Did not know WP has any sort of “registration” since all it looks like to me is a place to post blog information.
I am linking MyBB up to WP and so when you come to my site I want to give them the ability to register on my WP site instead of having to go to the forum and then register. Right now my registration works. https://www.mydomain.com/registration. Fill in username, pass, email and then it will add the information to my forum database and then you can login to the forum. But I am going to incorporate a few features on the WP side of things for those who have signed up. (AKA member benefits).
So I dont have a use for the WP master login page other then me and a few others who will become content posters on the main page.
Anyways, i am trying to add AJAX it appears like. I have uploaded the script files directly to https://www.mydomain.com/test/register.php and it will work fine (i have to change mysql information). But when I paste the same code into the page where I have setup for users to register it doesn’t work. Just getting stuck on executing this AJAX within WP.