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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: display mouseover alt text in simple image widgetAlso, if anyone is interested in seeing the plugin in this scenario with the new feature implemented, it’s at:
I’ve stacked the Chris Vickio ‘Simple image widget’ in the sidebar to form a column of image navigation with the mouseover giving intuitive direction. Clean and elegant.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: display mouseover alt text in simple image widgetThanks Chris,
a fine job all round, and for me as a brand new user, my first real glimpse of the WordPress community in action. I must say, I’m totally sold. =0)More power to you and a great plugin, Jon.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: display mouseover alt text in simple image widgetHey Josh,
I’ve just implemented the updated plugin and it functions perfectly. If anyone is looking for the perfect solution to image or custom button navigation, you’ve found it.
Thanks Josh, you’re a star.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: display mouseover alt text in simple image widgetAlso @ Chris,
Thanks for this, it’s the perfect plugin for this type of image navigation and the addition tailors it perfectly for the job.
Great plugin. Thumbs up.
Jon.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: display mouseover alt text in simple image widgetHey Josh,
Fantastic. Where can I access the plugin? My email is [email moderated]. I think it’s a real asset to the widget, especially when used in this context.
Jon.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: display mouseover alt text in simple image widgetHey Josh, its:
I really appreciate your help mate and I’ll be back with you asap.I have to go to work now but I’ll be back with this tomorrow 0800 gmt.
Thanks again,
Jon.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: display mouseover alt text in simple image widgetI’m viewing on a 1440 x 900, but I’m sure that if the bug exists in this res, it will exist in others.
What I’m tryng to achieve is alt text on mouseover and the page content to be left aligned. The page is a fluid sheet, which is the only way I can figure to get this tight l/h/s look required. when i use ‘simple image widget as the container, the content displays left aligned as required but I can’t get alt text mouseover on the sidebar navigation images. When I use the text widget and insert my image in html, I can achieve alt text mouseover on the sidebar navigation images but it bugs the main sheet content over to the r/h/s of the display. I’ve tried hovering the blank space on my screen with firebug in order to trace the source of the instruction, but firebug doesn’t see it as a mapped zone.
So I need to either ideally;Work out how to get alt text on mouseover with ‘simple image widget; or
Secondarily, identify the source of the erroneous instruct from the text widget that is shifting the main page content and rectify.
The page is set with the ‘simple image widget’ at the moment as that is the way I built the page,but I’ll happily shift it into html/text widgets if I can stop the main sheet content shifting.
Sorry if this is a bit wordy, but I’m trying to be as clear as possible.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: display mouseover alt text in simple image widgetYeah, I just inserted the bottom image as an experiment to see if I could get the text widget to work as opposed to the simple image widget. Running from the top of the page, the first 8 images are in ‘simple image widget’ and these are the ones that I cant get to display alt text on mouseover. The bottom image is html in the default wp text widget. This behaves in the manner I require, but for some reason, re-orders the structure of the page, forcing the image content on my main sheet over to the right of the page.
I’ll knock it out now so you can see what I mean and how the page should look.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: display mouseover alt text in simple image widgetHi Josh and thanks for your reply. the url is:
You’ll now see that I’ve inserted a further bottom button, which is in the form of a text widget. This resolves the problem in one respect in that the sidebar navigation now performs the way it should (with the mouseover functioning), but it forces my main page image over to the right hand side of the page?? This is why I used the simple image widget originally. So a resolution to either problem would work. I’ve tried firebugging the space but nothing shows up and I cant work out where the instruct is coming from.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: display mouseover alt text in simple image widgetAnyone?? Obviously, I’ve searched the database but the only answer similar refers to the text editor widget which doesn’t have the same input fields??
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: can I widgetize my main pageGreat start, thanks.
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: can I widgetize my main pageJust for clarity, I was then going to insert the text as URL linked HTML code.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: text widget causes align problems in articleHey alchymyth,
thanks for gettin back to me. I had such a nightmare trying to rectify the problem that I ended up converting the text into a JPEG and using an image widget to insert it onto the page instead.
I’ve got no idea why the text widget was causing such trouble but I had to find another way around the problem.
Thanks again, it can be real lonely when you feel like you’re on your own with a problem like that.
Jon.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: asign urls to thumbnail widgetAnyone??? Is this a real tough one? I’d really appreciate a response from someone who knows.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: asign urls to thumbnail widgetI’ve asked this questions in different forms for 3 days running now with no response? Is it a particularly difficult objective to achieve?