13 years, 5 months ago
Sorry… Correct code for alternate banners in same position (almost for me) is:
<center><?php wp_bannerize('group=hella&container_before=&container_after=&before=&after=&limit=1&random=1'); ?></center>
Now all work correctly. Thanks again gaspar. Great job! Regards.
Great, gaspar!!! Now banner is visible, but if you have a banner group (like me, two banners) in radom mode, plugin displays the two banners but no alternate both banners in same position, like with old plugin version.
Any idea? Thanks.
Sorry, not found at wpBannerizeFrontend.php, line 21. In 3.0.1 version, line 21 at wpBannerizeFrontend.php shows:
wp_enqueue_script('wp_bannerize_frontend_js', $this->uri . kWPBannerizeJavascriptFrontend,
Any news idea? Thanks.