On another note, there should either be: 1)a way for the admin to change the identity of the poster or 2)(probably easier) allow the admin to use a “public alias” instead of “admin” when posting. I’ve made the mistake several times of posting as “admin” and then having to delete and redo it under a more human friendly name.
Sure, I know what I did wrong, but I just wanted to point out that on the stylesheet. Don’t mind me–I just point wierd things out, and you can decide what to do with it.
who owns the directory? who owns the file? I suspect it’s root. You probably need to change it to the user that apache runs under. Check to see if the user that apache runs under can access these directories/files.
Ditto on the suggestion. Actually, probably using one db per weblog has its advantages, but it would also be good to have the option to do multiple weblogs. Trying it tonight!