If you notice, those are the sizes which work as you can see the whole image on the slider. I had to adjust them variably to smaller sizes. It required a lot of back and forth of setting a size then checking the site, setting the size and checking the site. Very cumbersome. Needless to say your above post proves my point. If I set each one to the recommended 1170×500 then they would not fit and inevitably look horrible. When I posted this yesterday I had one of the sliders up to show what I meant, but not knowing when this would be replied to, I had to take down the 1170 x 500 “giving-5” slide because I didn’t want those visiting the site to think it was unprofessional. If you tell me when you will look at it, I can put the 1170×500 back up for that time so you can see . Bottom line is what you see looks ok despite the various sizes because it took a lot of back and forth playing with the different sizes.