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Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: wp_list_categories problems with display in sidebar. need helphello.
thank you very much Sivar. your last tip with the deleting of the if-statement was the final missing bit in the problem. this solution is great.
i have now not only got the count-numbers in one and the same row as the category links but also directly part of the link. very good result indeed.
thanks for all the help.
i will mark this topic as resolved.
kind regards
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: wp_list_categories problems with display in sidebar. need helphello,
well that brings me at least one step furhter. your tip is great and i did exactly that what you said with one small addition: the closing link command. my code in the classes.php now looks like this:
$link .= '>'; // $link .= $cat_name . '</a>'; $link .= $cat_name; // (or that one with apply_filters('..') if ( isset($show_count) && $show_count ) $link .= ' (' . intval($category->category_count) . ')'; $link .= '</a>';
no this has brought the following result:
------------------------ | categroy link 1 (15) | ------------------------ (15) ----------------------- | category link 2 (8) | ----------------------- (8) ------------------------ | category link 3 (25) | ------------------------ (25)
the count-numbers are now part of the link which is okay but would not have been important but it is fine. however the count-numbers are still beneath the box aswell as being in the link.
if i now edit the sidebar.php again and take the ‘&show_count=1’ away again then the count-numbers will be gone again from both spots. meaning no longer in the link and no longer underneath the link box.
this means there is still some kind of ‘flaw’ in somewhere. by the way: all core-files have not been modified in any way (appart from the quicktags.js) … everything else has up till now been out of the box standard wordpress 2.2.1
this was my first major edit to any core files at all.
now that i now what is meant by needing more information to help i can say if you install a offline version of wordpress 2.2.1 out of the box then you would have the same as me.
the only differences would be my own quicktags.js and now the classes.php
so that brings it all to a understandable level i guess.
now my final question would be: how can i get away the numbers now that are still below. screenshot of that section now at the moment:
screenshot of a few minutes ago (11KB)any ideas or is there now solution for that at all?
it would basically be enough if the pink numbers were in the same line as the link. having the number in the link is cool but would not have been important. it is now essential to get either the pink numbers away completely or to find another solution to the problem.
but in any case: thank you Sivar for the great idea. as you can see it is a partial improvement and therefore i am very happy that you came up with this idea. if you have the time and want to follow up on the other little bug, then i would really be very happy. thank you very much.
kind regards.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Header Background Image Too Smallhello.
you should be able to use larger images. if it does not work or if the image is repeated then that is the fault of the style.css file.
you will need to look in the css file for something that will look like this:
background-image: url('images/header.jpg'); repeat; background-attachment: repeat;
and then change the word(s) ‘repeat’ into ‘fixed’
that will stopt the image from being repeated. then make the image you want and give it the same name as the original and upload it and overwrite the original. then see what happens.don’t forget to make backups before trying anything at all!
if it works fine then you will be happy, if it doesn’t then i guess you will be replying again here.
kind regards and good luck.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: wp_list_categories problems with display in sidebar. need helphello,
i guess nobody can or wants to help me in this issue?
i can’t do more than post the code (see above complete code as zipfile-link) and there is no mention of anything to do with the alignment of the count-numbers in the documentation of wp_list_categories
all it says there is just how to activate or deactivate the count.that it destroys all of the design by activating it doesn’t seem to bother anyone but me. i am not pleased with the look of my navigation with the count activated and if noone cares to look into it and maybe try and help me find a reasonable solution then i will have to deactivate the count and will always be dissatisfied about the missing feature that would have rounded off my style (theme) quite nicely.
so if you have any idea at all on a workaround then please help me out. it can’t be all that difficult for all the experts?
kind regards
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: wp_list_categories problems with display in sidebar. need helphello.
i have now uploaded the style as a *.zip file and it can be downloaded here: zipfile … rightclick and save as
please keep in mind three very important things:
01. it will not be there downloadable anymore when my problem has been solved.
02. a few elements will not display correctly without using certain tags which i made by editing the quicktags.js … this mainly concerns the code, quote and spoiler features
03. there is a textfile included that is called read_me_first_important.txt … it is very important that you do this before you activate the style. it is a quick edit of the header.php in the theme because there are some links in there that lead to the css files and to the ico file. if you do not edit this then the style or theme will not work correctlyonce you have activated the theme then please start your test and look at the sidebar. see in there the dropdown to the archives with months and behind it the count-numbers and then look directly under that dropdown at the category section and you will see that what i described in my question right at the top.
look below at the blogroll links and you will notice the difference and will see why i am so disappointed in what it looks like now.
if you know where i would have to edit or what i would have to edit then please help out as it is very upsetting if it looks so untidy.
thanks in advance for all the help.
best regards.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: wp_list_categories problems with display in sidebar. need helphello,
well what code segments would you require ? my blog is not online yet due to testing in an offline localhost version, so i can’t really show you what i mean.
i can gladly however post codesegments that could help or even upload the style for download/demonstration but keep
in mind it is unfinished!sofar it consists of 8 php files, 10 css files, 3 gif files, 2 png files and 1 ico file
however all the css files are identical appart from one colour. i use a highlight colour and wanted the user to decide what colour will be the highlight colour.
either i can post codesegments of what you need to know or as i say i can upload the style as a zipfile somewhere.
if it leads to the result of having it displayed in the way i envisioned it then i would gladly help in any way as best i can.
best regards
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: problem with display of code segments in code tagsfound solution:
using the css element white-space:pre;
that works perfectly. it uses the exact given spaces and displays code like i wrote it. so this topic is resolved and i will mark it that way.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: problem with display of code segments in code tagshello,
so no ideas anyone ? or does nobody understand what i am trying to say ? my english may not be the best but i think the text should be fairly understandable.
any ideas on a solution to the problem ?
summary of the problem:
wordpress 2.2.1 does not display (in the default style) code
segments (within the code-tags) like they were written. several spacebar-pressings are reduced to one and not left the way they were intended to be.i would be thankfull if someone came up with a solution.
kind regards
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: problem with sidebar and entry-title blogrollhi
thanks once again moshu. now i understand the meaning of that. the support speed and the way you go about it deserves a full 10 out of 10 points.
thank you kindly
i will mark the topic as solved.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: problem with sidebar and entry-title blogrollhi,
thanks moshu … i did not notice that option before at all. i guess that solves my problem. *great* … i have one
further related question:the things i can edit there are:
Category name:
Category slug:what is a category slug ? a slug is like some kind of animal that sucks blood if i am not mistaken ?
sorry my english is not the best as i do not live in a country where english is spoken as the main language.
kind regards