Looks like I found a bug in your free version. The “Check new posts after every:” option in your widget does not work. This cache actually never expires. Gone through the code and traced the faulty code:
File: public/views/feed.php
Code to review: line 32 – 36
if($cache_unit == ‘minutes’) $cache_unit = 60;
if($cache_unit == ‘hours’) $cache_unit = 60*60;
if($cache_unit == ‘days’) $cache_unit = 60*60*24;
$cache_seconds = $cache_duration * $cache_unit;
When user saves widget settings, you are saving the Unit value in $cache_duration and the Duration is saved in the $cache_unit.
As a result the code above is always returning 0 as the transient lifetime and caching the feed for lifetime and not updating it.
Hope you will have a fix very soon and give us an update.