wordfence, but it didn’t help.
    There are still errors whenI try to install new plugins:(

    What should I do next?

    Thread Starter Lapping


    Hello again,

    I have another problem with Wordfence – upon new plugin installation I’ve encountered database errors called by Wordfence:

    Query :INSERT INTO wp_wfConfig (name, val, autoload) values (‘lastNotificationID’, ‘1’, ‘no’)
    Caller: wfConfig::atomicInc()

    Component: Plugin: wordfence

    Error Message:
    Duplicate entry ‘lastNotificationID’ for key ‘PRIMARY’

    I still cannot perform wordfence scan.

    Kind REgards,

    Thread Starter Lapping



    Thank You very much for your answer!
    I’ve followed your instructions and the result is – unfortunately, it’s in polish language:

    [Jun 23 14:13:18:1624457598.579431:1:error] <p>W witrynie wyst?pi? b??d krytyczny.</p><p>Dowiedz si? wi?cej o rozwi?zywaniu problemów z WordPressem.</p>
    [Jun 23 14:13:18:1624457598.576018:4:info] Pomijanie niepotrzebnych hase?: /home/bath/domains/×303.jpg
    [Jun 23 14:13:18:1624457598.575791:4:info] Pomijanie niepotrzebnych hase?: /home/bath/domains/×800.jpg
    [Jun 23 14:13:18:1624457598.575560:4:info] Pomijanie niepotrzebnych hase?: /home/bath/domains/×500.jpg
    [Jun 23 14:13:18:1624457598.575326:4:info] Pomijanie niepotrzebnych hase?: /home/bath/domains/×380.jpg
    [Jun 23 14:13:18:1624457598.575090:4:info] Pomijanie niepotrzebnych hase?: /home/bath/domains/×260.jpg
    [Jun 23 14:13:18:1624457598.574847:4:info] Pomijanie niepotrzebnych hase?: /home/bath/domains/×198.jpg
    [Jun 23 14:13:18:1624457598.574607:4:info] Pomijanie niepotrzebnych hase?: /home/bath/domains/×300.jpg
    [Jun 23 14:13:18:1624457598.574365:4:info] Pomijanie niepotrzebnych hase?: /home/bath/domains/×150.jpg
    [Jun 23 14:13:18:1624457598.574125:4:info] Pomijanie niepotrzebnych hase?: /home/bath/domains/×100.jpg
    [Jun 23 14:13:18:1624457598.573890:4:info] Pomijanie niepotrzebnych hase?: /home/bath/domains/
    [Jun 23 14:13:18:1624457598.573661:4:info] Pomijanie niepotrzebnych hase?: /home/bath/domains/
    [Jun 23 14:13:18:1624457598.573425:4:info] Pomijanie niepotrzebnych hase?: /home/bath/domains/×29.jpg
    [Jun 23 14:13:18:1624457598.573188:4:info] Pomijanie niepotrzebnych hase?: /home/bath/domains/
    [Jun 23 14:13:18:1624457598.572943:4:info] Pomijanie niepotrzebnych hase?: /home/bath/domains/×29.jpg
    [Jun 23 14:13:18:1624457598.572702:4:info] Pomijanie niepotrzebnych hase?: /home/bath/domains/×66.jpg
    [Jun 23 14:13:18:1624457598.572459:4:info] Pomijanie niepotrzebnych hase?: /home/bath/domains/×66.jpg
    [Jun 23 14:13:18:1624457598.572217:4:info] Pomijanie niepotrzebnych hase?: /home/bath/domains/
    [Jun 23 14:13:18:1624457598.571978:4:info] Pomijanie niepotrzebnych hase?: /home/bath/domains/×29.jpg
    [Jun 23 14:13:18:1624457598.571740:4:info] Pomijanie niepotrzebnych hase?: /home/bath/domains/×66.jpg`

    Again, there are no notices or errors in wp_debug.log. There are no errors in apache error log as well:(

    Kind Regards,

    Thread Starter Lapping



    Thank You very much for your answer and help! I’ve disabled wps hide login, but it did not help. I’ve tried wordfence learning mode to automatically add some exceptions to firewall, but it didn’t help as well.

    I am still not able to make a scan, because fatal error occurs, and I only can see it in Wordfence log and not in wp debug log.

    What should I do next?

    Kind Regards,


    I’ve got exactly the same issue! Thank You for this information!


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