Forum Replies Created
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [wp-pano] Респектос разработчикамСпасибо на добром слове и за 5 звезд:) Специально для добавления krpano на сайт плагины не пишут потому, что это слишком тривиально. Буквально пара строк кода:)
Насчет редкой частоты обновления, поверьте, это плюс:) Можно открыть виртуальный тур, разработанный лет 7 назад, и он будет отлично работать:) То есть мне, как разработчику плагина, не надо вносить изменения потому, что у krpano вышло обновление и старый api не поддерживается.
На всякий случай замечу, что основное назначение этого плагина — не встраивание виртуального тура на сайт, а добавление возможности размещать в панорамах контент. В силу архитектуры управлять можно только одним виртуальным туром.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [wp-pano] Panorama is not loaded (error message appears)code <include url=”%$WPPANOPATH%/xml/wp-pano.xml”/> added twice at the beginning and at the end of the xml file.
This is because it was originally added automatically.
Try deleting it at the beginning of the xml file.
If the problem remains please email me: [email protected]Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [wp-pano] WPML compatible?Sorry, but this plugin is probably not supported
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [wp-pano] Multiple panos avaliableVirtual tour was build in the krpano vtour multires droplet.
Everything in the example is available by default in the wp-pano plugin.
For custom post types i using the Custom Post Type UI.
For multilanguage: Polylang.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [wp-pano] Blank screen instead of panoramaHi,
currently the plugin supports only one virtual tour.
You need to unpack the archive with a virtual tour and enter in settings of the plugin the path to the files. For example “wp-content/uploads/panoramas”
Also you need enter js swf and xml file names.
I hope this short tutorial video will help you:
But in any case to add different panoramas to different posts with this plugin is very problematic:( Primarily it is intended for adding content to the virtual tour like this: Plugins
In reply to: [wp-pano] Added a hot spot, click no pop-up content!Please check the status of the post. It needs to be published.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [wp-pano] Woo-commerce IntegrationHi,
for integration 360 panorama to html page you need the krpano panorama viewer:
The wp-pano plugin just make possible embed wordpress posts to a panorama or a virtual tour was created with the krpano panorama viewer.
Of course you can use other tools for create interactive panoramas (for example pano2vr) but the wp-pano working only with krpano. However if you no need embed your posts to interactive panoramas you can use any solutions without the wp-pano plugin.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [wp-pano] HotspotsTo add new hotspot you should create new post or open already exist. Then select a panorama in the WP-Pano metabox and press “Add New” button to add a hotspot to center of a screen.
Video tutorial:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [wp-pano] cant switch between visual and text when editing a postIt’s very strange. Because the latest version changes do not affect editing posts. What was the last version of the wp-pano you used before 1.12.1? Is it possible to see how it works on your server?
Thank you!Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [wp-pano] cant switch between visual and text when editing a postHi! I can’t repeat this bug:(
visual and text tabs works fine when the wp-pano plugin inactive?
What version the wordpress and the wp-pano are you using?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [wp-pano] Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.Try update the wp-pano to 1.12.1 version
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [wp-pano] Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.Hi, what version of the php are you using?
Thank you!Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [wp-pano] Хотспоинты не добавляютсяСтранно… должны работать любые комбинации. В видеоролике я даже это отметил на 2:57
Также стили можно редактировать в файле wp-pano.xml (в папке плагина: xml)
Единственные проблемы могут возникнуть только в стиле hs_info, если krpano работает на флеше. Для этого надо в папку xml скопировать krpano плагин textfield.swf и добавить строчку в стиль url=”textfield.swf”. В билд wp-pano я его включить не могу, поскольку он проприетарный.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [wp-pano] Хотспоинты не добавляютсяА что не так было?)) Может мне документацию скорректировать или настройки?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [wp-pano] Multiple pano's on pageAt the moment wp-pano plugin only works with one virtual tour with any number of panoramas and scenes. But the functionality of the wp-pano has the capability to expand to work with several virtual tours. For this, define a vtour_name parameter, in future to be able to identify the different virtual tours.
Currently, the task with multiple virtual tours can be solved by means of the krpano code.
For example tour.xml:<krpano vtour_name="cities"> <include url="%$WPPANOPATH%/xml/wp-pano.xml"/> <action name="start" autorun="onstart"> if(location == 'berlin', loadpano(berlin.xml, wp_pano.pano=berlin.xml)); if(location == 'london', loadpano(london.xml, wp_pano.pano=london.xml)); if(location == 'paris', loadpano(paris.xml, wp_pano.pano=paris.xml)); </action> </krpano>
Embed pano:
[wp-pano vars="'location':'berlin'"]
But in this case you should use the scenes in each xml file because the wp-pano does not identify the newly downloaded xml file and will remember only tour.xml. This is due to the work of krpano and I can’t fix…
More detail about it you can find on the krpano forum: