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  • Thread Starter idtsevak


    [ Moderator Note: Please post code or markup snippets between backticks or use the code button. Or better still – use the pastebin ]

    add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'et_setup_theme' );
    if ( ! function_exists( 'et_setup_theme' ) ){
    	function et_setup_theme(){
    		global $themename, $shortname;
    		$themename = "DailyJournal";
    		$shortname = "dailyjournal";
    		require_once(TEMPLATEPATH . '/epanel/custom_functions.php'); 
    		require_once(TEMPLATEPATH . '/includes/functions/comments.php'); 
    		require_once(TEMPLATEPATH . '/includes/functions/sidebars.php'); 
    		require_once(TEMPLATEPATH . '/epanel/options_dailyjournal.php');
    		require_once(TEMPLATEPATH . '/epanel/core_functions.php'); 
    		require_once(TEMPLATEPATH . '/epanel/post_thumbnails_dailyjournal.php');
    		include(TEMPLATEPATH . '/includes/widgets.php');
    		add_theme_support( 'automatic-feed-links' );
    function register_main_menus() {
    			'primary-menu' => __( 'Primary Menu', 'DailyJournal' )
    if (function_exists('register_nav_menus')) add_action( 'init', 'register_main_menus' );
    // add Home link to the custom menu WP-Admin page
    function et_add_home_link( $args ) {
    	$args['show_home'] = true;
    	return $args;
    add_filter( 'wp_page_menu_args', 'et_add_home_link' );
    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'et_load_dailyjournal_scripts' );
    function et_load_dailyjournal_scripts(){
    	if ( !is_admin() ){
    		$template_dir = get_template_directory_uri();
    		wp_enqueue_script('superfish', $template_dir . '/js/superfish.js', array('jquery'), '1.0', true);
    		wp_enqueue_script('fitvids', $template_dir . '/js/jquery.fitvids.js', array('jquery'), '1.0', true);
    		wp_enqueue_script('custom_script', $template_dir . '/js/custom.js', array('jquery'), '1.0', true);
    	if ( is_singular() && get_option( 'thread_comments' ) ) wp_enqueue_script( 'comment-reply' );
    add_action( 'wp_head', 'et_add_viewport_meta' );
    function et_add_viewport_meta(){
    	echo '<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0" />';
    if ( ! function_exists( 'et_list_pings' ) ){
    	function et_list_pings($comment, $args, $depth) {
    		$GLOBALS['comment'] = $comment; ?>
    		<li id="comment-<?php comment_ID(); ?>"><?php comment_author_link(); ?> - <?php comment_excerpt(); ?>
    	<?php }
    add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', 'et_portfolio_fullwidth_delete' );
    function et_portfolio_fullwidth_delete( $hook_suffix ) {
    	if ( in_array($hook_suffix, array('post.php','post-new.php')) ) {
    		wp_enqueue_script('et-ptemplates-fwdelete', get_bloginfo('template_directory') . '/js/delete_fwidth.js', array('jquery'), '1.1', false);
    function et_add_google_fonts(){
    	echo "<link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />";
    } ?>
    Thread Starter idtsevak


    Hi Jonah,
    i have used your code in functions.php, but its not working.
    And after putting the code in function.php, i found an error that the code is coming on the top the website and my wordpress dashboard.

    i am using DailyJournal elegant theme…

    hi! I am using artisteer generated theme and Latest WordPress
    infinite-scroll is not working on my theme (My Site)

    and my selector is below
    Content Selector:
    Posts Selector:
    Navigation Selector: div.navigation
    Next Page Selector: div.navigation a:first

    Please help me to solve this

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