Forum Replies Created
Wow i’ve found a bug!! ?? ??
Many thanks Diego, when you have a lot of time… ?? i’ll wait for a fix!!
Cheers! ?? ??
MaxxForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Image Photo Gallery Final Tiles Grid] Problems after upgrade 3.3.18SURE that “sure is an unknown word in this world” ?? ?? ??
I’m sure your job is great, you (very kind) and your plugin (it’s fantastic), but if now it’s automatic is better… many many thanks!!!!
Yea i know about meaning of lightbox, i don’t know about limitation of free edition… about lightbox! Now i’ve understood. Many thanks.
No no it’s certain my english is the worst i ever seen!!!! ?? ??
Best regards!!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Image Photo Gallery Final Tiles Grid] Problems after upgrade 3.3.18No problem!! :-)) if problems are solved in this way all’s well!!
I’m ready to purchase your product if this could guarantee a SURE code… and no problem! I’m only afraid when i upgrade free version… in a old thread you gave me instructions, but i’m afraid to make a big mess, above all that upgrade could delete ALL my galleries! (it’s an important site)
Are you sure that if i purchase your product the only thing, that i have to do, is uninstall free version an install the paid version? SURE i’ll find ALL my galleries? What is the best profile to purchase? what’s meaning of “only 7 lightboxes” in free version that the maximun images/gallery is 7?Now i’m afraid to install the ultimate versione, 3.3.18… ?? ??
Thanks in advance, sorry for my english and thanks for yor patience… and your kindness!!
Best regards!
No problem! ??
Sure you’re right! Misunderstanding was born here –>
In this page was written “Included: Future updates – Included: 6 months support from GreenTreeLabs (extended 12 months)” and so i have reason to bieleve that support (future support) is only with PRO version… ??If i’ll have some problem, possibly, also downgrade to the previous version of your plugin will be successfully… i think..
Thanks for understanding and for your patience! Best regards!
I guess it doesn’t make much sense buying it if you don’t need it.
Ok!! Many thanks!! ??
There must be a misunderstanding. I don’t mean I’ll upgrade the lite version to the pro
Ah no no! Sorry my english is very very bad know it… ?? i don’t mean UPGRADE sorry… i mean UPDATE, and so LITE version updated (will the update of the plugin follow the update of wordpress in the next years) for many many years… i was only afraid that LITE version, at a certain point, could be not working in the future.
I understand that i don’t have a lifeplan support, but (for example) in 2024 the LITE and PRO plugin will not work (because you will live the project), what i have to do (in a short time compatibility with wordpress could be compromised)? Purchase a particular licence for support? Only for me? ??
Sorry for long post but now i hope you understand my fear… Thanks in advance, regards!
eheheheh thanks! ??
Yes correct! Support is another thing and i’d like to have (but is not necessary cause my job works great!), but the PRINCIPAL problem I’m afraid one day in the future wordpress will be upgraded and your plugin not and so two things are incompatible… i want to purchase your product to guarantee against malfunctioning and not working… for this reason!
Sure for many years will you upgrade LITE version for free? Is it real? ??
Many thanks, have a nice day! Regards.
No no! Lite version works great and i don’t need help, many thanks!!
I need only upgrades step by step (your plugin and wordpress) and so for many and many years i’m sure that your plugin will work great!! Basically this is the only problem in my mind…
To do so i would purchase the product without install PRO.. i read that is necessary to buy the product for support. Is it correct?Many many thanks!
(sorry for my english ?? )
Thanks for the answer! ??
Ok… but if i deactivate the Lite Version and install and activate the PRO version… what happens to my photos and galleries? Galleries remain configured in Lite version… right? Should i export all galleries to PRO version (i don’t know how if is this the solution) or i have to recreate galleries inside PRO version? Sorry but i don’t understand this…
But mainly i’m interested ONLY in support step by step with wordpress upgrades… if i purchase your product (i’m not interested in all features, i’m only interested in plugin upgrade) you will give assistance also with LITE version? i’m afraid to modify anything now it works great!
Thanks in advance, regards.