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  • Have you used ai1ec from last version or did you use older versions and then updated to this one?
    Try this:
    Settings –> Permalinks —> Save Settings (without any changes)

    That’s strange indeed! Have you edited/translated any slug? Like changing “event” to “evenement” or something?

    I like your site ?? although I didn’t understood a word ehehee

    I think it is very well optimized speed wise, congratz! Nice work with wpfc, way better than I’ve done.

    I tested your twice, this plugin is working correctly and the js is loading in 121ms and 128ms! which is great, I wouldn’t bother no more!

    The site has above 90% on speedtests and it loaded in 3.40s and 3.10s, from London. I’m in Portugal and speed seems nice too.

    It’s the instagram that is slowing you site down. Your site loaded in like 2 seconds but the 4/5 lasts calls to instagram API hang for 2/3 seconds sometimes. I then tested from Canada and USA (Dallas) and those calls dropped because those locations are closer to instagram servers.

    There’s seem to be something off with one of the minifications in wpfc because you minified the ai1ec_css and that file doesnt minify well, and so you views dropdown button in the agenda is showing code instead of the icon, but that’s minor. Again, nice work you got there! Cheers

    I see it working! I’ll post again soon, just let me check better.

    Something isn’t right then. When this plugin is working, your site never loads this:

    Instead of that js file, it loads some other like this:

    About the second file you mention, it’s a css file, this plugin only takes care of the js. Also, I don’t think that css file is from ai1ec plugin.


    I think you can fix that, at least until a new update of ai1ec comes out.

    Line 46 relates to the following function, that is designed to check and retrieve the version of the ai1ec plugin:

    public static function getAllInOneEventCalVersionNumber() {
            if (defined('AI1EC_VERSION')) {//This will be faster if available
                return AI1EC_VERSION;
            } else {
                if (!function_exists('get_plugins')) {//We need this to check version of the event cal plugin
                    require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php';
                $pluginDir = __DIR__ . "/..";
                $pluginName = "all-in-one-event-calendar";
                $version = get_plugin_data("$pluginDir/$pluginName/$pluginName.php")['Version'];
                return $version;

    Since it cannot automatically retrieve the version, give it manually, by telling it to just spit out a version:

    public static function getAllInOneEventCalVersionNumber() {
            if (defined('AI1EC_VERSION')) {//This will be faster if available
                return AI1EC_VERSION;
            } else {
                $version = "2.2.1";
                return $version;

    This should do the trick! (unless you have removed the version query from the ai1ec css file for browser level caching or CDN caching, like I did)
    Hope this helps, cheers!

    Thread Starter infprt


    It’s resolved, after uninstalling and installing a few times it’s working now, out of the box and no more php warnings.

    Don’t know what was up :/ maybe the problem was removing the version numbers from css after the plugin install, installing the plugin after version numbers have been removed maybe stopped files from not being found.

    Thread Starter infprt


    Well, since the warning refers to “Generate the cached javascript from the original javascript”, I assumed I only need this if the original javascript changes, so I modified the plugin to avoid checking if there’s a file cached or/and cache new one.

    It’s working now, no more PHP warning filling the log every page view! But I just hammered it down, I’m not very good at programming so as soon as an update is made this will break.

    Hi all,

    I believe Rodenburg wants to show all (available) flags in a one-and-only top-level menu entry, even if current flag can’t be clicked. All the flags, in a row, next to each other. It’s mainly aesthetic but I like it too ??

    I used to have the lang switcher like this, in early reincarnations of my site and qtranslate, but it was only possible with widget + css, not with menu-entry. Now I have no space for a language widget so I moved the switcher to the main menu, and since the website only has 2 languages, the AL-alternative language mode works out wonderfully like John says. But soon another language will be added and it would be nice to have this feature, showing all alternative lang flags with no resort to drop down lists in a menu entry.

    What would be really cool (specially for 2-lang only sites using AL-mode and with responsive/mobile theme like mine or Rodenburg’s): the mobile/responsive design menu consists of just 2 icons, the menu-icon itself which makes the whole menu slide in from the side, and the search-icon. It would be nice to have another icon which would be the AL flag. That way, mobile users wouldn’t have to make the whole menu slide in and then scroll all the way down to realize there is language options, they would see it immediately. Of course this would only be usefull in a small number of visits so it’s not vital, but it would be nice.

    For now and for most cases, the lang switcher it’s perfect, just like qTranslate X is turning out to be, my thanks to everyone contributing to this useful and wonderful plugin! ??


    I had the same issue, if I was in the home page and changed it to the secondary language, afterwards I could not go back to main language. I also had similar issues with specific pages that get some sort of assignment, like woocommerce, but I never got to the bottom of it.

    I got rid of this problem by disabling the “hide the default language”. After disabling this option I had no more troubles switching languages in the homepage (btw, I use pre-path mode).

    It ain’t so pretty anymore having the language hanging in the URL all the time but it works and I believe it also improved performance slightly as some redirecting seemed to be involved in the hiding of the default language in the URL.


    there’s an issue with WC from 2.3.6 on, where users without edit_posts capability get redirected from wp-admin to my-account after login. This happens IF you have set a page as my-account. If you do not, you get a blank page like you describe.

    You can check if you have a page set to my-account. If you don’t have any set, what you are experiencing is the issue above resulting in a valid but blank page and not a white death page (php error/timeout).

    If this is it, it’s explained here: update-causes-wp-admin-redirect-to-my-account

    looking at what changed in class-wc-admin.php line 95 (bold parts are the changes):

    if ( ‘yes’ === get_option( ‘woocommerce_lock_down_admin’, ‘yes’ )

    another = means that the retrieved option must now match not only in value but also in type.

    , ‘yes’ means that if option is not found or set, then ‘yes’ is the value taken.
    I checked wp_options table and it seems that this option does not exist, so maybe woocommerce is not creating it on install/upgrade, and the fuction get_option() always returns the default ‘yes’ value as it doesn’t find woocommerce_lock_down_admin option in the mysql tables. Erasing this (equivalent to replacing for the 2.3.5 file) “solves” it.
    Can someone check this out? if no such option exist or should exist in the first place? I’m pretty sure I didn’t find it but I’m no pro.

    Another “fix” I’m using is telling woocommerce not to lock down from admin panel a specific user role. In that line 95, add the role (in bold):

    if ( ‘yes’ === get_option( ‘woocommerce_lock_down_admin’, ‘yes’ ) && ! is_ajax() && ! ( current_user_can( ‘edit_posts’ ) || current_user_can( ‘some_user_role’ ) || current_user_can( ‘manage_woocommerce’ ) ) && basename( $_SERVER[“SCRIPT_FILENAME”] ) !== ‘admin-post.php’ )

    So far so good.

    One solution is to replace a file with the same file from an earlier version. Details on the thread:

    @austcollins it might work but that’s changing the permissions without anything being wrong with them in the first place, it’s like giving admin capabilities.

    I think the issue is related to how the latest version of woocommerce tests if a user needs to be blocked out of admin panel or not, failing those of us who have regular users accessing wp-admin panel (in a limited way ofc). The thing is in $prevent_access = true; on file class-wc-admin.php

    This can be fixed by simply replacing the 2.3.7 file for the 2.3.5! It was easy, but I could only install a copy of the site in a local machine now… I tested it and everything seems to work fine (on local machine WAMP), the 2.3.7 version working with class-wc-admin.php from 2.3.5

    Seems quick and rather update-proof fix but I didn’t run extensive tests, I do not recommend this fix to anyone who doesn’t have regular updates of their website or doesn’t know how to restore backups or come back from crashes (I had none though). Also, in the local WAMP I tested I was using standard permalinks (/?page_id=5410), on live LAMP I use custom (/post-name/). Link structure shouldn’t be affected by this, but just stating for the record.

    I dunno why did they changed the file in the first place but it’s a touchy one, so if your store data is sensitive, be careful not to introduce any security breach. If I find the change to be one of performance kind only and test this out on a live server, I’ll post it here!

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