8 years, 3 months ago
Look in folder /inc/widgets There is a widget.php i edited the excerpt in the daisy recent posts here.
Look in folder inc/widgets/ for widgets.php and look for:
$excerpt = get_the_excerpt(); $limit = “125”; $pad = “…”;
I think you can edit 125 in something else
9 years, 8 months ago
is there a custom plugin didi not know that’s better to use a custom css for your own styles!
You need to change style.css in editor
Go to editor, edit single-services.php, change span_16 at <div id=”primary” class=”content-area span_16 col clr clr-margin”> into span_24, remove the get_sidebar down at the end!!
Just fill one in you don’t use and change the icon to a instagram icon!!
in answer of 3 to 5, you need to know css and change the style.css
Go to theme options, general tab, go to header right content and change the number
go to editor, choose a php and remove
<?php get_sidebar(); ?>
save it
I use thiese plugins and works.
WPExplorer Services Editor and WPExplorer Portfolio Editor
You have to make a new page, name it services and save it
Then you can add this page to the menu, it should work then.
Portfolio is the same!!
HE jelmer, you also need to change header.php
Find this code:
<i class=”toggle-icon fa fa-arrow-down”
There you can change fa-bar also!!