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This kind of thing is usually due to a bad update or install, please delete the plugin and re-install.
Thanks, we’re looking into this.
Oh, IIS on Windows.
Please use Apache or Nginx which are supported, maybe even LiteSpeed, but IIS? No, please, just … no.
@afragen Ian from Delicious Brains here, lead dev on WP Offload Media.
Definitely something up here, we’ve had two customers say activating both plugins causes a fatal error.
My first thought is it’s likely related to how The Events Calendar Category Colors uses composer but without scoping its namespace in the autoloader. This is a little weird though as WP Offload Media does scope the namespace of everything under its own vendor dir, so *shouldn’t* clash with plugins that don’t scope them.
You should have “Settings Locked Temporarily” in both cases, so on site 1 you possibly have issues with Object Caching, cron, loopback requests, or any combination of them, or maybe something else. ˉ\_(ツ)_/ˉ
Either way, you need to check the Health Status of both site 1 and 2 to ensure all tests are passing.
We have a doc that may help you debug background processes.
You can also try pausing the update, enable debugging with WP_DEBUG and WP_DEBUG_LOG set to true and WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY set to false, resume the update and then check the wp-content/debug.log file after a few minutes.
I believe that’s due to a bug in WordPress…
However, you say it was working with WP Offload Media Lite 2.3.2?
value that is a URL and the similar “file” entry in_wp_attachment_metadata
are incorrect, they should be paths relative towp-content/uploads/
, e.g. “2020/07/Peace-e1595245110243.jpg”.When editing the
field be super careful to properly adjust the length indicator for the string you’re updating, otherwise it’ll be broken and WordPress will refuse to load it.You should try and find what plugin is corrupting those postmeta records, it’s likely an image optimizer, cropper, or something else that post-processes images and can’t handle remote files.
If you’re needing to download to server, then WP Offload Media has a tool for that.
You can see the plans on the pricing page, pick the one that’s big enough for your currently offloaded media count (you can see that count in the Diagnostic Info of WP Offload Media Lite’s “Support” tab).
With a license you’ll be able to contact us through WP Offload Media’s Support tab to get better help with the problem you’re seeing with Remove Files From Server seemingly still doing its thing after being turned off too.
You can conditionally stop Media Library items from being offloaded with the
filter.There’s also the
filter.EWWW Image Optimizer installed?
I believe there is a new version of EWWW Image Optimizer that fixes the problem.
I believe there is a new version of EWWW Image Optimizer that fixes the problem, and that may be the solution for (2) too.
WP Offload Media (Lite) 2.4 released with support for Block All Public Access to Bucket.
We have a doc about that: https://deliciousbrains.com/wp-offload-media/doc/how-to-restrict-access-to-offloaded-media/
However, please be aware that WordPress has a bug with the way its default media player handles URLs with params, such as those params added when WP Offload Media generates signed URLs.
Best option is to use a different media player.
WP Offload Media has a “Remove all files from bucket” tool.
If you haven’t been using the “Remove Files From Server” setting then you can just turn off the “Rewrite Media URLs” setting, or deactivate WP Offload Media (Lite).