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It works !
Thank you !
Erh… I made a mistake. For the code to work with :
$output .= '<div ' . implode( ' ', $element_attributes) . '>';
Step 3
if( !empty( $atts['xdata'] ) ) { $custom_datas = explode(',', $atts['xdata']); foreach($custom_datas as $custom_data) { $element_attributes[] = trim( $custom_data); } }
DO NOT use esc_attr(); with $atts[‘my_custom_data’]
and the value of your text field should be encapsulated with double quotes :
Then, data attributes are rendered like this :
<div data-kc-fullheight="true" data-kc-fullwidth="row" data-key="value" data-key2="value2" class="kc_row home-row-parallax" data-kc-action="loaded">...</div>
And yes it works with my custom posts ??
OK. I got it, thank to wpeffects posts and your answer.
For those who need to get it work here are the steps you need to follow :
Step 1
Add map param in your functions.php (or any file.php included in functions.php with locale_template(); ) :
add_action('init', 'kc_add_data', 99 ); function kc_add_data(){ global $kc; $kc->add_map_param( 'kc_row', array( 'name' => 'my_custom_data', 'label' => __('Extra Data', 'KingComposer'), 'type' => 'text', 'admin_label' => true, 'description' => __('Extra Data (ex: data-key="value")', 'KingComposer') ), 1 ); }
The code above adds a text field in row settings (kc_row).
Step 2
Create a folder called kingcomposer in your activated template directory. Then copy kc_row.php from wp-content/plugins/kingcomposer/shortcodes/ folder into your template’s kingcomposer folder.
Step 3
Edit your kc_row.php and before :
$output .= '<div class="kc-row-container' . esc_attr($container_class) . '">';
add :
if( !empty( $atts['my_custom_data'] ) ) { $custom_datas = explode(',', esc_attr( $atts['xdata'] )); foreach($custom_datas as $custom_data) { $element_attributes[] = $custom_data; } }
Now the code part is done, you can go check if the fiel exists in row param in King Composer on any page. Be aware that kc_row map is for rows at root of your post / page. If you need to add extra data-* attributes to rows inside, replace kc_row by kc_row_inner and copy and edit kc_row_inner.php
One last thing !
The code above lets you add multiple data attributs with couple key=value coma separated. No need to write quotes, it is added automatically :
Renders like this :
<div data-kc-fullheight="true" data-kc-fullwidth="row" data-key="value" data-key2="value2" class="kc_row home-row-parallax" data-kc-action="loaded">...</div>
I’m sorry but I don’t understand your answer.
For me ‘data’ is not CSS but dom element attribute.Maybe I didn’t get what add_map_param() really do.
I thought that with this function I could add custom data-* attributes to row element on the frontend for the row to be rendered like this :
<div class="kc_row" data-key="value"> ... </div>
Is that possible ?
Thanks !
I managed to create text field with this :
function kc_add_data(){ global $kc; $kc->add_map_param( 'kc_row', array( 'name' => 'data-test', 'label' => __('Extra Data-test', 'KingComposer'), 'type' => 'text', 'admin_label' => true, 'description' => __('Data-test', 'KingComposer') ), 1 ); }
hHen I look at the content in classic mode, I can see the map param and its value in the shortcode :
[kc_row data-test="test data" css="kc-css-5981316|background-color: #ffffde; padding-bottom: 2rem; padding-top: 2rem;"]
but it does not render in the frontend :
<div class="kc_row kc-css-5981316">
Did I missed something ?
Thanks !
Hi !
Well, nothing’s wrong with 3rd party plugin.
So I mount a dedicated dev for you with nothing more than a fresh install of wordpress, king composer, and the code I use to create custom posts at the end of function.php, and front-end.php calling only custom post content.
I send you details to your contact address. Hope that will help you out to find what’s going on.
Hi !
Thank you for your feed-back.
I’m gonna disable every plugins except KC and re-enable them one by one.
I’ll let you know the one causing conflict.Hi Sami,
I perfectly understand.
I think you can reproduce this issue on a standards strict PHP environment. As my devs are hosted on mutualized hosting, I don’t have control of PHP conf, but I can tel that conf deployed by my host is not permissive.
I get the errors using php console for google chrome as E-NOTICE errors.
I hope it can helps you out.
BenHi Sami,
Hi SebastianSami, I assume you developped Permalinks Customizer based on Michael Tyson’s Custom Permalinks, so on line 489 :
$url = parse_url(get_bloginfo('url'));
returns no ‘path’ var in $url array.
As resolved on this thread :
specify the parse_url $component argument :
$url = parse_url(get_bloginfo('url'),PHP_URL_PATH);