Forum Replies Created
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Backup issuesWhat Miklb is saying is right; WP stores the blog posts in the DB so to backup your data, you’ll also need to have backed up your DB first. You can then follow the link we’ve posted which will guide you on your way to restoring the posts.
Backing up your wp-content folder only backs up your plugins, uploaded images and your themes (the design). To restore these, just reupload again.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Backup issuesTry taking a look at this page on restoring your DB in the codex.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Please Recommend Hosting Solution“er…don’t know how the mods will feel about using a referral link”
As mentioned in my comment above, please do not include any referral/affiliate links; it’s bad form, intellectually dishonest and will be moderated away upon sight.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Please Recommend Hosting Solution“but they are not accepting any new signups, which makes me think that they aren’t in it for the long haul.”
I have no affliation with ASO (not even as a customer) but in my view, that sounds like sensible hosting; if anything, it suggests that they’re playing for the long game instead of short-term cash. I’ve only heard good things about them.
Personally, I use Dreamhost for my blog and I’ve been happy with them. Very reasonably priced, straightforward to configure and well matched for my needs; your mileage may vary, of course.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: list bloggers and their contribution?Please try to refrain from double posting and bumping posts; it’s bad form and needlessly selfish.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Comments: I just don’t understandIn the preferences I have checked to cut off commenting and make sure the box is not checked on the posts, but they still trickle in.
Maybe they’re trackbacks or pings (which are a kind of remote/external comment). Make sure you untick ‘allow pings’.
Currently I have that “No Comments” thing at the end of a post which I dislike, but my reading of the forum says that can’t be removed.
It’s simple to remove; just open up your theme’s index.php file and remove the line containing comments_popup_link.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Things that look like peopleI like it! Lovely stuff; keep it up!
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: WordPress uses some bad XHTML tagsif an underline button is added, it should offcourse use the <ins> tag not the deprecated <u> tag
If we’re going to be pedantic, the ins tag is technically not a replacement for the u tag; the u tag is for underlines whilst the ins tag is to semantically markup inserted items. Using it for underlining is as semantically bad as the old practice of using blockquotes for indentation. The webstandards mechanism of underlining is via CSS; the pragmatic way is via the <u> tag.
Excuse my little digression:)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: To: Widget/Plugin programmersThis sort of discussion really belong on your own blogs; the WP forum is for support issues.
This discussion is neither helpful nor productive and is heading into flamewar territory which is why I’m closing the thread.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: unexpected T_STRING“unexpected T_STRING” is a PHP syntax error
Reupload the WP files again and double check any files that you’ve updated (such as wp-config) to make sure there’s nothing out of place such as a missing semicolon or curly brace.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: New Theme Keeps Appearing on my SiteAnd, yes, I delete the folder, only to have it reappear some weeks later.
Don’t delete the folder. Instead, just switch the theme to the one that you want.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Does typepage rank better than wordpress sites?I dont see many sites in the top 10 that are wordpress sites do you? in fact i dont see many type page ones either.. i wonder if google consider blogs not sites and wont rank them aswell
Actually, due to the nature of blogs, they’re often extremely highly placed in Google and other SE.
due to them being .html
This has little impact. The main factors driving SE (search engine) rankings:
1) Number of incoming links. As Podz says, good content results in more people linking in.
2) Quality of incoming links. Highly ranked people make a disproportionate difference in SE ranking. Good links drive up your ranking; great links drive it up even more. Being connected to bad neighbourhoods drives it down.
3) Title and URL. Note this has nothing to do with the extension. Titles with keywords relating to the search help. Pretty permalinks are very good.
4) Good markup. Well written HTML are a major boon. Table based layouts are bad; semantic, concise markup is good.
5) Content. The type of content is a major driver, not only for getting people to link to you but also for SE to contextually understand your page.
6) Age. New sites are placed in a sandbox and penalised until they’re deemed stable enough to be ranked normally.There are other factors but the ones above are the biggies. WP gives a major advantage with regards to SEO due to it’s inherent nature; in fact some people have the opposite problem with their blogs being unintentionally highly placed for certain terms.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: pulk-pull.org: a site on Radiohead“When is the guaranteed-to-be-wrong projected launch date?”
It was always going to be a slowburner but we’ve all been busy recently so no news at the moment. Sorry.
Her themes I recommend if you want to tinker with css–her stylesheets are human-readable, not just machine-readable, and clearly structured.
agreed on the Phu themes, I took Ambiru yesterday and tweaked it to use on a site. So easy to modify, and so nicely structured.Aw shucks, you’re making me blush:) Glad you liked them!
“Her themes”
It’s a him ??Thanks Podz:) I guess I should start growing a beard or something:)
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Urgent help!All things have a cause. Generally, if you’ve done nothing and an issue like this occurs, it is likely it is a hosting issue (DB gone awry etc…).
Drop them an email and ask them to investigate. If you have PHPMyAdmin, it’s worth checking to see if your posts are still in the DB.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Urgent help!“Urgent help” is not a very helpful thread title; not only does it not convey any information but what is urgent for you is not for others.
Now that that is out of the way, have you checked to see if your posts are still in the DB? Can you login to the admin panel? Have you emailed your host?