Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Author bio(s)Found a solution here!
<p> <?php //Con esto imprimimos los primeros 140 caracteres (a lo twitter) de la descripción echo substr( get_the_author_meta('user_description') , 0 , 140 ); ?> </p>
me too!
Previously I had this problem (it remains unsolved…), but now GWT says they are html…
I also have problems with Stripping category base…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Problem with wp_dropdown_categories functionForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Job Manager] [Plugin: Job Manager] Turn off the Job pageYou have several options…
You can go to privacy setting tab and switch of(temporally) search engines…
You can see if you seo plugin (eg: yoast seo plugin does that) was the option to communicate with your site map to temporarily disables the indexation of that page
You can install robosmeta plugin (I think…) from yoast and select that page to disallow search engines for that specific page.
This are only some suggestions. Please read all the information that is available from all the solutions that I am suggesting here
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Help with error messageI had the same problem and it was caused by popup domination plugin. Just rename the folder trough ftp and your done…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [HeadSpace2 SEO] Cannot edit Title or DescriptionHi, this is a bit of the topic but perhaps someone can help…
I have a problem with my “headspace2” installation: I can import title and description from AIOSEOP but not keywords..
Does anyone knows why this is happening?
I have already check this:
but even with those changes, plugin is not importing keywords…
Any help will be appreciated
I already found the problem!
In the “Return URL “
“The subscriber is sent to this url after entering Their name and email address in the subscription form.” I had set my main URL…Is now working perfectly.
However, I have two more questions:1 – Within the Menu “Edit Newsletter” fields “From Email” and “Reply To:”do not keep the changes when you click Save Changes.
2 – Do you have any idea why the message of welcoming will stop the junk mail box?
Yes, it exists. I had already comfirm inclusive through the php MyAdmin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Different sidebar according to different categories through the single.phpI tried some variants of the tip you gave me but without success.
I know this is not the best solution … However, I found this article that, for now, I’m using.
If anyone knows any more how to do it: Post’it!