Kyle Burnett
Forum Replies Created
By “filter” do you mean exclude from syncing or set individualized permissions?
I supposed to some degree one can use filters/actions now to make some adjustments.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Page Security & Membership] Missing TRWeird. I just downloaded 1.5.15 and below are lines 203-211 of components/app_components.php:
//If there are no groups, stop right here if(count($groups)===0){ if ( $profile ) { return sprintf('<td colspan="4">%s</td>',sprintf(__('You are not currently a member of any groups.','contexture-page-security'),admin_url('users.php?page=ps_groups'))); } else{ return sprintf( '<td colspan="4">%s</td>', sprintf(__('This user has not been added to any custom groups. Select a group above or visit any <a href="%s">group detail page</a>.','contexture-page-security'), admin_url('users.php?page=ps_groups') ) ); } }
Following (sorry, forgot to hit that button)
I can not get this to trigger from a front-end update. My code works just fine, but the
This is handling my upload fine:
$attachment_id = media_handle_upload( ‘my_image_upload’, $_POST[‘post_id’] );
But it’s AWS and S3 are not getting triggered. I’ve tried everything. I’ve had it call wp_update_attachment_metadata(), too, just for good measure.
I’ve tried tracking this backwards but I can’t seem to locate where it goes off the rails.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [JP's Get RSS Feed] option to reverse display order ?to overcome this i updated the plugin like so…
following jp2112’s pattern of deriving short codes form constants (none of which really needs to exist) i just added at line 213:
$temp_sortorder = constant(‘JPGRF_DEFAULT_SORTORDER_NAME’);
$sortorder = $$temp_sortorder;then right after this line:
$rss_items = $rss->get_items(0, $maxitems);i added:
if($sortorder == ‘oldestfirst’ ) { $rss_items = array_reverse($rss_items); }by default get_items() is arranging the items by ‘newestfirst’. so i just had the code reverse if the shortcodes asks for it to be.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CalPress Calendar] strip_tags on app/view/agenga_list.php – line 59For user-submitted events that would be a good security option. For wp-admin entered events, however, that’s probably not needed. But then that’s really more an issue of data entry security vs. data display security.
Anyhow, it’s an easy enough fix on our end.
This is a great plugin you’ve built. Nice job.
Closed this one out.
Great. FYI… the description on the plugin page ( as well as in the readme.txt still say that it’s a features of the free edition vs. the pro.
I’ll pick up the pro. Thanks!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [FeedWordPress] FeedWordPress and WYSIWYGI can see why you’d decide to remove the WYSIWYG editor. I can also see why having that as a plugin option – default off, perhaps – would be the perfect solution. I’m with ZollEdros and my use case needs the editor on – even if that means some clean up from time to time. Technically speaking, we are cleaning up all feeds anyhow and are just using the feeds to save the effort of copying content into the site from sister sites.
I just added your functions filter suggestion and it worked perfectly. Thanks for that.
This plugin is great and very helpful.
I just resolved my medila upload issue: I followed the forum’s advice and I reset the plugins folder.
In my FTP I renamed plugins to plugins.hold. I refreshed my browser – in the Admin view. I then, back in the FTP, changed plugins.hold back to plugins. Back in the admin the media library worked just fine.
Maybe that will work for you?
Same issue here. From a post/page, I select “media library” and the popup library tool says it’s empty. Of course it’s not, but it appears that way.
This is the same via the Add Media button or the Featured Image selector.
i totally agree with your goals. great stuff. thanks for the fix.
i rolled back to cpac vs 1.4.4 and all of the issues went away.
i will update my core and do more testing on a dev site later.
i worked my way back through bbpress and it looks like this: bbpress, when loaded, will call a bail() function on some of the functions when loaded. basically it appears as though it’s trying to no load unnecessary functions. like why load a help page function if the user is not actually on the page that would display it.
but, the fail is not working. the check it performs is this:
private function bail() {
if ( !isset( get_current_screen()->post_type ) || ( $this->post_type != get_current_screen()->post_type ) )
return true;return false;
}doing some testing i print out get_current_screen()->post_type and for whatever reason wordpress thinks that the post type on is “forumn” on this page:
hmm. why in the world would it think that? i’m guessing there is some sort of naming conflict? just a wild guess.
sort of found it. linke 1086 on codepress-admin-columns.php:
that loads all the other plugins to get columns they might have. and that triggers the bbpress error.
bbpress issue? should i post that to them?