ims bishkek
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function wc_escapeStr(str) { if (str) return str.replace(/([ #;?%&,.+*~\':"!^$[\]()=>|\/@])/g,'\\$1'); return str; } jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $(document).on('wc_variation_form', function(e) { var form =; if ( (!$(form).data('bound')) && $(form).hasClass('swatches') ) { var calculator = new variation_calculator($(form).data('product_attributes'), $(form).data('product_variations'), $(form).data('product_variations_flat'), my_all_set_callback, my_not_all_set_callback, $(form).data('variations_map')); $(form).find('.variations select').unbind(); $(form).find(', select').unbind(); $(form).data('calculator', calculator); init_swatches(form); calculator.reset_selected(); calculator.reset_current(); $('select', form).trigger('change', []); $(form).find('[data-default=true]').find('a').each(function(index, element) { $(element).click(); }); $(form).data('bound', 1); } }); $('#variations_clear').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).closest('form.variations_form').find('.variations-table select').val('').change(); var $sku = $(this).closest('.product').find('.sku'); var $weight = $(this).closest('.product').find('.product_weight'); var $dimensions = $(this).closest('.product').find('.product_dimensions'); if ($sku.attr('data-o_sku')) $sku.text($sku.attr('data-o_sku')); if ($weight.attr('data-o_weight')) $weight.text($weight.attr('data-o_weight')); if ($dimensions.attr('data-o_dimensions')) $dimensions.text($dimensions.attr('data-o_dimensions')); $(this).closest('form.variations_form').find('').each(function() { $(this).find('').each(function() { if ($(this).hasClass('selected')) { $(this).removeClass('selected'); var select = $(this).closest('');'value', ''); select.trigger('change', []); var label_id = '#' + $(select).attr('id') + '_label'; var $label = $(wc_escapeStr( label_id )); if ($label) { $label.html(" "); } } }); }); return false; }); function my_not_all_set_callback() { // Reset image var img = $('div.images img:eq(0)'); var link = $('div.images a.zoom:eq(0)'); var o_src = $(img).attr('data-o_src'); var o_href = $(link).attr('data-o_href'); if (o_src && o_href) { $(img).attr('src', o_src); $(link).attr('href', o_href); } $('form input[name=variation_id]').val('').change(); $('.single_variation_wrap').hide(); $('.single_variation').text(''); $('#variations_clear').hide(); if ($().uniform && $.isFunction($.uniform.update)) { $.uniform.update(); } } function my_all_set_callback(selected, product_variations, variations_map) { var found = null; var value = ''; for (sa in selected) { if (sa.indexOf('attribute') > -1) { value = variations_map[sa][selected[sa]]; $('#' + wc_escapeStr(sa) ).val( value ); } } for (var p = 0; p < product_variations.length; p++) { var result = true; for (attribute in product_variations[p].attributes) { for (selected_attribute in selected) { if (selected_attribute == attribute) { var v = product_variations[p].attributes[attribute]; if (v != selected[ value ]) { result = false; } } } } if (result) { found = product_variations[p]; } } if (!found) { for (var p = 0; p < product_variations.length; p++) { var result = true; for (attribute in product_variations[p].attributes) { for (selected_attribute in selected) { if (selected_attribute == attribute) { var value = variations_map[ selected_attribute ][ selected[ selected_attribute ] ]; var v = product_variations[p].attributes[attribute]; var vs = selected[selected_attribute]; if (v != '' && v != value) { result = false; } } } } if (result) { found = product_variations[p]; } } } if (found) { $('#variations_clear').show(); show_variation(found); } else { $('#variations_clear').hide(); } } function show_variation(variation) { swap_image(variation); $('.variations_button').show(); $('.single_variation').html(variation.price_html + variation.availability_html); if (variation.sku) { $('.product_meta').find('.sku').text(variation.sku); } else { $('.product_meta').find('.sku').text(''); } $('.single_variation_wrap').find('.quantity').show(); if (variation.is_sold_individually == 'yes') { $('.single_variation_wrap').find('.quantity').hide(); } $('form input[name=variation_id]').val(variation.variation_id).change(); $('.single_variation_wrap').slideDown('200').trigger('show_variation', [variation]); } function swap_image(variation) { var img = $('div.images img:eq(0)'); var link = $('div.images a.zoom:eq(0)'); var o_src = $(img).attr('data-o_src'); var o_title = $(img).attr('data-o_title'); var o_href = $(link).attr('data-o_href'); var variation_image = variation.image_src; var variation_link = variation.image_link; var variation_title = variation.image_title; if (!o_src) { $(img).attr('data-o_src', $(img).attr('src')); } if (!o_title) { $(img).attr('data-o_title', $(img).attr('title')); } if (!o_href) { $(link).attr('data-o_href', $(link).attr('href')); } if (variation_image && variation_image.length > 1) { $(img).attr('src', variation_image); $(img).attr('title', variation_title); $(img).attr('alt', variation_title); $(link).attr('href', variation_link); $(link).attr('title', variation_title); } else { $(img).attr('src', o_src); $(img).attr('title', o_title); $(img).attr('alt', o_title); $(link).attr('href', o_href); $(link).attr('title', o_title); } } function init_swatches(form) { $(form).on('click', '', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); var $the_option = $(this); if ($the_option.hasClass('disabled')) { return false; } else if ($the_option.hasClass('selected')) { $the_option.removeClass('selected'); var select = $the_option.closest('');'value', ''); var label_id = '#' + $(select).attr('id') + '_label'; var $label = $(wc_escapeStr( label_id )); if ($label) { $label.html(" "); } $(this).parents('').trigger('change', []); } else { var select = $(this).closest(''); $(select).find('').removeClass('selected'); $the_option.addClass('selected'); var val = $'value');'value', val ); var label_id = '#' + $(select).attr('id') + '_label'; var $label = $(wc_escapeStr( label_id ) ); if ($label) { $label.text($'name')); } $(this).parents('').trigger('change', []); } return false; }); $(form).on('change', '', function() { $variation_form = $(this).closest('form.cart'); calculator = $'calculator'); $variation_form.trigger('woocommerce_variation_select_change'); var $parent = $(this).closest('.variation_form_section'); $('select', $parent).each(function(index, element) { var optval = $(element).val(); optval = optval.replace("'", "'"); optval = optval.replace('"', """); calculator.set_selected($(element).data('attribute-name'), optval); }); $('', $parent).each(function(index, element) { var optval = $(element).data('value'); calculator.set_selected( $(element).data('attribute-name'), optval); }); var current_options = calculator.get_current(); $('select', $parent).each(function(index, element) { var attribute_name = $(element).data('attribute-name'); var avaiable_options = current_options[attribute_name]; $(element).find('option:gt(0)').each(function(index, option) { var optval = $(option).val(); optval = optval.replace("'", "'"); optval = optval.replace('"', """); if (!avaiable_options[ optval ]) { $(option).attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } else { $(option).removeAttr('disabled'); } }); }); $('', $parent).each(function(index, element) { var attribute_name = $(element).data('attribute-name'); var avaiable_options = current_options[attribute_name]; $(element).find('').each(function(index, option) { if (!avaiable_options[ $(option).data('value') ]) { $(option).addClass('disabled', 'disabled'); } else { $(option).removeClass('disabled'); } }); }); calculator.trigger_callbacks(); }); $(form).on('change', 'select', function() { $variation_form = $(this).closest('form.cart'); calculator = $'calculator'); var $parent = $(this).closest('.variation_form_section'); $('select', $parent).each(function(index, element) { var optval = $(element).val(); optval = optval.replace("'", "'"); optval = optval.replace('"', """); calculator.set_selected($(element).data('attribute-name'), optval); }); var current_options = calculator.get_current(); $('select', $parent).each(function(index, element) { var attribute_name = $(element).data('attribute-name'); var avaiable_options = current_options[attribute_name]; $(element).find('option:gt(0)').each(function(index, option) { var optval = $(option).val(); optval = optval.replace("'", "'"); optval = optval.replace('"', """); if (!avaiable_options[ optval ]) { //$(option).attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } else { $(option).removeAttr('disabled'); } }); }); $('', $parent).each(function(index, element) { var attribute_name = $(element).data('attribute-name'); var avaiable_options = current_options[attribute_name]; $(element).find('').each(function(index, option) { if (!avaiable_options[ $(option).data('value') ]) { $(option).addClass('disabled', 'disabled'); } else { $(option).removeClass('disabled'); } }); }); calculator.trigger_callbacks(); }); } }); function variation_manager(variations) { this.variations = variations; this.find_matching_variation = function(selected) { for (var v = 0; v < this.variations.length; v++) { var variation = this.variations[v]; var matched = true; //Find any with an exact match. for (var attribute in variation.attributes) { matched = matched & selected[attribute] != undefined && selected[attribute] == variation.attributes[attribute]; } if (matched) { return variation; } } //An exact match was not found. Find any with a wildcard match for (var v = 0; v < this.variations.length; v++) { var variation = this.variations[v]; var matched = true; //Find any with an exact match. for (var attribute in variation.attributes) { matched = matched & selected[attribute] != undefined && (selected[attribute] == variation.attributes[attribute] || variation.attributes[attribute] == ''); } if (matched) { return variation; } } return false; } } function variation_calculator(keys, possibile, possibile_flat, all_set_callback, not_all_set_callback, variations_map) { this.recalc_needed = true; this.all_set_callback = all_set_callback; this.not_all_set_callback = not_all_set_callback; //The varioius variation key values available as configured in woocommerce. this.variation_keys = keys; this.variations_map = variations_map; //The actual variations that are configured in woocommerce. this.variations_available = possibile_flat; //Stores the attribute + values that are currently available this.variations_current = {}; //Stores the selected attributes + values this.variations_selected = {}; this.reset_current = function( ) { for (var key in this.variation_keys) { this.variations_current[ key ] = {}; for (var av = 0; av < this.variation_keys[key].length; av++) { this.variations_current[ key ][ this.variation_keys[key][av] ] = 0; } } }; this.update_current = function( ) { this.reset_current(); for (var i = 0; i < this.variations_available.length; i++) { for (var attribute in this.variations_available[ i ]) { var available_value = this.variations_available[ i ][attribute]; var selected_value = this.variations_selected[attribute]; if (selected_value && selected_value == available_value) { this.variations_current[ attribute ][ available_value ] = 1;//this is a currently selected attribute value } else { var result = true; //Loop though any other item that is selected, checking to see if any do not match. for (var other_selected_attribute in this.variations_selected) { if (other_selected_attribute == attribute) { //We are looking to see if any attribute that is selected will cause this to fail. continue; } var other_selected_attribute_value = this.variations_selected[other_selected_attribute]; var other_available_attribute_value = this.variations_available[i][other_selected_attribute]; if (other_selected_attribute_value) { if (other_available_attribute_value) { if (other_selected_attribute_value != other_available_attribute_value) { result = false; } } } } if (result) { if (available_value) { this.variations_current[ attribute ][ available_value ] = 1; } else { for (var av in this.variations_current[ attribute ]) { this.variations_current[ attribute ][ av ] = 1; } } } } } } this.recalc_needed = false; }; this.get_current = function() { if (this.recalc_needed) { this.update_current(); } return this.variations_current; }; this.get_value_is_current = function(key, value) { if (this.recalc_needed) { this.update_current(); } return this.variations_current[ key ][ value ] === true; }; this.reset_selected = function() { this.recalc_needed = true; this.variations_selected = {}; } this.set_selected = function(key, value) { this.recalc_needed = true; this.variations_selected[ key ] = value; }; this.get_selected = function() { return this.variations_selected; } this.trigger_callbacks = function() { var all_set = true; for (var key in this.variation_keys) { all_set = all_set & this.variations_selected[key] != undefined && this.variations_selected[key] != ''; } if (all_set) { this.all_set_callback(this.variations_selected, possibile, this.variations_map ); } else { this.not_all_set_callback(); } } } ;
its simpledelete lines
$('form.cart').trigger('found_variation', [variation]);
if (variation.min_qty) { $('.single_variation_wrap').find('input[name=quantity]').attr('data-min', variation.min_qty).val(variation.min_qty); } else { $('.single_variation_wrap').find('input[name=quantity]').removeAttr('data-min'); } if (variation.max_qty) { $('.single_variation_wrap').find('input[name=quantity]').attr('data-max', variation.max_qty); } else { $('.single_variation_wrap').find('input[name=quantity]').removeAttr('data-max'); }
in WooCommerce Variation Swatches and Photos/ assets/ js/ swatches-and-photos.js
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